Cherokee Rose

Monday, June 25, 2007

So where's my sh*t???

Apparently, THAT is a question many people are asking themselves when they retrieve and unpack their luggage after an airline trip.

When my son and his girlfriend were coming back from Vegas, they almost missed their flight. They were able to get on the plane, but their luggage had to arrive on a later time to get it checked and boarded. So they arrived back in Detroit at 6:30 a.m. (last Friday), and their luggage didn't get here until 4:00. When they were unpacking, everything was a mess.....clothes were missing and an expensive bottle of perfume she had packed....GONE!! Ya can't bring perfume on board with you anymore, so you have to pack it. The airline people have a real scam going, I think.

I've googled "airport baggage theft" and have learned that this is a very common problem.....thousands of people are having their luggage ransacked and items stolen by airport personnel. Actually, I've read that federal people are in charge of security now and only they can open luggage. So it's federal people doing this shameful act of thievery.

It's a damn shame that we have all this security to protect us from outside terrorism, and it's really our own people we need protection from.

My son has tried to call Spirit Airlines and gets nowhere. Also, since it's federal people involved, they won't even report the thefts to the's a major cover-up.

Opening up luggage is an invasion of privacy unless something shows up suspicious when it's run through those x-ray machines. My son said that you can't even put locks on your luggage anymore....cause they have to be able to inspect the contents at will. How totally utterly ridiculous.....


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