I made a couple changes to my links. I added an animal rescue blog that I found. I love reading about the little animals they help and find homes for. And "Just a Mom" is now "One Plus Twins". Val was out of commission for awhile, but now she's back...Welcome back, Val!
I am going to Caseville for the weekend...maybe be back by Monday. I have some things to take up there. I bought a grill and a folding patio table and a ton of other stuff. So I got the jeep loaded up. I also have to cut the grass. It ain't like the condo where all the maintenance gets done. Plus, in my new place with my new satellite dish I can get SOAPNET!!....and I don't get it here. I got so addicted to SoapNet when I was there last time. I was watching it around the clock and watching the same soap operas over and over. I don't get it with my cable here. I called my cable company to see if I could get it. I can...but only if I get "digital" cable and I'll have to pay $15 more....like $60/month. Hubby said he ain't paying $60 just so I can watch Soapnet. So I'll spend $40 on gas and go to Caseville to watch it. I want to get satellite here, but he says it won't work cause we have too many trees in our yard and in the neighborhood. He's full of it....I'm sure that a satellite guy could figure it out....hell, we could even cut a few trees down....haha
I went to the library tonight and got a couple of those audio books. I love listening to a good book while I'm driving....better than the crap that's on the radio anyway. And I went to the tanning salon....and I went to Value World and found a cute summer purse. And I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond (just love that store) and I bought a "doggie stepper" for my dogs. It's steps that help the dogs climb up to the bed. So they better learn to use it. I didn't tell my hus what I paid for it though!...cause then he'd say that he can "make" something and it would take him alllllllll summer to make it. Forget it....I'll buy a doggie stepper.
I hope the weekend is nice....but not too nice, cause I still have weight to lose before I can wear my shorts...so I'm NOT ready for shorts yet! I got this CD by Kevin Trudeau....Lose 30# in 30 days. He has a lot of good advice. It's scary to think of the crap that is in the food we eat.....no wonder everyone gains weight. They give this stuff to animals to fatten them up and then we eat them...so we get it in us too....gross...and fast food places is a virtual marketplace of toxins that we consume. It's a good tape.
I gained weight when I stopped smoking. I was constantly getting this empty feeling in my stomach and I kept eating thinking it would go away. I realized what I was feeling was actually "hunger pains". Hell, with cigarettes I never had them. Now, I feel like I can't eat enough...I eat and 10 mins later I'm starving again. Plus, the cigarettes raise the metabolism and now my metabolism is a zero!...so I got this idea to get some nicorette gum! So now I chew the gum and get the nicotine in my system...raise my metabolism and take the hunger pains away....well, almost...it's a lot better. So I'll see if it helps me to lose weight. The diet pills weren't doing any good.
That's about it....talk to ya when I get back....have a great weekend!
I am going to Caseville for the weekend...maybe be back by Monday. I have some things to take up there. I bought a grill and a folding patio table and a ton of other stuff. So I got the jeep loaded up. I also have to cut the grass. It ain't like the condo where all the maintenance gets done. Plus, in my new place with my new satellite dish I can get SOAPNET!!....and I don't get it here. I got so addicted to SoapNet when I was there last time. I was watching it around the clock and watching the same soap operas over and over. I don't get it with my cable here. I called my cable company to see if I could get it. I can...but only if I get "digital" cable and I'll have to pay $15 more....like $60/month. Hubby said he ain't paying $60 just so I can watch Soapnet. So I'll spend $40 on gas and go to Caseville to watch it. I want to get satellite here, but he says it won't work cause we have too many trees in our yard and in the neighborhood. He's full of it....I'm sure that a satellite guy could figure it out....hell, we could even cut a few trees down....haha
I went to the library tonight and got a couple of those audio books. I love listening to a good book while I'm driving....better than the crap that's on the radio anyway. And I went to the tanning salon....and I went to Value World and found a cute summer purse. And I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond (just love that store) and I bought a "doggie stepper" for my dogs. It's steps that help the dogs climb up to the bed. So they better learn to use it. I didn't tell my hus what I paid for it though!...cause then he'd say that he can "make" something and it would take him alllllllll summer to make it. Forget it....I'll buy a doggie stepper.
I hope the weekend is nice....but not too nice, cause I still have weight to lose before I can wear my shorts...so I'm NOT ready for shorts yet! I got this CD by Kevin Trudeau....Lose 30# in 30 days. He has a lot of good advice. It's scary to think of the crap that is in the food we eat.....no wonder everyone gains weight. They give this stuff to animals to fatten them up and then we eat them...so we get it in us too....gross...and fast food places is a virtual marketplace of toxins that we consume. It's a good tape.
I gained weight when I stopped smoking. I was constantly getting this empty feeling in my stomach and I kept eating thinking it would go away. I realized what I was feeling was actually "hunger pains". Hell, with cigarettes I never had them. Now, I feel like I can't eat enough...I eat and 10 mins later I'm starving again. Plus, the cigarettes raise the metabolism and now my metabolism is a zero!...so I got this idea to get some nicorette gum! So now I chew the gum and get the nicotine in my system...raise my metabolism and take the hunger pains away....well, almost...it's a lot better. So I'll see if it helps me to lose weight. The diet pills weren't doing any good.
That's about it....talk to ya when I get back....have a great weekend!
At 11:44 AM,
1 plus twins said…
i hope you have a great weekend. sounds like you did a lot of great shopping. i think those doggy steps are the cutest things. thanks for welcoming me back. it is nice to know some people missed me.
At 1:21 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
hahaha tooo funny you mention smoking,,,,,,,,,,, at this point I am back home in the morning and I am starting to have a bit yes just a BIT of thinking about smoking agian. I INSTANTLY tell myself nooooo you do not want to go there, I know it is jsut becasue I do nto have '"SOMETHING" there to replace it.. liek my walking SO this tells me I need to either start again or find something else to do.. like maybe CLEAN MY HOUSE UMMMMMMMMMMM maybe not .... ok have a great weekend
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