Cherokee Rose

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Yep....I am so excited. Apparently Brinks is a She and not a He, cause he just laid a little white egg. I knew that it is mating season and I knew that he/she was acting all weird with nesting with those teddy bears. Today he/she was really acting weird. He/She kept knocking the bears down on the carpet and then nesting with them down there. Even the dogs ran upstairs and he/she didn't even fly away. I'm surprised that the one dog didn't get him/her. I'm thinking the dogs didn't see him/her sitting there on the carpet. Anyway, he/she's been acting really strange all day. So I'm on the computer and I kept hearing some strange sounds like his tail feathers were rustleing up against the wall and it wouldn't stop. So when I was going back downstairs, there was a little white egg laying on the carpet. Brinks was on the shelf sitting on the bears. Apparently, the bears were his/her nest. I was in shock to say the least.

I ran downstairs and showed my husband. Ironically, I had just earlier finished coloring eggs for Easter and I think he thought I was playing a joke. Tomorrow is Easter and Brinks gave us a real Easter egg!!

So we made a little nest out of a box lid for her with the bears and I put the egg in there and she's sitting on it. won't hatch or's just an egg. I read that females who don't mate with a male will still lay eggs but they are infertile.

Damn, I thought for sure Brinks was a male....what do I know about the sex of pigeons????? Maybe I'll have an egg for breakfast tomorrow...hahahahah....


  • At 1:51 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    OH MY GOSH HOW STINKING FUNNY!!!!!! that is funny shit girl... haha tooo funny don't you dare eat that baby's egg! let her go outside and find herself a guy.. poor thing you can make a cage outside for her with straw in it and wire... I knew a guy who had them in his yeard growing up.. look there grandma again.. congrads.

  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger Happy Housewife said…

    Rich's dad's bird lays eggs all the time. She's nuts.
    it's kind of sad really...


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