Cherokee Rose

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Okay...I'm a big soap opera fan. Way back when I was really into the Marco Dane character on One Life to Live....way back when. Marco was this bad guy that ya just had to love!....He and Karen had this thing....this real friendship thing that surpassed anything on TV soap operas. Marco set the stage for Luke Spencer. When Marco was killed off I was beside myself.....I was crying so hard when my husband came home from work....I could hardly talk and he was trying to figure out why I was so upset....then he figured out that I was crying cause one of my soap opera guys was MARCO!!!! Anyway.....he had this twin brother Mario that came into the picture...and in reality down the road it turned out that it was really Mario that was killed and Marco was really ALIVE!! I was ecstatic...I was overwelmed......I was so damn relieved....cause I loved Marco. I really really loved the character of Marco Dane who was played by the great actor Gerald Anthony. I was reading recently in the Soap Digest that he was referred to as the "late" actor......WTF!!!!!so I googled his name and found out that he really died two fuckingyearsago...............Gerald Marco really dead!!!!!

Now I am sure all of you who are reading this is thinking WHO THE FUCK CARES!...Well, I do.....cause it symbolizes my life...what meant something at one time and is now gone.....and I will be gone too one you will....
I had a great time with my little Jayden. His mom and I went shopping and bought him a cake and we got charcoal and lighter and hot dogs, potato salad and had a party. We watched Napoleon Dynamite on DVD....hahahahahah...totally moronic hilarious stupendous movie....We've watched it like 100 times and love to catch all the bloopers in it. Like tonight I showed my son a couple he wasn't aware of and we replayed it over and over.

I totally am fed up with everything.......I cancelled my cell phone service....I cancelled my telephone line for my computer, so now I am using my regular phone line for this stupid thing....and I am going to cancel Earthlink!...I am going to actually have NO FUCKING COMPUTER TO FUCK UP MY LIFE!!......If I want to use a computer, I can go to the library. So I will go to the library a couple times a week and post on my blog.....I am so done with this thing in my house.

Well, in the meantime........I just need a beer!!!!!...LOL...

and that's my life........

I cannot post what is really going on in my head....I wish I could...I see people and smile and laugh...but it means nothing....My depression is beyond the surface and I only let people see the surface.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

There's nothing like indoor plumbing....

I've been back from Caseville since Wednesday and I've tried a couple times to post something but my computer keeps acting up and freezing up on me and giving me errors and bullcrap as usual. So I'll try again....

First of all, my dog Lucky is fine. I took him to the vet and they ran blood work on him. He was running a temp so they know he had some kind of infection going on, but they couldn't pinpoint exactly what it they gave me some pills and an antibiotic to give him. Then I was off to Caseville and it took a few days for him to start feeling better. We do notice that his breath is a lot better than it was, cause his breath was getting to be really horrid, so we think he must have had an infection in his mouth or teeth.

We had major problems getting our water turned back on in the new cottage. The plumber could get water at the well but not in the house. The main water pipe is a 1/2" galvanize pipe and apparently when the water was shut off all winter with no water flow going through, it blocked up....that happens with those old galvanized pipes. So we had to run a new water line into the house. That proved to be expensive. In order to run a line without having a trench dug from the well to the inside of the house....which would mean ruining my grass, driveway, flower bed, deck, not to mention tearing up the cement in that part of the house....we ended up hiring this guy who has this bore drilling machine and he drills down beneath the frost line and bores a trench underneath everything and comes up at the right spot in the house....costly, yes....but worth it. Then the plumber hooks up the pipe at the well, runs it through the trench and connects in the house. But then, of course, we had another problem. It seems that the piping in the bathroom ran off the main pipe with the blockage, so the plumber had to run another line to the bathroom. It was a real royal pain, but by Friday we had running water in the house!!! In the meantime, we had water at the well so I would fill up 2 gallon jugs and use that to flush the toilets and whatever else.

Then we had a problem with the Satellite. We got it hooked up but we could not get the local channels to come in at night, so we were missing all our favorite TV shows and I was pissed royal! I thought that it was always going to be that way. We got the local channels during the day, but by about 8:00 the signal was lost. So I told them I wanted to cancel it and I'll get cable. They told me it shouldn't be that way...there was a problem and they can fix the guy came back out and did something with the dish and I had a stronger signal. So now everything is okay. I have my American Idol and my 24 and all my faves! It's unbelievable how great a picture I get with the new LCD TV and TV at home really sucks now.

I got my new refrigerator delivered without a hitch....a small miracle...

I just love the new place! It is more like a home...and everything looks so nice. My husband really liked the way I have things. I am so excited for summer to come. I didn't even want to come home....and yesterday I was so damn depressed being here....cause here I have all the problems to deal with...all the crap....the realities of life I suppose. Caseville is my, fun, fun place.

So last Saturday was my grandson's birthday but we are going to celebrate it tomorrow since I wasn't here anyway last weekend. He is 2 years old now!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

My Lucky is sick!

My dog, Lucky....the black really sick. Lord, I thought he f'ing died on me! A week ago, he was barfing all over the house and we figured it was something he ate. So Wednesday when my hus came home from work before I got home, there was crap all over the carpets and rugs. Then yesterday he just stayed under the couch all night and wouldn't eat anything. Late last night he came out to go outside. He was walking weakly and I picked him up when he came back inside and he was shivering with a chill and his body was real hot so I knew he had a fever. I put him in his bed and covered him with a blanket but he got up and went back under the couch. I decided to sleep on the couch last night in case he got sick in the middle of the night.

So all night he never gets up. I woke up like a half dozen times and hear nothing from under the couch. So early this morning I look under the couch to check on him and he's just laying there real still and not responding to my voice. So I took a yardstick and poked him with it and he doesn't move or even growl.....Oh God, I thought he was dead! So I ran sobbing into the bedroom and told my hus that Lucky was dead. He was all upset and I'm on my knees crying. So he goes out into the family room to move the couch away and Lucky looks up at him! Hus tells me that he's fine...he's still real sick but at least he ain't dead. Dumb dog!!..haha....He should have said something when I poked his ass.

Anyway, we are all packed up to leave for Caseville, but I am taking Lucky to the vet at 10:00 and hopefully he will be okay.

Yeah, I had an extra $200 from my last check I put in the bank, and now the vet bill will probably be that much!....damn, it's always something!!

Anyway...I'm off to the vet and then off to Caseville. There's a good vet up there if I need him.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's almost one in the morning and I'm still up. I've been sorting through clothes and putting them in piles. A pitch-out-to-charity pile; a sell-at-the-consignment-store pile; a sell-at-a-garage-sale pile; a wear-it-now pile; and a too-summery-wear-it-later pile; and a huge pile of too-fat-to-wear-but-maybe-if-I-lose-10-pounds pile...haha

I already took a bunch of clothes to the consignment store and I have more to take. I have about 3 big garbage bags full of stuff....clothes and other take to the Salvation Army. The worse packed closet I have is the one where my office clothes are.....last year, I threw out a lot and got it down to the outfits I liked the best, and then this year I had to buy some new outfits cause most of what I had didn't fit, so now the closet is packed again. And not knowing what size I'll be next year, I better keep them all for now.

Dieting sucks....I am at such a plateau and I'm getting really depressed. I know I need to get my butt exercising or at least walking....I have to get motivated! Like today, I had 1/2 can of slimfast for lunch....and an Arby's melt, 2 mozzareli sticks and some curly fries for dinner....and that's it. And some crackers while I was watching TV....okay, they had a wee bit of peanut butter on them, but I only ate about 6 or 8 of them.....Tomorrow, I'm gonna get my ass out the door and at least walk my dogs.

Can't wait for Friday.....Hus and I are going to Caseville for Easter! He will drive his own car cause he will have to drive back to go to work and I'm going to stay for awhile. I'm meeting the Satellite guy to get it turned on; and I'm having a refrigerator delivered next Thursday.

Wow...I almost lost my post...stupid Earthlink!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today is my LAST day of work! Then I am off for 10 months....what a job!!

I have a separate phone line for my computer and yesterday I couldn't get online cause there was no dial tone. I have never had trouble with that phone there is no dial tone. So I hooked into my regular phone line jack in the computer room and that one is broken cause I can't get a dial tone there either....I remember now that that jack was broken a long time now I have my phone cord running out the door, down the hall and into another phone jack which works. So at least I can get online now. My husband is going to replace the jack in the computer room, and then I'm going to call the phone company and cancel the separate phone line. I really don't need it. With a cell phone, it doesn't matter if I'm on the computer on my regular phone line anymore. I know I should switch over to cable, by why spend the extra money?...

So yesterday, I open up a kitchen cupboard and see a mouse sitting there....I jumped back and squealed....not screamed...just a little squeal...and then I realized that the mouse wasn't moving. It was just sitting there. I looked closer and it was a little rubber mouse that my hubby had put he's in his bedroom laughing! So this morning I opened up a different cupboard and the mouse is sitting I'm going to fall for that joke least I think it was the phony mouse.....

Well, it's off to work I go......

Monday, April 10, 2006

The weekend......

I gave a pint of my blood to the American Red Cross today, so now I'm feeling tired....well, more tired than usual anyway.

Let's see....what did I do over the weekend. Saturday, I thought my youngest son and his girlfriend might come over, but they didn't. I guess she didn't drive down this weekend.

I had some things I wanted to donate to this animal rescue place like towels, blankets, rugs....and I had an address of this lady that was collecting things. So I drove over there on Saturday and the house was in a very upper class neighborhood. The house was on the corner and the garage door was open....there was a Crossfire in the garage....anyway, so I parked the car and decided to go to the door that was in the garage. I saw this button and thought it was a doorbell, so I pushed it and the garage door proceeded to come down!...Haha...I guess it was the garage door opener and not a doorbell. Which makes sense. I mean, who would have a doorbell in their garage. So this guy opens the door and I'm standing there in his garage and the door is shut....I explained and he laughed.

Also, my husband told me that he heard noises coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night and he thought it was me getting something to eat in the kitchen....and it kept going so he got up to see what it was and apparently a mouse had gotten inside of this banana bread plastic container I had sitting on the mircrowave and he was trying to get it out. So my husband put him outside and then he put the banana bread and container out in the garage. Later in the afternoon, the mouse was back in there again trying to get out. Dumb mouse....or whatever it was...actually it looked more like a mole...he didn't have any ears and a real short tail.

Saturday night we watched a DVD, The Wedding was pretty good.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

We went shopping for a TV for the new place in Caseville last night. Actually, I went to Circuit City earlier in the day and wanted my hus to go back with me. Then, of course, we end up getting a more expensive TV than the ones I was looking at. I had seen an LCD flat panel widescreen TV at Walmart for $899, BUT I really don't think I want to buy a TV from Walmart. I mean, Walmart is great for clothes and household goods and food and stuff, but an expensive TV??...think not. Besides, I once bought my mother an RCA 20" TV from Walmart and only 2 years later it didn't work. So I think we'll stick with Circuit City. They have a 32" LCD flat panel for $999, but it is some brand we never heard of in TV's....Polaroid....great if I want to take pictures, but not confident in their brand of TV's. Then we were looking at these Samsung slim-fit tube TV's that look exactly like a flat panel widescreen but with a much smaller back, but they only came in 30". So then we saw a 32" LCD flat panel widescreen Panasonic on sale and decided to go with that. The flat panels are great cause they hardly weigh anything at all. We really want it for home, but we need to do something with our wall unit in order for it to fit...and we really need to get something for Caseville Now, so we are going to take it there for now and maybe eventually get something cheaper for Caseville and bring this one back to use at home. It really does seem a bit much to spend on a TV for a vacation place. I want to go to Circuit City's outlet and see if I can do better. We basically decided against a tube TV cause they are going to be sooooooo outdated in a few years. They aren't going to even be making them anymore and you won't be seeing them in stores....they are going to be like the console TV's......Gone.....

I have a theory that the flat panels will be dropping majorly in price after the tube TV's are gone. Right now, they need to push the tube TV's and get them they are dropping the price on them and keeping the flat panel prices Up to encourage people to buy the tube, they still sell the flat panels even at their exaggerated prices and make money. But once the tube TV's are gone, then they will be dropping the prices on the flat panels to sell them.

Anyway, I hope it works ok in Caseville....I think, we are going to stick with the Satellite dish that is already there...not sure, if Caseville even has digital cable and you need either digital or satellite for an LCD TV.

Let's see what else is going dog, Lucky, has been sick and barfing all over my house....I am on my major diet and am starving, but I have screwed around long enough and it is now April so I have no Slim Fast, diet pills, eggs, meat and cheese.....and NO booze....yipes!!

I should go to the gym today and work out, but as usual I have too much to what the hell am I doing wasting my time on this f'ng computer????


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I got back from Caseville yesterday. I worked out in the backyard with the dogs. Mainly, I got the yard raked up. There wasn't a whole lot to rake up cause there aren't any trees in the yard, but there is a woods behind the house that some of the leaves fall into our yard. Sunday was nice and the dogs loved being able to just run around like they do at home. My neighbor had surgery last week so I was talking to his wife. He was still in the hospital with a lot of pain....poor guy. They are nice people. They are the people we bought our place from. A nice old lady had lived in it and she had no family, and these neighbors had been taking care of things for her for many years, so when she died they got her place to sell. I'm hoping to learn more about her from my neighbors this summer. It seems like we had a little in common....she liked to crochet....there are a bunch of crocheted potholders in the drawers...but the weird thing is that there are also some crochet books there, and one of the books is the exact SAME crochet book I have...and I have had it since before I was even married! There is a baby dress pattern in there that I made for my second son when I was pregnant before I knew he was is still up in the attic! Plus, she had this magnet on the refrigerator that almost matches one I have in the condo.

Anyway, I worked today and we are getting down to the last couple weeks. I don't go back in til Friday and then maybe a day or two next week and I'm DONE!!

This computer is acting up so I better get this posted before it freezes up on me. I totally HATE this computer and really, really HATE Earthlink!!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Off to Caseville.......again!

I worked today and don't have to go in again until Tuesday, so I'm leaving again tomorrow for Caseville and taking more stuff up. And I'll take my dogs, of course. Except for the lawn mower, this is the last load of big stuff. I'm taking a ladder, a rake, a big plastic trash can thingy, a roll of linoleum, and a couple of lawn chairs. Hopefully, I can get my hubby to go up there with me Easter weekend....cause he should get a long weekend.....and we can take the lawn mower up there. And then I want to stay awhile and get the plumber in to turn the water back on. Right now, I have NO water in either place. I have to take a bunch of these 2 gallon jugs of water to use to flush the toilet! It's a bit roughing it, but it's not too bad. No showers....but I can spray my hair with water, fluff it up, and it's good. Besides, it's only for a few days. I'm in stores a lot and use their restrooms...haha

Today was so nice outside....spring is here, I think....Hurrah, hurrah!!!!!!

So that's that.....til I get back.....

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