Cherokee Rose

Friday, December 22, 2006

3 MORE DAYS......

I have lots to do today. My middle son and his girlfriend are coming over tonight for our Xmas gift exchange. I was putting the ribbon and bows on the packages last night. I need to go to the store and get some cole slaw mix.....I had some potato salad mix, but hubby didn't like it for cole slaw.

I've been busy the last couple days visiting relatives. Through a geneology research my family was doing we discovered two of my father's cousins that live in the same city as I do! So we keep in touch. I visited one of them a couple days ago and the other yesterday. They remember my dad and his brothers when they were all kids.

I got all my husband's Christmas presents bought and wrapped. I hope I did okay. I ordered a birdhouse book on ebay for him. He always said that when he retired he thought he might get interested in making we'll see if THAT gets him off the couch....haha

Ok...gotta go....ciao

Thursday, December 21, 2006


YES....Tomorrow, Dec 22, is Global Orgasm for Peace Day!! Back on November 21, the Detroit News published an article and I'll quote some of it here:

"Anti-war activists Donna Sheehan and her partner, Paul
Reffel, concocted a way for the world to communally create
a lot of peaceful vibes.

They want everyone to have an orgasm on the same day.

On Dec 22, they're asking the world to contribute to the
Global Orgasm for Peace.

Take any time during the 24-hour period at the beginning
of the winter solstice to join the demonstration. Just
make sure to think of peace before or after participating.

Once you've committed, there's even a secret sign to show
others that you plan to take part: Flash the universal
"OK" sign and wink. Or, as it has been redubbed, "The O" sign."

So okay people......have fun tomorrow!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Playing the numbers....

Ok..... I've already mentioned earlier about my sixth sense thing I have. So sometimes I get these "feelings" or really strong hunches about things. Hard to explain, but I know it when I get it. Sometimes I like to play the four-digit lottery and I like to play my birthday.....month, date, year....and sometimes I get these strong hunches to play it, but I don't or forget to play it and sure enough it comes up within a few days....can't tell ya how many times this has happened. So recently I'm getting this feeling to play my birthday but I'm ignoring it....I'm watching the numbers and they are close, and the "feeling" is getting stronger. So last week I decided it was the right time to play it. I decided to play my birthdate for five days in a row and I've NEVER played more than a day at a time. So I played it Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday....$5 worth. I looked in this morning's paper for yesterdays numbers and sure enough....there were the numbers!.....BUT it was the MIDDAY numbers and I only played the EVENING numbers!!! Can ya believe it???? How could I be so stupid.....I should have covered all the bases and played evening AND midday for $10....I should have known better. But I have NEVER EVER played Midday....I only play evening numbers. Oh and learn, I guess.

Like I said earlier, we finally got our severance check. A few weeks ago I was at the bank talking to one of girls there and she told me how if I deposit a minimum of $10,000 into a savings account I can get a $50 gift certificate at a major store, like Home Depot, etc. I told her I'll do it when I get the severance check. So we got it. And stupid husband went and deposited it already into our checking account without telling me!!!! I didn't even see the damn check. He told me we had gotten it Thursday night and didn't even show it to me. So Friday he goes and deposits it. I DO THE DAMN BANKING IDIOT!!!! I was furious to say the least. So he seems to think that we can still put it into a CD and get the gift certificate. Well, I just came back from the bank. NO...we can't. Once it's deposited it is not considered "new money"....I told the banker, "no problem, I'm sure there are other banks out there offering similar things." The banker said we could take the money back out and then redeposit it.....but I told him that if I take $10,000 out in cash then it will have to be reported to the FBI or something....he just said that he couldn't talk about that. will. Anyway, so I'll just leave it and transfer it to our savings account and the $50 gift certificate is lost to us.....thanks to hubby.....

My Christmas shopping is almost more son to buy for. If he doesn't give me any ideas then he's gonna just get gift certificates, I guess. He is too hard to buy for. Or sometimes I buy him what I call "returnable gifts".....I just buy any ole thing and wrap it with the receipt and he can return it for the money. But at least he has something to unwrap.

We finally got our Maytag Sears $100 gift certificate from when we bought our washer and dryer. There was a problem and once I called last week, I got it straightened out and the certificate came today in the mail. I'm glad hubby didn't handle that one!!...haha

Saturday, December 16, 2006

We got the severance check!...but they took out $10,000 of tax crap!!!!

So Thursday hubby and I went to this bar & grill place to eat. They always have the place decorated to the hilt with Xmas stuff and it looks so festive in there. We try to go at least once during the holidays but missed last year. We ate and drank a couple pitchers of beer...then came home and watched Band of Brothers DVD and I ended up sleeping on the couch. I woke up yesterday with my cold worse than ever. I have had this damn cold/allergies/whateverthehellitis for 3 months now....and I can't get rid of it. I'm sneezing like crazy and my nose is all plugged up and I feel like crap. I'm starting to think I might be allergic to my dogs....holy that would not be good, cause I am not getting rid of my babies.

My girlfriend and I are getting together tonight....maybe go to the Greenfield Village Christmas thing. We are getting warmer than usual weather and the nights aren't all that cold. She has a cold, too....even went to the doctor but he wouldn't give her anything for it...told her that it just has to run its course, blah-blah-blah. So if we go, we'll have to dress warm. I've been there in the summer and we've always said we should go for the Xmas Holiday Lights thing. Well, if we don't go there, then we'll just go somewhere and eat.

Hus is in the middle of putting up the outdoor Xmas lights and he's got the snowman out of the box at least. Like I said, the weather has been really mild. Reminds me of the movie, White Christmas, when they get to Vermont and it's all warm and no snow. But I ain't complainin'!!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

$100 down the drain..... now I'm really pissed off at my computer!! I bought the upgrade software for $100 and tried to do it. After about 10 minutes of downloading, I start getting this file error thing. I clicked on "retry" and it came up again, so I decided to just pass it (even though passing is recommended only to advanced users...which I'm definitely not), so then another file error thingy comes up, I skip, then another one and another one and on and on and on. So I decided to redo the recovery system disks and do the whole entire thing which now totally wiped out everything....all my files, my pictures, my tunes, and I tried the upgrade thing again.....SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENS!! So now I'm really pissed off royally. I am going to take the damn thing back and they better give me a refund. I suppose I could just reconnect with Earthlink again cause it worked on my computer before....but I hate Earthlink and wanted SBC this time instead. Probably I should just get a new computer.....I hear they have cheap ones at Walmart...or my friend in TX told me to wait til after Xmas and get some new one called Vista. Hell, all my crap is gone on mine now anyway so I might as well buy a new one. But I really hate to spend the money now.

We remembered to call the unemployment number.....cause we got a vacation pay check, we will only get one week of unemployment instead of two. Also, husband got a message this morning from some guy about a job....hahahaha....yeah, like he really wants another job now that he is retired. So he's not going to call him back.

Hubby still hasn't got the outside lights up yet...or my huge snowman....nothing....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I think I got a touch of food poisoning. Last night I was up half the night with severe abdominal pains, nauseous, sweating, really really bad. Then I remembered that I ate a little of some cottage cheese that had been up at my cottage and I had brought back home with me last time. Husband asked me when it expired. I looked and it said "do not sell after Nov 13"!! Gee, it tasted fine to me....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I screwed up again today. We are suppose to call the Michigan unemployment number on Tuesday between 10-11 and I was too busy watching Guiding Light and I forgot. Forget about my hus remembering....seeings as how I have to do and remember EVERYTHING. So I called at 11:05 and was told to check the book for the correct time to call....f'em. So now we have to wait until Thursday to call. Which will delay any check we will get. Not sure if we will get a check this time anyway cause we received the vacation pay and I think it will be deducted.

He's been to the social security office and the checks will begin in January along with the pension that will be cool.

I sent flowers to my ex's funeral.....hubby wasn't too keen about it, though. To me, sending flowers to HIS FUNERAL, is like dancing on his grave....haha. Besides, I put my son's name on it and I think that it was only right that something be there from him.

So yesterday I'm on the computer and I get this bad chest pain. I have had them before and attributed it to heartburn....but this time, it was worse and longer and it made me feel nauseous and I broke out in a sweat. Could it be a heart attack?? I really need to have a stress test done. I have to go to the doctor next month and I'm going to suggest it. My EKG last time was okay, though. It's probably all the stress. I was on the computer yesterday looking up my ex's why would THAT cause me stress....but who knows. It's scary, anyway. All my uncles on my father's side died in their 60's from heart attacks.

I got most of my Xmas shopping done.....most of it if I can just live through it all. With my luck, I'll drop dead on Xmas day.


Friday, December 08, 2006

Am I an Ex-Widow now?

I found out last night that my ex-husband passed away Wednesday. So I'm not an ex-wife anymore.

His son from his other marriage called to get my oldest son's phone number and we talked for awhile. I knew that my ex suffered from emphasema real bad. Apparently, he received a lung transplant a year ago and became ill over the weekend and was hospitalized with pneumonia and then everything started shutting down. They think his body was rejecting the new lung.

He and his new family live in Nebraska and have been for many years. While we were getting a divorce he got this girl pregnate and ended up marrying her once our divorce was final. They ended up having 5 kids.....4 boys and then finally a girl. She divorced him 22 years ago and he remarried about 6 years ago. He named his kids, Ken...Sam....John....Douglas....and Anna Jo after his mother. It's weird that he named two of his sons John and Sam....John being my father's name and Sam being my Uncle's name. Anyway it was after he named his first son Ken Eugene Jr that I decided to change our son's middle name. That was so ignorant, naming another son the same damn name.....OH, ours was Kenneth and he named the second one plain that makes much difference...what an asshole. Anyway he's dead now.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I drove up here to the library so I could send my son an email and forgot to bring his addy...dumb.

I called SBC to have internet hooked up to my computer but they said they can't do it on Windows ME, which is what I I have to buy some upgrade thing at a computer store and upgrade my computer to something else, Windows 2000 or X something. Damn, it will be another 6 months before I get my comp going again.

I am slowly getting my Xmas cards out.

I am still waiting for the severence check to come.

My oldest son needs to have his own birth certificate before he leaves for the army and I don't want him taking the one I have, so I was trying to get another copy for him. I couldn't get it through Wayne County cause since my husband adopted him after we got married, his birth certificate changed and I had to get it from Lansing. So I decided to drive to Lansing and get it....I could get it the same day. So I drove all the way to Lansing. It took a couple hours to get, so I walked across the street and toured the Capitol. I think my oldest was 3 or 4 years old the last and only time I went there. It was pretty awesome.

My son's birth certificate was actually changed several times. First, he was originally named a Junior, so when I got my divorce I changed his middle name to get rid of the JR they send me the new certificate with the middle name changed, but Jr was still on. So I had to have it redone again to take the Jr off. Then I remarried and hubby adopted him, so another certificate was issued. I think he was 7 when he finally got his current birth certificate. Good Luck to anyone in the future trying to do a geneology research in finding it...haha

I got my house decorations up. I decided to buy a fiber optic tree for the living room and I'm going to take my regular one up to the cottage for up there. I got my main family room tree up but hubby hasn't put the lights on it can't decorate it. This is the last year I am going to put that big tree up. I bought a smaller 4 1/2' one that will sit on a table for next year. Actually, I decided to do Xmas at home every other year....and every other year in next year we will be in Caseville for Xmas. I'm going to send the boys gift certificates and present buying....I am SOOOOOOO tired of it.

I think of so many things I want to post when I'm home...then I get up here and my brain shuts down...


Friday, December 01, 2006

It was a great week!

My hubby and I drove up to Caseville the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and we just got back yesterday. We decided to forego the usual turkey dinner and opted to grill steaks on the grill cause it was so nice. I did buy some cranberries, sweet potatoes, cole slaw and apple pie to go with it. The weather stayed beautiful while we were there and I got some outdoor work finished up.

Last Friday we went up to the Eagles and had their fish dinner and drank pitchers of beer. Then Saturday I woke up and my cold was 10 times worse....probably because of all the outdoor work I was doing with no coat just made it worse. So I was miserable for a few days, sneezing and my eyes were watering like crazy and I looked awful. Then I bought some allergy meds and everything started clearing up faster.

I bought some Xmas decorations and I have the outside of my cottage all decorated.....lights, wreaths, garland, bows and one of those spiral trees. We had the lights on for a few nights before we left. I can't wait to get back up there.

Hubby liked the electric fireplace I bought. I have a beautiful Xmas basket with poinsettias and apples sitting on top with candles. It's very Xmassy-looking now up there.

I have this sixth sense thing....I inherited it from my grandmother....and it's weird how it sometimes works. So anyway, while we were at the cottage, I kept complaining to my husband that it was so damn HOT in there....and he's walking around with a sweater on telling me I'm crazy. I even opened up the doorwall and he made me close it and told me to go outside or in the garage if I was so hot. I must have complained to him a half dozen times for a few days telling him that "it is so DAMN HOT IN HERE!" So we get a phone call from my youngest son and he proceeds to tell me that he went to the house to get the mail and newspapers and when he went in the house, he broke out in a sweat cause it was like a sauna in there....the furnace was running like crazy and it was 88 degrees in there!! Apparently, the thermostat had stopped working and since the furnace was set on "heat" it was running but had no temperature set to stop it was just running and running. He put new batteries in the thermostat and it read 88 degrees. Weird, huh?

We got our first unemployment check!!....and a check for 5 days of unused vacation days. Today....Dec hubby's first official retirement date. The pension checks probably won't start til March, but the first check will be retroactive back to Dec 1. Now he needs to get to the Social Security office and get that started. I bought him a retirement card and I'm going to put a lot of lotto tickets in it and give it to him tonight. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and win a million dollars!!....(in my dreams)

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