Been busy getting all my Christmas decorations down and packed away. It is much more fun putting them UP than taking them down, I must say. Trying to decide which stuff goes into which boxes and trying to fit everything in the way it all came out is a royal pain. I think I packed, unpacked, and repacked in a different tub several times. I eliminated a lot of things while I was putting things up so I was hoping to cut back a tub or two.....wrong! I still have as many tubs as I started with. Gee, could it be because of all the "few" extra things I've been buying?? My husband uses two tubs for all his outdoor lights. I had bought a couple of really large tubs a while back, so I gave him one and told him to see if he can put all the lights into the one tub. Hopefully, he can. I also told him that all the outdoor stuff like lights, snowman, etc. will now go up in the garage attic space instead of the house attic which is much more difficult to get up into to. Also, that way if we get mild days around Thanksgiving and he gets in the mood to start putting up the outdoor stuff then it is all in the garage and we don't have to climb up into the attic. Of course, he needs to clean out the garage.....which is a major project in itself. One that was suppose to have been done last summer, but things got a little crazy last summer, soooooooo definitely this summer it will get cleaned out! In the meantime, he can find room among all his other crap in there. I swear that everything I have ever "thrown away" is somewhere lurking in that garage....
For example....when we had no power I remembered that I have a small screen little TV that works on batteries. I went and bought new batteries for it and we tried to get it to work. The last time I used it with the regular plug it worked fine. I sometimes use it in my computer room. Well, we couldn't get it to work. Then all of a sudden it started making a weird noise and smoke was coming out of the compartment where the batteries are. The batteries were so hot that my husband couldn't even get ahold of them to pull them out. I had to go get a towel to be able to handle them. So the TV is useless. Plus, after February it ain't gonna work unless I hook up one of those convertor boxes to it, and it's an old 5" TV so why bother buying a box for it? So I told hubby to throw it's done for. Thursday night was garbage night. Friday the trash guys came and picked up all our stuff. So why is the little TV sitting in my utility room hidden next to the furnace?? And I'm betting that it will soon be in my garage. God only knows why....I have no clue.
Sometimes it works to my advantage though to have a pack rat husband. Cause sometimes I throw something out and regret it later....and voila!!...hubby brings it back in the house.
I bought a guitar! For months and months now I have been wanting to buy an acoustic guitar and teach myself to play it. (Stop Laughing Holly!!) I don't expect to be able to play "Gloria" as well as my brother, but maybe I can pick and twang a little and pretend I know what I'm doing. Anyway, I need a hobby. And I love watching Dylan and Baez sing and play on YouTube and they make it look so easy and fun. Awhile back I bought a guitar at a thrift store but it turned out to be a classical guitar so I resold it on Craigslist. There is this consignment store on the way to Caseville that sells musical instruments and I saw one I liked but when I stopped there the next time I drove up it was gone. Everything else they have is too expensive. But I've been checking back and checking Craigslist. During my Xmas shopping at Kohl's I saw they were selling a full-size acoustic guitar for $140, marked down to $80. Thought about telling hubby for a Xmas present but figured he wouldn't buy it anyway. He thinks it will be a waste of time and it would just end up leaning up against the wall in my computer room. So after Xmas I was up there checking out their markdowns and lo and behold, there was the guitar marked down to only $42!! So I bought it. There is a website that teaches you how to play and I'm checking it out. Right now, it's leaning up against the wall in my computer room.
For example....when we had no power I remembered that I have a small screen little TV that works on batteries. I went and bought new batteries for it and we tried to get it to work. The last time I used it with the regular plug it worked fine. I sometimes use it in my computer room. Well, we couldn't get it to work. Then all of a sudden it started making a weird noise and smoke was coming out of the compartment where the batteries are. The batteries were so hot that my husband couldn't even get ahold of them to pull them out. I had to go get a towel to be able to handle them. So the TV is useless. Plus, after February it ain't gonna work unless I hook up one of those convertor boxes to it, and it's an old 5" TV so why bother buying a box for it? So I told hubby to throw it's done for. Thursday night was garbage night. Friday the trash guys came and picked up all our stuff. So why is the little TV sitting in my utility room hidden next to the furnace?? And I'm betting that it will soon be in my garage. God only knows why....I have no clue.
Sometimes it works to my advantage though to have a pack rat husband. Cause sometimes I throw something out and regret it later....and voila!!...hubby brings it back in the house.
I bought a guitar! For months and months now I have been wanting to buy an acoustic guitar and teach myself to play it. (Stop Laughing Holly!!) I don't expect to be able to play "Gloria" as well as my brother, but maybe I can pick and twang a little and pretend I know what I'm doing. Anyway, I need a hobby. And I love watching Dylan and Baez sing and play on YouTube and they make it look so easy and fun. Awhile back I bought a guitar at a thrift store but it turned out to be a classical guitar so I resold it on Craigslist. There is this consignment store on the way to Caseville that sells musical instruments and I saw one I liked but when I stopped there the next time I drove up it was gone. Everything else they have is too expensive. But I've been checking back and checking Craigslist. During my Xmas shopping at Kohl's I saw they were selling a full-size acoustic guitar for $140, marked down to $80. Thought about telling hubby for a Xmas present but figured he wouldn't buy it anyway. He thinks it will be a waste of time and it would just end up leaning up against the wall in my computer room. So after Xmas I was up there checking out their markdowns and lo and behold, there was the guitar marked down to only $42!! So I bought it. There is a website that teaches you how to play and I'm checking it out. Right now, it's leaning up against the wall in my computer room.
At 6:18 AM,
Happy Housewife said…
I am not laughing but I a AM thinking of the 10 million times my dad tried to teach me, and stephanie to play! It's harder than it looks. Dont bother with notes, just learn chords. He'd be happy to tell you all about it I'm sure. Which reminds me, he bought a laptop so he'll have e-mail again soon. i'll let you know when he gets it set up.
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