I want a Gazebo....
I have my house decorated except for my tree in my family room. I'm kinda waiting to do the tree cause I don't want to get sick of it before Christmas. I think I'll put it up by Sunday or beginning of next week. I have my little table tree in my dinette up and my fiber optic one in the corner of my living room is up. I also put up a new village scene this year. My other one is a Norman Rockwell one. There are 7 houses but they are made of a heavy material...resin or something. Don't know what they call it, but they are heavy in their original boxes; and I had heavy resin type trees. Anyway, the box was so heavy to put up and down from the attic. I also had a few "Sarah, Plain and Tall" ones from Hallmark. They are plastic and much lighter weight. I went to a couple of estate sales where they had the Sarah collection and I bought all the houses. So now I'm doing my village scene with the plastic houses from Hallmark. And I threw out the boxes. I don't care if I have the original boxes. It's easier to just pack the houses by themselves. So now my village scene box will be much lighter weight. Hubby will be glad. So now I will try and sell my Norman Rockwell set at my garage sale or Craigslist or something. I paid around $250 for these 7 houses and I'll be lucky if I can get $50 bucks for them the way things are selling. Oh and then I found a plastic gazebo that is fiber optic at this consignment store, and I have it sitting right in the middle and it looks beautiful.
Talking about gazebos.....For some strange reason when I was in Caseville I started thinking about how a gazebo would look so nice in my back yard. I was even thinking about finding someone who builds them and get a price. Just thinking about gazebos out of the blue. So then I go to my consignment shop and there is a gazebo...perfect for my village scene. Then I saw a street sign advertising a free Christmas Play at this church near my house for last weekend. I thought it would be nice to go to a church Christmas pageant so I decided to go last Saturday afternoon. Now except for funerals and weddings, I haven't been in a traditional church in probably over 30 years!! But I was drawn to the idea of going to see a Christmas play. So I went. It was really nice and different...but anyway, they had us sit on these chairs in the lobby while we were waiting to go into where it started and I looked up and right over my head on the wall was this beautiful picture of a waterfall and a GAZEBO! Now go figure that out....
The play was different. It was actually a "Journey through Bethlehem". They took in groups of 20 or so at a time. They had different stations set up separated by walls and curtains, etc. The first station were the beggers. They even gave you plastic coins to give the beggers. The next station was the marketplace where they had a well where you could drink from and the women selling their wares like pottery, spices, wicker baskets, etc. Then you walked into where the roman soldiers were; the next station was where there were angels singing and Gabriel was; then you walked to where the 3 wisemen were talking; then the shepherds and the couple at the inn. The last station was the stable and manger with Mary and Joseph. It was a walk-through play. It lasted about 20 mins. Very nice....
Today I spent wrapping presents. I wrapped all of my army son's and his family's presents cause I need to get them packaged and sent out. He's still not talking to me but he's getting presents anyway.
So I'm digging out all these presents out of my closet in my bedroom. In one of the bags were some small things I had bought for my husband. At the Holly Berry Fair in Caseville this year someone from Port Austin was selling fudge they make. It is sooooo good. So I bought a small box and was going to give it to hubby for Christmas. I look in the bag and there are shreds of paper and holes in the bag. The box the fudge was in had a hole bitten through it. MOUSE!!!! They must be coming into my bedroom while I'm sleeping and going through all my stuff. The fudge was wrapped in tissue and it was all shredded but he didn't bite into the fudge though. Guess he doesn't like chocolate peanut butter fudge. Picky, picky mouse.
And alot of my Christmas decorations were ruined and shredded stuff inside the plastic tubs from up in the attic where they live. I don't know how in the hell they even got inside the plastic tubs. I got rid of a lot Christmas stuff this year....the ruined stuff plus crap I don't want anymore. I took a crap load of stuff to the Salvation Army yesterday. I am determined to cut back on my decorating. It's too hard to get all this stuff up and down the attic.
I've rambled enough already....going to bed....Nite
Talking about gazebos.....For some strange reason when I was in Caseville I started thinking about how a gazebo would look so nice in my back yard. I was even thinking about finding someone who builds them and get a price. Just thinking about gazebos out of the blue. So then I go to my consignment shop and there is a gazebo...perfect for my village scene. Then I saw a street sign advertising a free Christmas Play at this church near my house for last weekend. I thought it would be nice to go to a church Christmas pageant so I decided to go last Saturday afternoon. Now except for funerals and weddings, I haven't been in a traditional church in probably over 30 years!! But I was drawn to the idea of going to see a Christmas play. So I went. It was really nice and different...but anyway, they had us sit on these chairs in the lobby while we were waiting to go into where it started and I looked up and right over my head on the wall was this beautiful picture of a waterfall and a GAZEBO! Now go figure that out....
The play was different. It was actually a "Journey through Bethlehem". They took in groups of 20 or so at a time. They had different stations set up separated by walls and curtains, etc. The first station were the beggers. They even gave you plastic coins to give the beggers. The next station was the marketplace where they had a well where you could drink from and the women selling their wares like pottery, spices, wicker baskets, etc. Then you walked into where the roman soldiers were; the next station was where there were angels singing and Gabriel was; then you walked to where the 3 wisemen were talking; then the shepherds and the couple at the inn. The last station was the stable and manger with Mary and Joseph. It was a walk-through play. It lasted about 20 mins. Very nice....
Today I spent wrapping presents. I wrapped all of my army son's and his family's presents cause I need to get them packaged and sent out. He's still not talking to me but he's getting presents anyway.
So I'm digging out all these presents out of my closet in my bedroom. In one of the bags were some small things I had bought for my husband. At the Holly Berry Fair in Caseville this year someone from Port Austin was selling fudge they make. It is sooooo good. So I bought a small box and was going to give it to hubby for Christmas. I look in the bag and there are shreds of paper and holes in the bag. The box the fudge was in had a hole bitten through it. MOUSE!!!! They must be coming into my bedroom while I'm sleeping and going through all my stuff. The fudge was wrapped in tissue and it was all shredded but he didn't bite into the fudge though. Guess he doesn't like chocolate peanut butter fudge. Picky, picky mouse.
And alot of my Christmas decorations were ruined and shredded stuff inside the plastic tubs from up in the attic where they live. I don't know how in the hell they even got inside the plastic tubs. I got rid of a lot Christmas stuff this year....the ruined stuff plus crap I don't want anymore. I took a crap load of stuff to the Salvation Army yesterday. I am determined to cut back on my decorating. It's too hard to get all this stuff up and down the attic.
I've rambled enough already....going to bed....Nite
At 1:03 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
am so so so late,,, I am also so caught up and SO SO SO SORRY abutu Lucky,,, how did I miss that one? Lots going on here I guess I can write here seeing how no one reads my comments here but you who knows me... I am hoping to be in my OWN place by this time next year,, the guy who's name in on my marrige cert. came back from Mi and says he thinks we just need to divorce ok works for me,, but i ma so pissed right now half my kids are not talking to me and the other half are being asses.. he is being even a bigger ass,, so I plan to be hoem in June so hope to meet up with you then,,,,, enjoy your Christmas,,,, I am stressed to the max so if you go back to that little church say a prayer for me huh,,,,, thanks for stoppin.
At 10:06 AM,
Happy Housewife said…
Hi ya,
Hey you want see a Church Christmas thing... go to my dad's church (Northridge in Plymouth) it's spectacular and I don't even do church!
No we don't have the cats, Andy took them when he moved out. They are much happier with him. I think they keep him from getting lonely. :-) They'd KILL Riley anyway.
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