Cherokee Rose

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Another Successful Day!

WOW...I did good today considering it was the second day of my Estate Sale. I made over $450!! just today....hell, shit is flying out the door....I made almost $1000 in 2 days!. Tomorrow is half-price or better I hope to basically get rid of this crap. I still have lots to sell. Jeeezzus, what the hell did I sell??? You would not believe what people will buy.

My highlight of the day is this: This woman comes into the house and tells me that her parents were the original owners of the house...and this house is where she basically grew up in!! Her sister died 2 months ago...and she just happened to pick this weekend to drive to the neighbors next door to let them know and she saw the Estate Sale sign on the she HAD to come in. Her parents bought the house back in 1956/1957 for $12,000!!!! She told me which bedroom was hers. She asked me if Gladys still lives across the street....she does...she is like over 90 years old now. She told me that Gladys's son died in a motorcycle accident years ago and how she remembers him singing Elvis songs on "my mom's" front porch. It was like totally weird! She hasn't been in her "childhood" home since she was 16. I am so glad she came when she did and got to go through the house once more.

It is very hard for me to sell my mom's things.....this woman bought her coffee pot...another woman bought her salt n pepper shakers...things I remember using when I would go see her...just little things I remember....a nice couple bought her patio set. It's slowly going away. I'm sure the customers were so appreciative of my little stories and my tears as they took them away....haha..I'm sure they are like "who the hell cares...we got a good deal!"

I pulled a few her iron..hell I had it for $10...a woman asked me if I would go lower...I said $8.00...she said she bought one at a garage sale for $1.00....and I said " can get an iron at Walmart or K-mart for $10 and it's basically a piece of shit...all plastic...this iron is heavy duty metal with a fabric corded cord...and it's heavy as hell and it still works!"
....way better than that crap they sell today. Well, she didn't buy it...I am keeping it.

My g'friend stopped over...she is going through so much...and yet she stopped over and brought me donuts! Her son came home from the hospital yesterday and things are pretty much at a stand still now....not good. We talked and when she left, we hugged and cried....I cannot even fathom what she is going through. I cannot even fathom losing one of my children!.....Where the hell is this so-called God???? I think he's napping....."WAKE UP!!! We ahhhhhh kinda need you down here"....hahah..yeah. like's like I'm trying to let go of my mom through her things....and my g'friend is trying to let go of her son. HEY gave me a hand with five fingers..well, I'm saluting you with the middle one!

Okay....gotta get to bed..another day...more money...gotta make some money...HEY, isn't that what it's all about??....Life sucks...


  • At 2:50 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    WWWWOOOOOO HHHHOOOOO YOU GO! YEAH KEEP THE IRON!!! I have such a thing for very old things. It must have been so cool walking around with that woman, how long did your mom live there? Did you live there? OH well good luck! Any sale props. on the house?

  • At 3:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 3:40 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    I added a bit to my blog in the last paragraph before you posted...too upset to sleep. Anyway, my mom bought the house after she sold the house that she lived in with my dad about a year or so after he died..... she bought it in 1980/81...I didn't live there. Nobody is going to buy that house....I'll be stuck with it forever!!...haha

  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    Prayers of peace for your friend and you! Life hands out things we just can not understand, and never want to. Somebody will buy it I am sure!


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