Cherokee Rose

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saturday and Pippi....

Saturday night my son, Andrea and Pippi came over. All the dogs had fun playing. We had fun eating pizza and bread stix....and beer for me.

Earlier my son told me about this Estate Sale and I met him and his cousin there. My nephew bought the washer and dryer for a really great deal and we all bought a bunch of stuff....more crap I don't need. Anyway, they were selling this mink coat for half off and I bought it. It's in really bad shape, but my neice told me about this humane society that wants fur coats for the little orphan wildlife animals that adapt better to real fur than blankets and towels....they think it's their real mothers with the fur and I bought it and I'm going to send it to them in Washington, DC.

So later my son and his girlfriend and Pippi came over. And that was my Saturday.

Here's a picture of Pippi doing kisses with Andrea and Randy in the background..


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