Cherokee Rose

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year....Back from the dark ages

We had a great Christmas. We spent the day just the two of us, and I stayed in my Xmas PJ's all day. We took our time opening up our gifts. We always buy lots and lots of presents for each other. Every year we each try to outdo each other so it gets to be more and more....some main gifts, some small gifts, and some silly gifts...but lots of presents to open up! Hubby got about 15 presents, and I am remembering 10-12 that I got. The main things I got are Kid Rock CD, Dark Knight DVD, Bissel carpet sweeper for my area rugs, a Mouse Nutcracker, Necklace and earrings that I wanted, Marley and Me book, a daily planner and notepad, and a scarf that I ended up a few silly things like candy and bubble gumballs for my gumball machine in Caseville. So Santa was good to me this year.

Then Friday night my middle son and his girlfriend came over and Saturday night my youngest son and his girlfriend and her daughter came over. I was hoping that they could come over the same night, but with their schedules it just didn't work out, so it was a busy couple of days. Everything was going so well.....and then....

I guess early Sunday morning we got terrific winds coming through. So when I woke up Sunday morning, we had no power. It isn't the first time we lost power and usually it's back on in a few hours. But not this time. This time it was a major problem and we had NO POWER for 4 Days!!! We had planned to leave on Monday for Caseville to spend New Years there, but those plans were shot down. Instead we stayed home and tried to keep warm anticipating that any minute our power will be restored.

Apparently at the last house on our block a tree fell and tore down the power lines. With the melt we had on Saturday the yard was full of water and the power lines were laying in the water sparking and smoldering. The Power people came and put yellow caution tape around the whole yard and across the next 4 houses' yards. Eventually they sent DTE public safety people out to basically sit in their car and monitor the down lines. But no workers came to do anything about it. The house where this happened is a vacant house. The people couldn't sell the place because of all the dead ash trees in their now one of them fell and created all this damage. There was no power on most of our block on our side (other side was fine) and the street behind us, and maybe the next block down...I didn't see any lights when I drove down that block. A guy behind us had a generator that was running 24/7. By Monday night my neighbor got a generator, and then the next two houses had a generator going. We don't have a generator, so we had to tough it out. Actually it wasn't all that was actually kinda like an adventure, like camping...haha.

Luckily, we have a gas wall heater in our family room so we had heat there. Then my husband put up a piece of plastic in the doorway to contain the heat better and it was really very toasty warm in there. Plus, we have a fireplace in the living room. So I bought tons of firewood and kept a fire going from morning until we went to bed. Hubby slept in the family room where it was warm. Sorry, I want my own bed, so I slept in the cold bedroom and had about 4 blankets on the bed and wore my socks and robe. But me and Mini Sue slept fine.

We had tons of Christmas candles so we had candles burning in every room...even the bathroom. I had bought my husband one of those hats that has these two LED lights in the brim for Xmas. He thought it was stupid and wanted me to take it back. Welllllllll, guess what?? It sure came in handy. I wore it and I was able to read my books by the fireplace. I could see fine going from room to room. He had a flashlight.

My son's girlfriend had given us a cooler on wheels for Xmas and that came in handy too. We set it outside in a snow bank by the side door and filled it with things from the refrigerator. Then we filled up a box of stuff and put it all in the garage. I still threw most of it out later. I think I'll just buy new stuff.

Since I couldn't watch TV, I decided to at least go to the movies and see a movie, so I went and saw Marley and Me...which is a real tearjerker at the end. I was practically choking from trying to hold back the tears (the end was a little too close to home for me). And you could hear people in the audience sniffling and getting out tissues. But it was also a funny movie....Marley may have been the "worst dog in the world" but he was also the greatest!

By New Year's Eve I was starting to get mad....okay the camping was fun but now I want MY TV! I wanted to watch Dick Clark's Rockin Eve. It's bad enough we didn't get to Caseville and party there. I at least wanted to watch the ball drop at midnight. So then I saw them......a caravan of 5 huge DTE trucks coming down our street. They worked all day...first at one end of the street and then near our end. It got was after 6:00....Will they get it done and our power on by midnight?? They did!! By 7:30 we had power again.....OMG, and then there was light!!! So we burned the last logs in the fireplace and watched Dick Clark and the ball drop at midnight.....

Happy New Year!


  • At 3:56 PM, Blogger Happy Housewife said…

    Holy Shit I wondered where the heck you've been! Glad to hear you survived living in the dark ages!


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