Cherokee Rose

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Boy, I must be really losing it today. I put some sausage in the oven and about 45 mins later I went to get it out and it was still sitting in there cold.....I forgot to turn the oven on! So I just heated it up quick in the microwave.

I just sent a letter to my son and the postman delivered one to us from him. He finished Phase 1 of his training and he's starting Phase 2. He had to do that thing where all the guys have to go into this gas chamber and they can't breathe and their eyes are watering and their face feels like it's on fire. I guess it's pretty bad. My son says he hopes he never has to do that again.

So today I went to the gym and did the treadmill for 50 mins. They have these new treadmills now that have their own individual TV screen and you can plug in your earphones and watch I watched one of my soaps. Makes the time go by. Each session is 25 mins, so I did it twice so I could keep watching....haha

I wasn't a big fan of Anna Nicole Smith but it's too bad that she died, especially at such a young age and with a little baby and all. I wonder what killed her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was murdered. Well, guess we'll find out eventually.

So Saturday is hubby's birthday!! My youngest son is coming over and we'll all go out to dinner somewhere. That should be fun.....that's all folks!


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