Mr. Snowman...and movies....
I love Mr. Snowman as you already know. So tonight when we turned on our lights Mr. Snowman did not go UP. I didn't know that. I thought all the lights turned on and everything was fine. So...hmmmmmmmmm.....about 2 hours later.....hubby informs me that I should put on my boots cause he doesn't have any boots (WTF!!..who the hell doesn't have boots in Michigan?)...(or maybe he is hinting for a Xmas present)...(or maybe I sold his boots at a garage sale)...whatever.
So anyway...he told me to go rescue Mr. Snowman. I looked out the window and all I could see was a faint light under the snow where Mr. Snowman should be. And this was about 2 hours after I turned the light on for Mr. Snowman. We have about 3 light switches to turn on for all our outside lights. I turned on Mr. Snowman. (okay, didn't exactly turn him ON, but you know what I mean....he's a fuckin Snowman!) So I put on my boots and I drudged out into the snow up to my knees and I scraped the snow off Mr. Snowman and all around him. He slowly started to rise as I was stroking the snow off him.....hhmmmmmmmmm...typical male snowman! Anyway, he is now up and looking handsome and waving at cars.
Now this is weird:
Tonight nothing was on TV as usual. So we watched this video I had called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Dyan Cannon and Kris Kristopher and Tony Curtis. Now THIS was really weird: After we watched the video, I saw that there was an old movie on TV called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Barbara Stanwyck dated 1945. It was very similar to the movie we just watched....same character names, a lot of the plot lines the sames, etc. So we watched it and then when it was over, there was a movie called "Holiday Affair" which starred Janet Leigh.....who happened to be married later to Tony Curtis.....who was in "Christmas in Connecticut" with Dyan Cannon that we just watched!!! OMG....A circle of time....
Does anybody else think this is weird or is it just me cause I've drank a bottle of wine and a few beers????
So anyway...he told me to go rescue Mr. Snowman. I looked out the window and all I could see was a faint light under the snow where Mr. Snowman should be. And this was about 2 hours after I turned the light on for Mr. Snowman. We have about 3 light switches to turn on for all our outside lights. I turned on Mr. Snowman. (okay, didn't exactly turn him ON, but you know what I mean....he's a fuckin Snowman!) So I put on my boots and I drudged out into the snow up to my knees and I scraped the snow off Mr. Snowman and all around him. He slowly started to rise as I was stroking the snow off him.....hhmmmmmmmmm...typical male snowman! Anyway, he is now up and looking handsome and waving at cars.
Now this is weird:
Tonight nothing was on TV as usual. So we watched this video I had called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Dyan Cannon and Kris Kristopher and Tony Curtis. Now THIS was really weird: After we watched the video, I saw that there was an old movie on TV called "Christmas in Connecticut" with Barbara Stanwyck dated 1945. It was very similar to the movie we just watched....same character names, a lot of the plot lines the sames, etc. So we watched it and then when it was over, there was a movie called "Holiday Affair" which starred Janet Leigh.....who happened to be married later to Tony Curtis.....who was in "Christmas in Connecticut" with Dyan Cannon that we just watched!!! OMG....A circle of time....
Does anybody else think this is weird or is it just me cause I've drank a bottle of wine and a few beers????
At 12:45 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
ok Michigan is not hell I so wish I was there ok I am a sicko ok... Glad your snowman is working and did not die out i that snow.... Have a great christmas,,,, keep warm
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