Five years ago today...... mother passed away. I drove to the assisted care place where she died and parked my car in front of the window of her room and sat in the car for awhile. I got there at 5:33 which is approximately the time when she died. I remember it like it was yesterday.
It was a cold and snowy night and when my youngest son got there, he heard a small meow coming from somewhere. Huddled and shivering near a bush was a small white kitten. He brought it inside and in the middle of our grief, we all smiled and oooohed and aaaahed at the little kitten. Everybody wanted to hold it. The nice lady working there said she would take it home for her daughter and give it a home. My mother loved cats. She would have liked that....also she would have liked knowing that there was a cat near her when she passed away. Maybe she sent the kitten to us. I would like to think so.
I miss you mom!!
It was a cold and snowy night and when my youngest son got there, he heard a small meow coming from somewhere. Huddled and shivering near a bush was a small white kitten. He brought it inside and in the middle of our grief, we all smiled and oooohed and aaaahed at the little kitten. Everybody wanted to hold it. The nice lady working there said she would take it home for her daughter and give it a home. My mother loved cats. She would have liked that....also she would have liked knowing that there was a cat near her when she passed away. Maybe she sent the kitten to us. I would like to think so.
I miss you mom!!
At 7:36 PM,
Happy Housewife said…
Can't believe it's been 5 years.
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can not believe its been 5 years already.I am sure u miss her very much. Its nice u went to that spot to remember her:)
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