Tomorrow I'm outta here...
We got dumped with a ton of snow here on Sunday. I didn't even bother trying to get out of the driveway, so I stayed home and did nothing. Monday I decided to clean out my fridge which needed it badly and I also cleaned out a couple of kitchen cupboards. Today I took some canned goods and a few other items to a food-for-the-needy place. It was nice getting my cupboards cleaned out. Now I got some room in there.
Today I visited a cousin of mine for a few hours. He and his wife recently got back from a great vacation....a real vacation....they flew to New York and then took a cruise on a ship down to the Caribbean. They do things like that. They've been on other ship cruises and to Cancun and New York to see plays. I told him I'm just trying to get my husband to take me to Archie's Restaurant to eat.
See...we got this restaurant gift card from one of my sons for Xmas LAST YEAR and we still haven't used it yet. Can't get hubby to drive a lousy 5 miles to the place and sit down and eat a decent meal. Well, it expires after Xmas and I'm leaving for Caseville tomorrow so he had no choice. When I got home from visiting my cousin I told him either we are going on a cruise or out to eat at Archies...his call. So we went to Archies and finally used the gift card.
I am leaving for Caseville tomorrow!!!! I can't wait. I just want to get out of here. I'm going to get my place all decorated. Then my husband will be up by the weekend and put the lights on the tree so I can decorate it. I don't do lights. God forbid if I did....they'd be all over the place and tangled up and probably start an electrical fire or something. We'll stay through New Years and then drive home.
I'm taking two of the dogs and Brinks and he'll drive up with the other dog. Brinks is so spoiled. He hates...and I mean HATES....being in his cage now. I got him in it today so I could bring his cage downstairs so he can be part of the family once in awhile and not just sit on top of a door all damn day. But he doesn't like it. He sits there and sulks. Today I was up close to the cage cooing at him and he bit my nose! Then I gave him popcorn which he likes and he just had a sissy fit and threw it all out of his cage and on the floor.....Brat! Well, in Caseville he can have the whole garage to himself. Will probably cost me a fortune to heat it for him though.
So I get my medical bill for when I went to the ER in Pigeon when I had pneumonia in Caseville.....$450!! I'm paying $400 a month for my insurance and I'm still paying bills. I had to pay a $100 ER fee....which totally pisses me off. It's not like I was at home where I could have went to my doctor, and it's not like I just had a sore throat or just a bad cold. I was 3 hours away from my doctor and I had freaking pneumonia!!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's..........see ya in 2008
Today I visited a cousin of mine for a few hours. He and his wife recently got back from a great vacation....a real vacation....they flew to New York and then took a cruise on a ship down to the Caribbean. They do things like that. They've been on other ship cruises and to Cancun and New York to see plays. I told him I'm just trying to get my husband to take me to Archie's Restaurant to eat.
See...we got this restaurant gift card from one of my sons for Xmas LAST YEAR and we still haven't used it yet. Can't get hubby to drive a lousy 5 miles to the place and sit down and eat a decent meal. Well, it expires after Xmas and I'm leaving for Caseville tomorrow so he had no choice. When I got home from visiting my cousin I told him either we are going on a cruise or out to eat at Archies...his call. So we went to Archies and finally used the gift card.
I am leaving for Caseville tomorrow!!!! I can't wait. I just want to get out of here. I'm going to get my place all decorated. Then my husband will be up by the weekend and put the lights on the tree so I can decorate it. I don't do lights. God forbid if I did....they'd be all over the place and tangled up and probably start an electrical fire or something. We'll stay through New Years and then drive home.
I'm taking two of the dogs and Brinks and he'll drive up with the other dog. Brinks is so spoiled. He hates...and I mean HATES....being in his cage now. I got him in it today so I could bring his cage downstairs so he can be part of the family once in awhile and not just sit on top of a door all damn day. But he doesn't like it. He sits there and sulks. Today I was up close to the cage cooing at him and he bit my nose! Then I gave him popcorn which he likes and he just had a sissy fit and threw it all out of his cage and on the floor.....Brat! Well, in Caseville he can have the whole garage to himself. Will probably cost me a fortune to heat it for him though.
So I get my medical bill for when I went to the ER in Pigeon when I had pneumonia in Caseville.....$450!! I'm paying $400 a month for my insurance and I'm still paying bills. I had to pay a $100 ER fee....which totally pisses me off. It's not like I was at home where I could have went to my doctor, and it's not like I just had a sore throat or just a bad cold. I was 3 hours away from my doctor and I had freaking pneumonia!!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's..........see ya in 2008
At 4:19 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
ok yoru gone already drive carefull and hey I remember Archies. have a great time up there and enjoy the snow will ya....
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