Cherokee Rose

Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm Stressssssssssed..............

I added a few people on my list of bloggers to the right. The Dairy Wife is mother to The Farmhouse Kids, but she keeps separate blogs. She met her current husband after a divorce and became pregnate with triplets. The kids are adorable as you will see with her pictures of them. I think she must be a professional photographer because of how great her pictures are. Anyway, she also has older children and is also a grandma! Her and her husband live on a dairy farm with cows, etc. I love reading about the kids and her life.

It's Always Something is Joan and she lives in Canada and her blogs are just plain funny as hell to read.

We are still trying to straighten out this medical insurance mess and I doubt if we will. Currently, we have no insurance. Nobody at JCI seems to know anything. And they lie, lie, lie. Basically, they don't want to continue carrying coverage for their retirees and they will find any loophole and even help create one so they can "legally" drop the coverage.

Basically, if you have prescription drug coverage with your employer and you decide to enroll in a Medicare Part D prescription plan, then your employer has the right to cancel you and your spouse's insurance. Apparently, with the fiasco of Medicare Part D, congress decided to encourage employers to carry prescription coverage with their Medical Supplement plan for retirees....and they will give them subsidiary money to do so (and money is always the bottom line). So if you enroll in another company, then they lose their subsidiary money for you from the government. When hubby's medical plan switched over to the Supplement coverage, he called the benefits department and ASKED if the Supplement would still carry prescription coverage as the full benefits did (that's what I have...full benefits with prescription), and he was told NO. Also when I received my prescription card, he never got one which confirmed to us that he had no prescription coverage. So as much of a pain in the ass it is to do, he had to get online and try and figure out the best Part D plan and we would have to pay another monthly premium. Something any normal person would not want to do if they already have prescription coverage being paid for already with your medical plan. So now JCI is telling us that apparently his medical supplement plan DOES include prescription drug coverage and since we enrolled with another company then they have the right to cancel us!...plain and simple....and they DO NOT have to let us know when they do it. They can just cancel us and not say anything and let us think we have insurance when we don't. Oh, and apparently they can even still send us bills for premiums! Cause that's what they did. We got a bill the middle of January for February and we paid it and they cashed the check. Personally, I would consider that FRAUD!!

THEN....the woman who has been "looking into" this just told us Friday that if we can get disenrolled with the prescription company then they can reinstate our insurance....GREAT! or so we thought. She told us to call her on Monday and let her know if we can get disenrolled and have a confirmation sent to us to fax to them. So hubby calls the company and cancels his prescription coverage and requests a letter of confirmation sent to us. I call "Simone" today to tell her and, of course, she isn't working today and I end up talking to "Jody". Well, Jody informs us that even if we cancel our prescription coverage, we CANNOT be reinstated. Once we are canceled for having Part D, you can't get reinstated. WHAT???!! Simone told us on Friday that we can, now we can't. Like a year ago, we were told we didn't have prescription, but apparently we do. Like I said in my other post....idiots and morons.

So "Jody" is going to "look into it" and "get back with me" and she will put a "rush" on it for us, and she really "apologizes" for all this. FU!!!

Stress causes I really don't need this....cause I have no f'ng insurance!

I'm going to bed....working tomorrow....


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