Going away.....
I'm leaving for Caseville tomorrow for a couple weeks. When I left last time I had put up some snowmen and Xmas decorations so it would look all pretty for when we came up for New Year's. But we didn't make it up there. So now I'll get up there and my place will be all Xmassy and I'll just have to take it all down....bummer.
Hubby says he will drive up by the second weekend...(not this weekend, the next). In the meantime he will get all the outside lights down and put away. I have a high school reunion meeting on Jan. 23 so I'll be back by then and he will stay there through the weekend and then come home. I'll leave Mini Sue with him when I leave, so I don't have to worry about her being home all alone when I go out that Friday night. I still don't feel comfortable leaving her home alone. Before Lucky was always here for her. He was her company and her protector and her babysitter. Now she gets scared when she's left by herself. I'm planning on taking her unless she wants to stay home with hubby and come up when he comes up. She hasn't made up her mind yet. She'll let me know tomorrow. When I'm ready to go and if she stays in the living room by the window to watch me go, then I know she wants to stay home....but if she is at my feet then I know she wants to go with me. So guess I'll find out tomorrow. Today she looked sad cause she hates to have to make that decision. She prefers that we are all together at the same place at the same time. WELL GET OVER IT MINI SUE! I'm leaving with or without you!
"Nip/Tuck" was FINALLY back on for another season tonight. I just love that show...and hubby so hates that show. So he went into the living room and watched TV there. I think he doesn't like the racy parts. Every show there is at least one really racy scene. Tonight I was just thinking that nothing racy was happening yet....and then BAM....Christian and Sean met these girls at the bar, took them home, and WOW....I think the producers really outdid themselves. But it was the season premiere, so guess they wanted to really juice things up for their addictive audience and keep them watching!
So I got this tiny medical bill informing me that it is "past due", so I better send them their seven bucks or they'll be sending the big guys out for me.....oooooooooo, I'm so scared! So I write them a check and then realized that the bill was very similar to another bill I just paid last month. I get my copy and it's the same damn bill....same dates, same procedures, same amount. I paid them Dec. 10! So I wrote a nasty note on the bill to send them, but hubby told me to just call them and straighten it out. Mmmmmmmmm, might be more fun. I can chew out some dumbass over the phone.
My jeep is packed full of crap. I'm taking boxes of stuff I want to sell at my garage sale that I am having Memorial weekend. Also, we got a large wheelie cooler and a wet/dry vac for Xmas that I'm taking up. But the front passenger seat is empty so Mini Sue will have a place to sleep if she decides to go. She better make up her mind fast....
I'm hoping to get to the library to use their computers so I can post, but if not, I'll be back in a couple....
Hubby says he will drive up by the second weekend...(not this weekend, the next). In the meantime he will get all the outside lights down and put away. I have a high school reunion meeting on Jan. 23 so I'll be back by then and he will stay there through the weekend and then come home. I'll leave Mini Sue with him when I leave, so I don't have to worry about her being home all alone when I go out that Friday night. I still don't feel comfortable leaving her home alone. Before Lucky was always here for her. He was her company and her protector and her babysitter. Now she gets scared when she's left by herself. I'm planning on taking her unless she wants to stay home with hubby and come up when he comes up. She hasn't made up her mind yet. She'll let me know tomorrow. When I'm ready to go and if she stays in the living room by the window to watch me go, then I know she wants to stay home....but if she is at my feet then I know she wants to go with me. So guess I'll find out tomorrow. Today she looked sad cause she hates to have to make that decision. She prefers that we are all together at the same place at the same time. WELL GET OVER IT MINI SUE! I'm leaving with or without you!
"Nip/Tuck" was FINALLY back on for another season tonight. I just love that show...and hubby so hates that show. So he went into the living room and watched TV there. I think he doesn't like the racy parts. Every show there is at least one really racy scene. Tonight I was just thinking that nothing racy was happening yet....and then BAM....Christian and Sean met these girls at the bar, took them home, and WOW....I think the producers really outdid themselves. But it was the season premiere, so guess they wanted to really juice things up for their addictive audience and keep them watching!
So I got this tiny medical bill informing me that it is "past due", so I better send them their seven bucks or they'll be sending the big guys out for me.....oooooooooo, I'm so scared! So I write them a check and then realized that the bill was very similar to another bill I just paid last month. I get my copy and it's the same damn bill....same dates, same procedures, same amount. I paid them Dec. 10! So I wrote a nasty note on the bill to send them, but hubby told me to just call them and straighten it out. Mmmmmmmmm, might be more fun. I can chew out some dumbass over the phone.
My jeep is packed full of crap. I'm taking boxes of stuff I want to sell at my garage sale that I am having Memorial weekend. Also, we got a large wheelie cooler and a wet/dry vac for Xmas that I'm taking up. But the front passenger seat is empty so Mini Sue will have a place to sleep if she decides to go. She better make up her mind fast....
I'm hoping to get to the library to use their computers so I can post, but if not, I'll be back in a couple....
At 2:06 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
Hey you I take it yoru home,,,, HOpe the snow up there wasn't too bad... I will be in Hazel Park and Royal Oak,, hten Minden City I will only be there for a week but would be cool to meet up.
I am off to bed I am beat!
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