Cherokee Rose

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yep...It's Saturday....

Sometimes when I wake up I lay there for a few minutes trying to remember what the hell day it is....seriously....I'm thinking "Ok, I remember watching Guiding Light yesterday, so yippee, it must be Saturday today!!".

Since Guiding Light is on at 10:00 A.M., then if it's Saturday and GL ain't even on, then that means it's Saturday and I don't have to get up til I wanna....

So this morning when the dog or dogs got me up at 7 a.m. and I went back to sleep, then I wake up when I wake up and that is when the clock said something like 10:30....and I'm panicking cause I'm thinking "OMG, I'm missing GL", and then usually this feeling of relief comes over me cause I realize that it's SATURDAY!! and I won't miss Guiding Light and I can sleep in.

That's what usually happens. This morning, I wake up.....look at the downstairs....grab the remote....flick on channel 14....and then some cartoonish gibberish shit comes on and THEN I realize that it's Saturday!.....guess my old brain is slowin down. I don't mind remembering what time or DAY it actually is when I'm still in bed and can sleep in, but damn-it.....what's the point of remembering if I'm already up???

Really hate starting my day off crappy...


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