I hate Mondays.....
I just hate Mondays. I don't know why...but I don't have good Mondays. Mondays are days I would rather just not get out of bed. I'll be glad when tomorrow comes.
Anyway, first of all we get this letter from a collection agency on Saturday addressed to a Gerald Thomas to OUR address, and we had noticed this agency's phone number on our caller ID so apparently they have this phone number too. My husband's first name, but no Thomas here....so I called these people this morning and wanted to know how they got our address and phone number and assured them that we do NOT owe DTE Energy any money...we pay our bills. I was livid to say the least. So the woman gives me the last four digits of a social security number which matches my husbands and another address where the service is at that is not our address...so she is thinking that there is fraud involved and is going to transfer me to the fraud department....THEN she repeats the entire social security number and one number is off!...Apparently she or some secretary typed in the SS number wrong and got our info instead. DAMN...I really hate wasting my time correcting somebody else's mistakes!!!
Now on to my just-as-dumb husband....: I had the separate telephone line disconnected in my computer room and now I am temporarily (until I shut the whole damn thing down) using the regular home phone line for my computer. There is a jack on the opposite side of the room, but it doesn't work....so I am running the wire out the door, down the hallway and plugged into another jack in the hall. My husband got a new phone jack to fix the one that doesn't work in the room and he spent all day yesterday trying to get it to work. He even talked to my oldest son who does phone work for his job and Ken is suppose to stop over Wednesday to see if he can fix it. So I come up here this morning and he has the wrong jack all torn apart....the one that I had the service shut off....THAT'S WHY IT DOESN'T WORK STUPID!!!!
Typical Mondays....I just hate 'em.....almost as much as I hate other people's stupidity....
Anyway, first of all we get this letter from a collection agency on Saturday addressed to a Gerald Thomas to OUR address, and we had noticed this agency's phone number on our caller ID so apparently they have this phone number too. My husband's first name, but no Thomas here....so I called these people this morning and wanted to know how they got our address and phone number and assured them that we do NOT owe DTE Energy any money...we pay our bills. I was livid to say the least. So the woman gives me the last four digits of a social security number which matches my husbands and another address where the service is at that is not our address...so she is thinking that there is fraud involved and is going to transfer me to the fraud department....THEN she repeats the entire social security number and one number is off!...Apparently she or some secretary typed in the SS number wrong and got our info instead. DAMN...I really hate wasting my time correcting somebody else's mistakes!!!
Now on to my just-as-dumb husband....: I had the separate telephone line disconnected in my computer room and now I am temporarily (until I shut the whole damn thing down) using the regular home phone line for my computer. There is a jack on the opposite side of the room, but it doesn't work....so I am running the wire out the door, down the hallway and plugged into another jack in the hall. My husband got a new phone jack to fix the one that doesn't work in the room and he spent all day yesterday trying to get it to work. He even talked to my oldest son who does phone work for his job and Ken is suppose to stop over Wednesday to see if he can fix it. So I come up here this morning and he has the wrong jack all torn apart....the one that I had the service shut off....THAT'S WHY IT DOESN'T WORK STUPID!!!!
Typical Mondays....I just hate 'em.....almost as much as I hate other people's stupidity....
At 1:20 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
hey girl hang in there life is a blast huh!!!!!
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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