Old broads and old dogs....
Last night I watched an old movie, September Affair, with Joseph Cotton and Joan Fontaine. It was an older video I had laying around that I never got to watching cause it's more of a chick flick and not one I would watch with hubby (like Assault on Precinct 13, a "manly" movie). So since I had Saturday night to myself I figured it was a good chance to catch up on some of my chick flick movies. Anyway, it was an old black and white made around 1950 and it was really pretty good. I love watching those old movies and seeing how women dressed...in their billowy skirts and little hats, not jeans and a t-shirt or with their boobs half hanging out in the movies today. But then that does make it easier to get your husband to watch a chick flick! I thought that the actress who played the part of Cotton's wife looked familiar like a younger version of someone I knew. So I caught her name on the credits and it was Jessica Tandy! A much younger version of the Tandy I have known from "Driving Miss Daisy" and "Green Fried Tomatoes".....very pretty. Oh how in the hell does THAT happen?? You start out so pretty even in middle age and at some point you just get all old and wrinkly....not fair at all.
I googled Joan Fontaine's name and I was surprised that she and her sister, Olivia DeHaviland, are still alive and well at over 90 years of age. Good for them. They don't look so good, but good for them anyway....
So last Wednesday I had bills and valentine cards to send out and I also needed to get my taxes paid before the Feb 14 deadline. The post office is right across the street from the township hall, so I pulled into the PO and pulled up to one of those outdoor mailboxes and grabbed the letters on the seat and through them in. Then I simply pulled around and drove across the street to pay my taxes. After I parked the car, I reached over to get the envelope with the tax bill and my check and the seat was empty. OMG....I had grabbed it with the letters and through it into the mailbox! So I drove back to the PO and grabbed a worker and explained the situation and asked if anybody could open the mailbox and get my tax bill and check. Of course, it isn't that easy cause once you put something into a mailbox it belongs to the government or some such rubbish. I had to fill out this form with information and she said that the mailbox wouldn't be opened until 5:00 and that they can call me when they retrieve it and I can come up and get it. Well, the township hall closes at 4:30 and I had to work Thursday and not sure about Friday and the taxes were due Saturday. So my eyes were tearing up and I was starting to get hysterical so she said she would talk to someone. Well, a lady came out with an attitude and a box to retrieve the mail and she opened it and got all the mail and went back into a backroom. She kept asking me if there was a stamp on the envelope. Well, yes a metered stamp but it had already been sent to me....I was using the same envelope the bill came in to put the check in to take with me. It wasn't a new stamp or anything. Eventually she came out with my envelope and she was smiling. I was so relieved and I thanked her and thanked her. So I drove back across the street and paid my taxes. Next time I am looking at what I'm mailing before I just throw into the mailbox!
Mini Sue did NOT like her puppy class. She wouldn't do anything she was suppose to do. All she did the entire hour was do her begging thing with her front paws at me for me to pick her up. The other puppies were socializing and everytime one would get near her, she would cower like a little sissy girl. Of course, it didn't help that TWO of the puppies were pit bulls! What are the odds of that?...poor Mini Sue. But she didn't like the little Shitzu or the Llaso Apso either. And I don't think she liked her teacher. The problem is she is very finicky and the whole basis of training is using treats, and Mini Sue doesn't like most dog treats and she doesn't like to eat in front of people. So she absolutely would not take a treat. The teacher tried and she just sniffed at it and turned her head. So she put in on the floor for her and it sat there the entire hour and she never ate it. So we are learning to use this clicker thing....you click and then you give a treat. Well she doesn't like the clicker thing at ALL! So now when I click and hand her a treat of cheese or something she starts getting scared and turns her head. And even if I just show her a treat, she thinks the clicker sound is coming and she won't take it. So I don't think the treat part is going to work for her, and I'm afraid I might find that clicker thing up my butt one morning if I don't stop clicking it at her!
I guess it's true when they say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.....
I googled Joan Fontaine's name and I was surprised that she and her sister, Olivia DeHaviland, are still alive and well at over 90 years of age. Good for them. They don't look so good, but good for them anyway....
So last Wednesday I had bills and valentine cards to send out and I also needed to get my taxes paid before the Feb 14 deadline. The post office is right across the street from the township hall, so I pulled into the PO and pulled up to one of those outdoor mailboxes and grabbed the letters on the seat and through them in. Then I simply pulled around and drove across the street to pay my taxes. After I parked the car, I reached over to get the envelope with the tax bill and my check and the seat was empty. OMG....I had grabbed it with the letters and through it into the mailbox! So I drove back to the PO and grabbed a worker and explained the situation and asked if anybody could open the mailbox and get my tax bill and check. Of course, it isn't that easy cause once you put something into a mailbox it belongs to the government or some such rubbish. I had to fill out this form with information and she said that the mailbox wouldn't be opened until 5:00 and that they can call me when they retrieve it and I can come up and get it. Well, the township hall closes at 4:30 and I had to work Thursday and not sure about Friday and the taxes were due Saturday. So my eyes were tearing up and I was starting to get hysterical so she said she would talk to someone. Well, a lady came out with an attitude and a box to retrieve the mail and she opened it and got all the mail and went back into a backroom. She kept asking me if there was a stamp on the envelope. Well, yes a metered stamp but it had already been sent to me....I was using the same envelope the bill came in to put the check in to take with me. It wasn't a new stamp or anything. Eventually she came out with my envelope and she was smiling. I was so relieved and I thanked her and thanked her. So I drove back across the street and paid my taxes. Next time I am looking at what I'm mailing before I just throw into the mailbox!
Mini Sue did NOT like her puppy class. She wouldn't do anything she was suppose to do. All she did the entire hour was do her begging thing with her front paws at me for me to pick her up. The other puppies were socializing and everytime one would get near her, she would cower like a little sissy girl. Of course, it didn't help that TWO of the puppies were pit bulls! What are the odds of that?...poor Mini Sue. But she didn't like the little Shitzu or the Llaso Apso either. And I don't think she liked her teacher. The problem is she is very finicky and the whole basis of training is using treats, and Mini Sue doesn't like most dog treats and she doesn't like to eat in front of people. So she absolutely would not take a treat. The teacher tried and she just sniffed at it and turned her head. So she put in on the floor for her and it sat there the entire hour and she never ate it. So we are learning to use this clicker thing....you click and then you give a treat. Well she doesn't like the clicker thing at ALL! So now when I click and hand her a treat of cheese or something she starts getting scared and turns her head. And even if I just show her a treat, she thinks the clicker sound is coming and she won't take it. So I don't think the treat part is going to work for her, and I'm afraid I might find that clicker thing up my butt one morning if I don't stop clicking it at her!
I guess it's true when they say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.....
At 8:04 PM,
Judy said…
I read somewhere that Joan Fontaine and Haviland haven't spoken to each other in like...50 years. What a waste for these sisters.
I loved the story of your dog and her training (?)--hysterical.
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