Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Got my Bathroom carpet in.....

While I was in Caseville my hubby put the carpet in my bathroom and it looks great. He did a really good job installing it. He makes a template out of paper of the floor..then he lays it on the carpet and cuts, so when he lays the carpet piece down it all fits perfectly.

Of course, while he had the carpet rolled out in the living room, little Miss Mini Sue had to pee on it! She is such a bad bad little girl sometimes. Plus, she has peed upstairs on my brand new carpet twice in the last freakin week! Like tonight....I'm up in the computer room and she comes waltzing in to see what I'm doing. I told her that she better not go potty while she's up here. So when I go in the hallway to go back downstairs I see a little small wet spot right in front of the bathroom. I looked at the spot and gasped and then looked at her and she looks at me looking at the spot and then she ran down the hall and down the stairs. I went downstairs and told her that she was a bad little girl and that I'm going to get me a new dog that doesn't pee in the damn house!!! She looked so sad and I felt so bad that I gave her a big hug and kiss and made her promise that it won't happen again.

So now my bathroom floor is nice and warm and I feel so much safer. The tile was too slippery and it was last April that I fell and hurt my knee really took months and months to heal. I keep thinking that if I had fallen backwards instead of forward on my knee, I would have banged the back of my skull on the tub or floor and would probably not be here typing about it.

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I dreamt that I had went to the doctor and had a colonoscopy type procedure done and they found cancer....then I dreamt that I woke up and was telling people that I had a prophetic dream and that maybe my body is trying to tell me that something may be wrong so I better really go get the procedure done, but I was actually still dreaming....and then I really did wake up. So now I don't know if it really was a prophetic dream and that my body is telling me something or if it's all a bunch of nonsense like most dreams are. Weird...and why the hell was I dreaming about colonoscopies??? Why can't I dream about George Clooney flying into Metro airport to come see me and take me away???

I'm a winner!

Shanty Days was a success! I entered my chili in the chili cook-off and actually WON Second Place! It was only $15, but my chili was a winner. I named my chili "Hot Mama's Chili". I put in jalepenos and jalepeno diced tomatoes and two different kinds of onions and spicy hot chili beans so it was hot and spicy, where the chilis entered last year were so bland. I didn't even get a chance to even taste the other entries this year. By the time I got up there to taste and vote it was over. They had to end it early because they got tons of people in and ate all the chili, so there was nothing to vote on by 2:30.

My neighbors came up and we met up at the Eagles for karoke Saturday night and that was fun. We danced the hustle but didn't sing....figured I'd spare the ears of the people there. My back-up singer partner couldn't make it up there cause she was out of town for her grandson's birthday party.

Anyway, I got back yesterday and I went out for some Chinese food and watched "The Bachelor" and "24". Next Monday night TV is going to be a b**** cause it will be the 2-hour finale of "The Bachelor" and a 2-hour special "24" at the same damn time! Not fair....

I'm getting ready for later....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shanty Days....

This weekend is Shanty Days in Caseville. So I'm driving up soon and will be back on Monday. Then I work on Tuesday.

It should be a fun weekend. I'm planning on making chili and entering it in the Chili Cookoff Saturday. And Saturday night meeting friends up at the Eagles for some karoke. We only sing back up though when other people sing...haha.

Exciting news.....hubby won $75 on a lottery Bingo scratch-off!

Not much else to write. My car is warming up and I better get going.

Have a great weekend...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Old broads and old dogs....

Last night I watched an old movie, September Affair, with Joseph Cotton and Joan Fontaine. It was an older video I had laying around that I never got to watching cause it's more of a chick flick and not one I would watch with hubby (like Assault on Precinct 13, a "manly" movie). So since I had Saturday night to myself I figured it was a good chance to catch up on some of my chick flick movies. Anyway, it was an old black and white made around 1950 and it was really pretty good. I love watching those old movies and seeing how women their billowy skirts and little hats, not jeans and a t-shirt or with their boobs half hanging out in the movies today. But then that does make it easier to get your husband to watch a chick flick! I thought that the actress who played the part of Cotton's wife looked familiar like a younger version of someone I knew. So I caught her name on the credits and it was Jessica Tandy! A much younger version of the Tandy I have known from "Driving Miss Daisy" and "Green Fried Tomatoes".....very pretty. Oh how in the hell does THAT happen?? You start out so pretty even in middle age and at some point you just get all old and wrinkly....not fair at all.

I googled Joan Fontaine's name and I was surprised that she and her sister, Olivia DeHaviland, are still alive and well at over 90 years of age. Good for them. They don't look so good, but good for them anyway....

So last Wednesday I had bills and valentine cards to send out and I also needed to get my taxes paid before the Feb 14 deadline. The post office is right across the street from the township hall, so I pulled into the PO and pulled up to one of those outdoor mailboxes and grabbed the letters on the seat and through them in. Then I simply pulled around and drove across the street to pay my taxes. After I parked the car, I reached over to get the envelope with the tax bill and my check and the seat was empty. OMG....I had grabbed it with the letters and through it into the mailbox! So I drove back to the PO and grabbed a worker and explained the situation and asked if anybody could open the mailbox and get my tax bill and check. Of course, it isn't that easy cause once you put something into a mailbox it belongs to the government or some such rubbish. I had to fill out this form with information and she said that the mailbox wouldn't be opened until 5:00 and that they can call me when they retrieve it and I can come up and get it. Well, the township hall closes at 4:30 and I had to work Thursday and not sure about Friday and the taxes were due Saturday. So my eyes were tearing up and I was starting to get hysterical so she said she would talk to someone. Well, a lady came out with an attitude and a box to retrieve the mail and she opened it and got all the mail and went back into a backroom. She kept asking me if there was a stamp on the envelope. Well, yes a metered stamp but it had already been sent to me....I was using the same envelope the bill came in to put the check in to take with me. It wasn't a new stamp or anything. Eventually she came out with my envelope and she was smiling. I was so relieved and I thanked her and thanked her. So I drove back across the street and paid my taxes. Next time I am looking at what I'm mailing before I just throw into the mailbox!

Mini Sue did NOT like her puppy class. She wouldn't do anything she was suppose to do. All she did the entire hour was do her begging thing with her front paws at me for me to pick her up. The other puppies were socializing and everytime one would get near her, she would cower like a little sissy girl. Of course, it didn't help that TWO of the puppies were pit bulls! What are the odds of that?...poor Mini Sue. But she didn't like the little Shitzu or the Llaso Apso either. And I don't think she liked her teacher. The problem is she is very finicky and the whole basis of training is using treats, and Mini Sue doesn't like most dog treats and she doesn't like to eat in front of people. So she absolutely would not take a treat. The teacher tried and she just sniffed at it and turned her head. So she put in on the floor for her and it sat there the entire hour and she never ate it. So we are learning to use this clicker click and then you give a treat. Well she doesn't like the clicker thing at ALL! So now when I click and hand her a treat of cheese or something she starts getting scared and turns her head. And even if I just show her a treat, she thinks the clicker sound is coming and she won't take it. So I don't think the treat part is going to work for her, and I'm afraid I might find that clicker thing up my butt one morning if I don't stop clicking it at her!

I guess it's true when they say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks.....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Heart Day!

I'm home all alone on Valentine's Day....boohoo for me! Hubby decided to take a trip to Caseville and check the place out. He also has to install this memory card disk thing (I forget what they called it) that Dish Network had sent us to insert into our receiver. They sent it a few weeks ago and said that the dish signal would stop without this thing being inserted into a slot. So of course we aren't up there so I know that there is no TV signal coming in. And I'm going up there for Shanty Days next Friday. So hubby went up there and he'll get it going. It said to insert this disk thing and then follow the directions on the screen. Well, I'm not very good at doing crap like that....(remember me trying to get the DTV convertor box to work!!?) I told him to come up for Shanty Days with me but he didn't want to. So he's up there now and be home by Monday and then I'll leave Friday to go up there and by home be the following Monday for work. Now wouldn't it make more sense for him to simply wait a week and go up with me for Shanty Days?? MEN...who can figure them out...

I worked Thursday and he left about 2:00 Thursday so that way Mini Sue wouldn't be alone by herself for very long. Luckily, I had a short day and was home by 4:00. Then I have to work Monday, so that is why he has to be home by Sunday or early Monday at the most, so he will be here for her.....CAUSE I DO NOT WANT HER BEING HOME BY HERSELF FOR VERY LONG.....I know, I'm a little nutso when it comes to Mini Sue. Especially now that Lucky isn't here to give her security when we're gone. I know she gets scared.

Today is her first day of "school"! She starts her puppy classes at 3:00. I know there are at least 2 other dogs enrolled and maybe more by now. She's a little nervous but I told her that the first day should be easy and I'll be with her. I won't leave her.

Yesterday I had the whole house to myself cause I didn't have to work. I am going to be getting new cabinet doors eventually and they will be installed, so I decided to really clean out my cabinets. I took everything out and cleaned and cleaned and then got rid of stuff and put back the rest. I have a little more room now and everything is clean. I did all the top cabinets, so now I have to work on the bottom ones.

And I dug out all the old grout around the bathtub so I can have the tub reglazed. Then we'll put down our new carpet and my bathroom will look nice. I put up some new pictures....actually I framed some pictures I took of my flowers in my Caseville flower garden in white frames....and the new look is refreshing.

If I can get my bathroom done...and my kitchen done....then we can start thinking about getting a new driveway put in and a new front door!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone.....xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Missing Apples.....and don't feed a dead dog

Yesterday was my husband's birthday. The older ya get, the faster the birthdays come it seems. My son stopped over and we all went out to eat at Logan's Steakhouse and we all ordered us some 'cow meat'. With your order you get 2 sides. I got a house salad and a sweet potato....son got a salad and a baked potato....and husband got broccoli and cinnamon apples, except I got to thinking last night after we got home that he never got his apples! All they gave him was his steak and broccoli. All three of us didn't even notice the apples missing. And it was HIS birthday and they screwed up his order. And I even left the absent-minded waitress a $10 tip!

Well, we made up for it in peanuts...heehee. They have these buckets of peanuts on the tables and ya throw the shells on the floor, etc. Well, my husband and I loaded up on peanuts in my purse and his pockets to take home for the squirrels. The bucket was half empty when we left. They must have thought.."Boy, these people sure love peanuts!!"

The place was packed with people though for a Tuesday night. I guess with the economy down, people still have to eat and women still don't want to cook.

Just want to make a comment on the closing of Circuit City.....

Right now they are going completely out of business and laying all their employees off. They are reducing prices on all their stock and people are flocking to their stores to get stuff cheap. For God's sake, if you want to help the economy DON'T spend your money on a store that is closing and laying people off!!!! Spend your dollars on stores that are trying to stay afloat and keep their employees working. Spending your money at Circuit City (or any store going out of business) is like feeding a dead dog. You can find good deals everywhere. And even if you have to spend a little more, it's helping the economy. Circuit City doesn't need your money. Just the big guys at the top that want to bail out with as much money in their pockets as possible. They don't care about anybody else.

So don't shop at Circuit City!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tonight husband and I watched a movie called "Precinct 13" with Ethan Walke and Laurence Fishbornel,...or something like that...cause my f***A** Computer tried to f*** with me and I almost lost my post, so I guess I'll start over::::

TONIGHT, HUSBAND AND I watched a movie....called "Precinct 13"...

Anyway, it was a really good movie!!


It reminded me of what my son goes through. He is a police officer with the Highland park police department...which is way more scary and dangerous and life-threatening than what people can imagine. Even my oldest son might and I emphasize the word "might", spend some time in Iraq as he keeps suggesting...but my police son has to wear a bullet-proof vest to work every day....unlike my oldest son who simply sits behind a desk all day..

But oldest son likes for everybody to THINK he is in mortal danger while he skatesboard his life away , while his brothers actually work for a living and hope that their jobs are there each day to pay their bills.

So what was I talking about????

Anway, it was a good movie....

Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday night....

My first day at work Wednesday went real well. I was basically getting situated in my office and going through some notes and I did a few returns. My job consists of this: My boss deals with the clients and gets all the information needed to do the return. He puts the info onto what we call "flow sheets". I take the info and input it into the computer in the client's file. When we get a new client, then I have to set up a new file for them. After I input all the info from the flow sheets I give the file back to him. Sometimes he finishes the return with more complicated stuff. Then he prints the return out in duplicates. I get it all back and put the return together (stapling W-2's,etc).....his copy, client copy and the IRS and Michigan copies. Client copy gets "Copy" stamp on the pages and stapled with a nice professional looking cover sheet. IRS copies are put together with a ryder telling them if they owe or get a refund and the appropriate envelope to send the return in with. If the return is being e-filed, then there are no IRS copies to send in but other paperwork that goes. Then I check the return in various ways making sure that ALL info was put in and not missed, and that all the numbers are correct and add up, etc. With everything put together and checked, then it all goes back to the boss, where he checks his end of things and gives everything a good once-over and then it's DONE. He probably has about 150 plus clients. His clients usually have a lot of stock transactions, real estate rentals, businesses, etc. He's a CPA, not an H&R Block kind of guy. So that's what I do.

My youngest son came over tonight to show us a new truck that he just bought. It's basically like his old truck but with way less miles and an automatic. So now he's selling his old truck. He might stop over again next Tuesday cause it's his dad's birthday and we'll probably go out to eat somewhere. Hubby is talking about going up to the cottage for a few days to check things out next week. Shanty Days weekend is the following weekend, and I'll be going up there then. I told him to come up with me. He's never been there for Shanty Days. I'm going to make my ass-kickin' Chili for the Chili contest. They also do that Polar Bear thing where all these crazy people jump into the lake. My neighbor said he signed me up for that one...hahaha. Yeah, Right!!

We decided to put carpet in our bathroom. We have carpet in the bathroom at the cottage and although I didn't like it at first cause I thought it should be tiled, I like it now. And since I slipped in my bathroom last year and hurt my knee really bad, I think it might be a good and safe idea to put carpet in here at home as well. So I've been looking at samples. I wish I could buy a remnant somewhere. I'll look some more tomorrow. There just aren't as many carpet stores around anymore like there use to be. Home Depot and Lowe's took over the carpet business. The big fish just keep eating the little fish, and all the little fishies are dying off; and now that there aren't very many little fish to eat, the big fish are starting to starve......stupid greedy business people.....

So tomorrow I'll go carpet hunting....hunting for stores to hunt for carpet. And there's an estate sale I'm going to. I went to one today but it sucked...they had really weird expensive decor taste.

I sold 5 things on Ebay today!! A few months back I bought some brand new, never opened Merle Norman makeup for a couple bucks, and I sold them today for a total of $40, plus a couple other things. A nice profit!

Well, I'm going to read my Janet Evanovich book and get to bed. Nite...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back to work.....

I start my tax season job tomorrow, so I'll be working until April and hopefully, by April we will get rid of all this damn SNOW and it will be Spring and warm again.

Today I went to Mini Sue's vet and got her records to show that she is up to date on all her shots before she starts her little doggie classes. I took her there to Petsmart last Saturday so she could get use to the place and look around. And her teacher was teaching an intermediate class so she could see her teacher. They were having a 'pet adoption' that day and there were mainly cats and a couple of dogs. This one dog was massively huge! Mini Sue could have sat on his head...haha. She got a lot of attention from everyone there...both people and other dogs. This one big dog who was just so friendly wanted to check her out. She didn't seem too scared. Then she wanted to shop....a typical female. So she bought a new sweater for her class day, and she got some little pink bootie socks for her feet when she goes outside in this cold. Her little feet can't take the cold ground. She'll go out there and get a ways from the house and then on her way back, she'll start walking funny and then stop and raise up on her back feet and start doing her "begging" with her front paws for me to come get her. When I bring her in, she'll be shivering and making a weird sound like "brrrrrrrrrr" or something similar to's weird. Anyway, I know her feet get cold. So now I put her bootie socks on and her feet stay warm. So she had a nice shopping day Saturday and met a few "friends".

Sunday I made barbeque chicken wings and lots of snacks for the Super Bowl. Just loved the half-time with Bruce!

Today I went to the gym and worked out and did some shopping at Sears. my husband has another potential health problem that he found out about when he went to his doctor. So now he has to have a stress test done, but since he can barely walk because of the stiffness in his knees he doesn't know how he will be able to walk on the treadmill anyway. He told the doctor that, but didn't make a difference. Said to try it anyway. Yeah, and then they can charge the insurance company....for a test he probably won't be able to do anyway. I don't know why they just don't do a CAT scan...that's what I've been reading on the internet that is usually done. "Well, let's charge the insurance company for a stress test first...then we'll do the real test you really need"!...stupid doctors.

And life goes on....

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