I had a great time with my little Jayden. His mom and I went shopping and bought him a cake and we got charcoal and lighter and hot dogs, potato salad and had a party. We watched Napoleon Dynamite on DVD....hahahahahah...totally moronic hilarious stupendous movie....We've watched it like 100 times and love to catch all the bloopers in it. Like tonight I showed my son a couple he wasn't aware of and we replayed it over and over.
I totally am fed up with everything.......I cancelled my cell phone service....I cancelled my telephone line for my computer, so now I am using my regular phone line for this stupid thing....and I am going to cancel Earthlink!...I am going to actually have NO FUCKING COMPUTER TO FUCK UP MY LIFE!!......If I want to use a computer, I can go to the library. So I will go to the library a couple times a week and post on my blog.....I am so done with this thing in my house.
Well, in the meantime........I just need a beer!!!!!...LOL...
and that's my life........
I cannot post what is really going on in my head....I wish I could...I see people and smile and laugh...but it means nothing....My depression is beyond the surface and I only let people see the surface.
I totally am fed up with everything.......I cancelled my cell phone service....I cancelled my telephone line for my computer, so now I am using my regular phone line for this stupid thing....and I am going to cancel Earthlink!...I am going to actually have NO FUCKING COMPUTER TO FUCK UP MY LIFE!!......If I want to use a computer, I can go to the library. So I will go to the library a couple times a week and post on my blog.....I am so done with this thing in my house.
Well, in the meantime........I just need a beer!!!!!...LOL...
and that's my life........
I cannot post what is really going on in my head....I wish I could...I see people and smile and laugh...but it means nothing....My depression is beyond the surface and I only let people see the surface.
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