Successful First Sale Day!
I made it through the first day! I put up my signs and got to the house and there was a line of people waiting....there were tons of people coming all day....I sold over $500 worth of crap!!....and I still have a lot of stuff to sell. This one lady came late in the day after being there early in the day and she saw all the stuff and asked me if I sold anything...yeah! $500 worth. What the hell did I sell????....Told ya...I had tons of crap to sell. My house is barren...heehee...yeah, I wish...but I did get rid of a lot of stuff. I made a list of everything that was my mom's...and trying to keep track as I go along, but it's hard...but at least I have my when this sale is done I can go through everything and see what I sold that was hers. The major things like the FURNITURE is not sold....just the small stuff. I did sell her standing lamp with a table around it that always sat at the side of her couch that I always put my cigs and beer on sold for $3.00...didn't work that good, light kept flashing on and off all the time and the shade I thru out cause it was trash. I sold a few of her books. And some of her shovels, trash cans...patio chairs..and I sold this horse picture that was pretty well trashed cause of the flood I had in the basement for $1.00..that surprised me. Sold some stuff in the garage of hers.
Anyway, I did good today. I could have made more money if someone hadn't STOLEN my main sign at the end of the f'ing street!!! This one lady said she had a hard time finding the sale, and I couldn't figure out why, cause I had this huge sign at the end of the street....well, hus shows up after the sale and said it was GONE! I can't believe some people...or maybe it was the f'ing cops!....OH, cause I am only allowed 2 street signs and I put up 3!! probably some stupid f'ing cop took one down. Well, tomorrow I'm putting 3 f'ing signs up again. Thank God, hus made an extra sign.
Apparently VHS movie videos are not in much demand anymore. I have a ton of them and my son brought over 42 of them...and I only sold 5 of mine....2 were exercise videos. I was only selling them for $2.00. Tomorrow they will be 3/$5.00 or whatever you want to pay.
I only had one thing can expect that...I'm glad it was only one thing. I had this beautiful necklace and earring set with crystals and amythyst stones...paid a fortune for it and had it for $10..and it's gone! Some guy tried to screw me on this Inida necklace and earring set I had for $ was in a bag with a $1.00 on it...I knew it had the wrong price tag....bags were switched apparently. I told him it was wrong and I found the right bag and then he didn't want it....haha
This one lady wanted me to give her a deal on my grandmother's cups and saucers and said she was buying a ton of my mom's I gave her a deal....and then later she said she didn't want the I upped the price on the cups and saucers, but she still got a deal. People will try anything to get a better deal!!
Then this guy brought me over this brand new Harley Davidson shirt with tags that I had a tag PINNED on the shirt for $10.00...but there was NO tag on how could it have fallen was f'ing PINNED on!...thought he would get a better deal, I guess...told him it was $10...he didn't buy it. Hell, who cares...I'll wear it to the Harley festival next month. Actually, I have one to wear and thought my hus could wear that one but he said he won't so I'm selling it. It still has the original price tag on $25 or something. But it was obviouse that the guy took the price tag off it. A lot of my stuff has those sticky prices on and those things are crap..they fall off, but this one was pinned on. Holy shit....I'm blonde...I ain't stupid!!
Best part is I sold my vacuum cleaner!!! I bought this so-called great vacuum cleaner for $170 from Sears about 3 years's basically a piece of hus even agrees that it's totally worthless. So I told him I want to sell it and buy a Dirt Devil...I lent our worthless piece of shit vacuum cleaner to my son once and he used it...then I bought him a Dirt Devil ($60) and he vacuum a small part of his living room AFTER he had used our piece of shit vacuum and you would not believe what it took up. So I want one. So I told hus I am selling ours and buying a Dirt Devil and he said no way we are buying a $60 Dirt Devil....well, I took our piece of shit vacuum over to the house and sold it for $ geeeee, guess we'll have to buy a Dirt Devil ,cause otherwise, WE HAVE NO F'ING VACUUM CLEANER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Okay,,,,tomorrow is another day...this crap better fly out the door...and I still got Sunday. I just want to lay on my patio with a beer...
Anyway, I did good today. I could have made more money if someone hadn't STOLEN my main sign at the end of the f'ing street!!! This one lady said she had a hard time finding the sale, and I couldn't figure out why, cause I had this huge sign at the end of the street....well, hus shows up after the sale and said it was GONE! I can't believe some people...or maybe it was the f'ing cops!....OH, cause I am only allowed 2 street signs and I put up 3!! probably some stupid f'ing cop took one down. Well, tomorrow I'm putting 3 f'ing signs up again. Thank God, hus made an extra sign.
Apparently VHS movie videos are not in much demand anymore. I have a ton of them and my son brought over 42 of them...and I only sold 5 of mine....2 were exercise videos. I was only selling them for $2.00. Tomorrow they will be 3/$5.00 or whatever you want to pay.
I only had one thing can expect that...I'm glad it was only one thing. I had this beautiful necklace and earring set with crystals and amythyst stones...paid a fortune for it and had it for $10..and it's gone! Some guy tried to screw me on this Inida necklace and earring set I had for $ was in a bag with a $1.00 on it...I knew it had the wrong price tag....bags were switched apparently. I told him it was wrong and I found the right bag and then he didn't want it....haha
This one lady wanted me to give her a deal on my grandmother's cups and saucers and said she was buying a ton of my mom's I gave her a deal....and then later she said she didn't want the I upped the price on the cups and saucers, but she still got a deal. People will try anything to get a better deal!!
Then this guy brought me over this brand new Harley Davidson shirt with tags that I had a tag PINNED on the shirt for $10.00...but there was NO tag on how could it have fallen was f'ing PINNED on!...thought he would get a better deal, I guess...told him it was $10...he didn't buy it. Hell, who cares...I'll wear it to the Harley festival next month. Actually, I have one to wear and thought my hus could wear that one but he said he won't so I'm selling it. It still has the original price tag on $25 or something. But it was obviouse that the guy took the price tag off it. A lot of my stuff has those sticky prices on and those things are crap..they fall off, but this one was pinned on. Holy shit....I'm blonde...I ain't stupid!!
Best part is I sold my vacuum cleaner!!! I bought this so-called great vacuum cleaner for $170 from Sears about 3 years's basically a piece of hus even agrees that it's totally worthless. So I told him I want to sell it and buy a Dirt Devil...I lent our worthless piece of shit vacuum cleaner to my son once and he used it...then I bought him a Dirt Devil ($60) and he vacuum a small part of his living room AFTER he had used our piece of shit vacuum and you would not believe what it took up. So I want one. So I told hus I am selling ours and buying a Dirt Devil and he said no way we are buying a $60 Dirt Devil....well, I took our piece of shit vacuum over to the house and sold it for $ geeeee, guess we'll have to buy a Dirt Devil ,cause otherwise, WE HAVE NO F'ING VACUUM CLEANER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Okay,,,,tomorrow is another day...this crap better fly out the door...and I still got Sunday. I just want to lay on my patio with a beer...
At 7:27 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
Great job girl.... good luck today!!!!!
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