Cherokee Rose

Monday, January 22, 2007

I drove back from Caseville yesterday. I have jury duty tomorrow which sucks. I did a test drive today to make sure I know where the hell I'm going. I have to be there at 7:45 in the morning.

We got a letter from my son. It's hard getting use to things, I we didn't warn him! I guess when he first arrived there, they were up til 3:40 in the morning getting processed, 20 mins left to sleep and then up at 4:00 a.m. Everybody was so dog tired from lack of sleep and the food is terrible. My son was sick on Thursday and had to be put on a fruit-only diet. He will regret his decision to do this....I think he thinks this is going to be like going to fucking boyscout camp!!

While I was in Caseville I went and talked to this cop in Bad Axe I met. His son is part of the Michigan Band of Brothers in Iraq...marines. I know that there were articles on them back in December and right after the articles a couple of them were killed. His son was there when the snipers struck but he was okay. He gave me a couple of websites I can go into to get information. His wife is a moderator for a website that answers questions for people. His son's name is Shane Peltier....same last name as my neice's husband which is kinda weird. Anyway, he was telling me how the Marines boot camp is even worse than the army's. He said that if someone sends a man candy, they will force him to eat every it's a good idea NOT to send food to them, I guess.

I start work in a couple weeks which is good. Hell, I just sent almost $2000 for 3 lousy months of health insurance premiums!!!! This retirement crap sucks. I'm going to have to find something cheaper, but it's all so damn confusing.

I know I need to try working on my home computer again....and get it up and running....soon, I hope.


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