Cherokee Rose

Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm still trying to get my Christmas shopping done. Got a few ideas from one of my sons so I was out today buying a couple items. I'm getting there. I have 3 huge boxes filled with presents to send to North Carolina to my son and his family. I kept forgetting that everything I bought I have to's not like they are coming over and unwrapping them here. It will cost me a small fortune to send everything. Oh well....

Hubby is getting the outside light up and is almost done. All the neighbors have had theirs up for weeks now. I'll be glad to get our up. I love my big huge 8 foot snowman. I also bought one of those reindeer this year to put up. The neighbors all have a reindeer and my husband hates doing things that are the same as everyone else, but I don't care. I wanted a reindeer.

We got a package in the mail from UPS and it was from my godson. He sent us some yummy chocolates, coffees and a beautiful coffee mug from a company that sends out that kind of stuff. We also got one of their catalogs and I may use their services next year. They have great things.

Saturday I went out with my girlfriend. We always start out at this restaurant and get something to eat...then we drive down to the bar for a few beers. Anyway, I had a few beers...she drank coke. I had a coke at the restaurant (with rum!). I haven't seen her since September. She didn't even know that Lucky had died. So we talked and talked and closed the place down...then talked some more in her driveway. I know it was late when I got home. I slept most of the next day...LOL

Tomorrow I'll shop some til I drop...


  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    it is wet and cold here,,,, I am caught up and going back to bed. have a great holiday if I do not make it back...


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