Cherokee Rose

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Today we put Brinks outside in his cage for awhile. He likes it outside. There were alot of birds hanging around the patio and he was watching them....a couple of them were mourning doves. Brinks had some peanut butter cookie crumbs in his cage and one little bird was trying to get it and Brinks was freaking out. I don't think the liked that bird trying to get his cookie!

We need to start putting him outside more and more now cause he has to get use to the environment again. We were doing that last Fall but then that damn hawk freaked me out and we got the early snow and Brinks ended up spending the winter with us. But this Spring he needs to be released. I know that. I get so sad when I think about it, but he simply can't stay here. For one thing, when I'm in Caseville during the summer, I like to keep the doors open to the backyard for the dogs. And I also open the big garage door when I need to get out the lawn mower, etc. If Brinks is in the garage he will fly out anyway. He has free reign in my upstairs here at home, but there is no way he can fly around inside my cottage....especially with the dogs. So unless my husband wants to stay home all summer with him, he has to be released. There just isn't any other way. As sad as it makes me.

Pipy needs votes!! is the link. She is the first dog photo and she's sitting in front of an American Flag type pillow. Please, please, please vote for Pipy. The contest runs to the end of the month. I'm hoping she will be the judge's pick anyway, like Brinks was....

I have two people who have not paid for their ebay item from me.....which totally ticks me off. I really hate when people do that. It will be one week tomorrow since the auction ended. I've sent two invoices plus a personal email. I have heard absolutely nothing from these losers. If I don't get paid by tomorrow, I will have to report them to Ebay as an unpaid dispute. It is such a waste of time waiting when I could be selling to the next highest bidder or relisting. I have their addresses. I told hubby I should send them a box of dog shit....hahaha

Tomorrow is St. Paddy's Day!! I'm working tomorrow so maybe hubby and I can go out and have some green beer when I get home....maybe....


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