Cherokee Rose

Monday, November 12, 2007

Oh Brinks!! What to do...what to do...

I still have Brinks. I know, I said I was going to release him by Sunday. Well, I decided that I would first try to find someone who raises pigeons to take him in for the winter until he is stronger and then release him in the Spring. So I put an ad in the Pets section of Craigslist. I got a lot of responses. First of all, people are telling me that it is hawk season because of their migration and because Brinks hasn't flown in a month and a half and was injured, his wing muscles are still weak and there is no way he will be able to out fly a hawk, especially without the protection of a flock. Pigeons rely on each other for hawk warnings and he would be out there all by himself and someone said that he will end up just being hawk food!!....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

He depends on me now. He depends on me for his food and for his safety. He likes me, even though he still tries to beak bite me all the time....haha. I bring him in my bedroom and let him out of his cage and let him play around and fly. He keeps flying on my dresser and knocking down all my cologne bottles...haha. And I've been putting him in the shed in the evening and letting him out of his cage. Right now I can see him sitting on the window ledge.

I had one lady who said she has 40 acres of land she can release him on. Another lady wrote and said she rehabilitated a pigeon and fell in love with it and is keeping it as a pet in a cage in her house and she said she would love to take Brinks as a companion for her. That's an option I am considering.

Another lady wrote and said she found a pigeon and found a "bird" lady who has pigeons who took it and she is suppose to get back with me with a phone number to call. I'm still waiting.

I don't know what to do. I am so attached to this pigeon and I just don't know what to do. I want to keep him. If it wasn't for having to travel to Caseville with my husband and 3 dogs for Thanksgiving and Christmas, it wouldn't be a problem. It will be too hard to try and take him with all the dogs this time.

I better decide on something soon....


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