Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back home......

I finally got back from Caseville today. The Cheeseburger festival was FUN, FUN, FUN! I am always amazed at how many people are in little town of Caseville during those 10 days. My husband said that he read that Cheeseburger in Caseville is now rated #5 in the major events in Michigan! This year it was webcammed across the internet. At the last big concert in the park Saturday night, they announced that Cheeseburger is so big that the astronauts on the Enterprise were watching the concert by webcam that night!! cool is THAT??!!

I am so very bummed by the pet costume contest thought.....grrrrrrrrrrrr! Mini wasn't even in the 10 finalists, and she was a parrot for christ's sake with a cheeseburger on her.....VERY CHEESEBURGER. So who do they pick?? The dogs with the cutest KIDS presenting them. There was 2 sets of "Bride and Groom" dogs and the kids were all dressed up as bride and groom too and even had little 3 year olds tossing petals in front of them as they walked the "red carpet".....What the hell does a bride and groom have to do with Cheeseburger?????. Then they had a non-canine catagory so they had to pick a couple of cats for that. The one cat was being pushed in one of those pet strollers and you couldn't even hardly see it. The other cat the "little girl" was literally dragging it down the runway. I think that only one dog actually had a cheeseburger themed costume on. There was this one little puppy that was one of the finalists that I thought was so damn adorable. She was wearing a little purple dress and when her owner held her up and bounced her up and down so everyone could see her, she looked like a little hand puppet!! cute...

Everyone around us raved about Mini and her cute parrot costume. One guy even wanted to take a picture of her. At least she fit the cheeseburger theme. I think next year I'm going to find me a little kid and dress him up and have him show her off....then she'll win!! enough of the sour grapes.....

The parade of fools was spectacular. The parade was 1 1/2 hours long. It's amazing of the ideas people come up with. One float had this huge flamingo with a real guy dressed as a scuba diver on a bongy cord thing floating and bouncing through the air. Another float had a huge cheeseburger with a flamingo inside and a sign that said "HELP"...HAHA.....Another float had a flamingo on a rotisserie going around and around. Lots of flamingos, cheeseburgers, pirates and parrots.

And REAL PARROTS, too.....We saw several people walking around with real parrots on their shoulders.

By Monday, 8-20....we were pretty much cheeseburgered-out. The town was totally dead. The stands were being taken down. By Tuesday, the flamingos on the lampposts had flown south til next year.

Hubby left by Tuesday and I decided to stay through the weekend and come home today. I went to the Eagles a couple times with my friend. I went shopping in Bad Axe. Basically just relaxed and got some things done. I spent some time at the condo after my son and his girlfriend left.....they were there too for Cheeseburger week.

I went to the show and saw that movie "Chuck and Larry". It was okay. It had some funny scenes, but a bit too gay for me. I certainly wouldn't let a child see it.

So I decided to spend Labor Day weekend here at home. Then I'm going to Niagara Falls and pay my respects to Bill and see if I can get together with his daughter and hope she will let me go in the house one last time and take more pictures. I need the closure.....for Bill and the ancestral house.

Well, off to bed. God I miss SOAPNET! I don't get it with my cable. And tonight is the second week of "Who wants to be a Soap Star", and I missed it....booohoooo!!

OH>...Guess what I had for dinner tonight??.....A CHEESEBURGER!!!


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