Cherokee Rose

Friday, August 26, 2005

A little math quiz......

I know I suck at math and I wasn't too surprised when my answer to the following math quiz was wrong; but then I had my genius husband do it and he failed it too!...guess most everyone does.

Do this in your paper, no pencil, no calculator...

Start with 1000
Add 40
Add 1000
Add 30
Add 1000
Add 20
Add 1000
Add 10

What answer to you get? If you came up with 5000, you are WRONG!!! I did it over and over and still got it wrong...I am so bad at math, that when I did it on paper, I still got it wrong...haha....then I used the calculator and it came up right.


  • At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I got 4100 always I'm wrong or right??


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