Cherokee Rose

Monday, January 28, 2008

I don't know what's going on with my blog page. When I look at it, I have to scroll down almost to the bottom to find my whole right page of stuff. Don't know how that happened since I didn't change anything. How do I get it back up to the top where it's suppose to be??

I hate MYSPACE......I only have one cause my daughter-in-law made one for me so I could get into theirs and see pics and crap they put on there. I rarely go into it myself and I do nothing in it. I mainly go into in so I can get into other people's to see their pics or blog. Problem is that most of the time, it fucks my computer up! I tried to get into my army son's myspace to see pics cause they never send me any pictures and I have no idea how things are even going out there in North Carolina where he is stationed cause nobody bothers to email me or send pics or anything. So I go into his myspace and probably cause of all the music shit that's on there my whole computer freezes up and I can't do anything for like 20 minutes. I can't even stop all the damn downloading. I'm screwed and I have to just walk away from my computer for 20 mins. I have had this trouble with other myspace's as well.

I even tried to get into Tom Pelphrey's myspace (a soap opera guy) and my computer was all screwed up....

I think it's all the music that people download on their pages. Even people's blogs with music I have trouble sometimes getting into....but at least I can get out of it if it's too much trouble. Myspace is different....once it starts downloading you're least on my computer.



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