Cherokee Rose

Monday, December 18, 2006

Playing the numbers....

Ok..... I've already mentioned earlier about my sixth sense thing I have. So sometimes I get these "feelings" or really strong hunches about things. Hard to explain, but I know it when I get it. Sometimes I like to play the four-digit lottery and I like to play my birthday.....month, date, year....and sometimes I get these strong hunches to play it, but I don't or forget to play it and sure enough it comes up within a few days....can't tell ya how many times this has happened. So recently I'm getting this feeling to play my birthday but I'm ignoring it....I'm watching the numbers and they are close, and the "feeling" is getting stronger. So last week I decided it was the right time to play it. I decided to play my birthdate for five days in a row and I've NEVER played more than a day at a time. So I played it Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday....$5 worth. I looked in this morning's paper for yesterdays numbers and sure enough....there were the numbers!.....BUT it was the MIDDAY numbers and I only played the EVENING numbers!!! Can ya believe it???? How could I be so stupid.....I should have covered all the bases and played evening AND midday for $10....I should have known better. But I have NEVER EVER played Midday....I only play evening numbers. Oh and learn, I guess.

Like I said earlier, we finally got our severance check. A few weeks ago I was at the bank talking to one of girls there and she told me how if I deposit a minimum of $10,000 into a savings account I can get a $50 gift certificate at a major store, like Home Depot, etc. I told her I'll do it when I get the severance check. So we got it. And stupid husband went and deposited it already into our checking account without telling me!!!! I didn't even see the damn check. He told me we had gotten it Thursday night and didn't even show it to me. So Friday he goes and deposits it. I DO THE DAMN BANKING IDIOT!!!! I was furious to say the least. So he seems to think that we can still put it into a CD and get the gift certificate. Well, I just came back from the bank. NO...we can't. Once it's deposited it is not considered "new money"....I told the banker, "no problem, I'm sure there are other banks out there offering similar things." The banker said we could take the money back out and then redeposit it.....but I told him that if I take $10,000 out in cash then it will have to be reported to the FBI or something....he just said that he couldn't talk about that. will. Anyway, so I'll just leave it and transfer it to our savings account and the $50 gift certificate is lost to us.....thanks to hubby.....

My Christmas shopping is almost more son to buy for. If he doesn't give me any ideas then he's gonna just get gift certificates, I guess. He is too hard to buy for. Or sometimes I buy him what I call "returnable gifts".....I just buy any ole thing and wrap it with the receipt and he can return it for the money. But at least he has something to unwrap.

We finally got our Maytag Sears $100 gift certificate from when we bought our washer and dryer. There was a problem and once I called last week, I got it straightened out and the certificate came today in the mail. I'm glad hubby didn't handle that one!!...haha


  • At 1:33 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    bummer,, I hate it when they dont' think WE need to know things,,, BUT we have to tell them when we take a shit. Have a great Christmas, I hope you at least get a bit of snow.


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