Cherokee Rose

Monday, June 29, 2009

a typical Monday...

Last night I watched most of the BET awards and they did a fantastic job of giving Michael Jackson the tribute he deserves. Jamie Fox was fantastic to watch.....; and I was also trying to watch a repeat of "Farrah's Story" on another channel. So I was doing alot of switching back and forth and my husband hates that, but what else could I do???? I had to watch both.

I went to Lowe's today looking at cabinet door pulls and knobs. I need to decide on what I want before the new doors come in. It is so hard to decide and hubby won't come with me. I brought a couple home and they may work. I like them, but I want to keep looking. I have to see every single pull and knob in the state of Michigan before I can decide! I have to be sure....

I bought another bike just like the one I already bought to take to Caseville. I took it for a ride today and it doesn't ride the same way as my other one. It's the same damn why doesn't it ride the same. For one thing, it steers different and I was all over the road trying to ride it. Hubby checked it out and found that the handle bars needed an adjustment of some kind and now it's okay. Also the gears work different but he says he can adjust those as well. I'm going to take it with me when I go and I'll be cruising down M-25 and through Hartshorn Subdivision!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I have so much going through my head right now...I am still grieving over the death of Michael Jackson. I am having trouble even comprehending that he is simply just not here anymore...that he is actually DEAD! ...I'll get into this later...

....if I even do get into it...cause so much in the media right now is making me absolutely FURIOUS....and I really HATE dealing with the absolute STUPIDITY of the human race anymore. Whatever I say here in my blog will undoubtly piss somebody I really care??!!

MJ was a genius...he was the song and dance man of our Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire was to our parents generation. Unfortunately, the generation that is in control now has nobody to even compare. Hell, they have nobody except alot of black 'singers' that sing that hip-hop-rap-crap with "fuck-this and fuck-that" crap in their lyrics....and they can't dance worth shit as far as I'm concerned. They been saying that maybe Chris Brown might have been the next Michael Jackson and then they showed a tape of him simulating a MJ dance and he did a shit-version of MJ...hardy-har-har....but THEY think 'he do good'!

Whatever....I am really really really riled right now cause of all the crap they keep bringing up about the fucked-up charges of child molestation that was brought up against him for MONEY!!!! I have nothing but total COMTEMPT for anybody that believes that crap. I am very familiar with the religious background of MJ and there is no-fucking-way that he would even think or consider such immoral behaviour. I am 100% sure of that.......

....unlike a certain religion....that thinks they can do whatever the hell they want and then go confess it to some priest the next day...(who himself has probably molested every choir boy he has touched)...


And...Farrah died....I have been following her story for a long time. I have actually "prayed" for her (which only proves my point that prayers don't mean shit)..cause she died anyway. She was a beautiful angel and she deserved a longer life. I remember my oldest son having her poster on his bedroom wall, and my father thought it was cool, cause even HE though she was super sexy...haha. Farrah is who I always wanted to be like, I admit....I would flip my hair upside down and tease it hoping to get that "Farrah-look"!

So what have I been doing since I got back from Caseville????

Well, last night I went to my high school annual get-together/reunion meeting and we met at a new place at Station 885 and it was a really nice place. We had the whole upstairs to ourselves. About 18 of us showed up. I did learn of a new classmate that passed away and another that is in the hospital battling cancer and that is sad.

Tonight I drove downriver to the Downriver Cruise and met my son and his girlfriend and her family. Her dad owns a 1958 Fairlaine and we did the whole cruise in it driving up and down Fort Street. Most of the time I spent sitting on a lounge chair, watching the cars drive by and swigging down beers. It made me think of the red and white '55 Chevy I use to own....and the '68 Camaro my husband had when I met him.

Those were the good ole days.....

I think my brother had a few classics back then as well....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey, hey, hey....

I got back from my trip to Caseville yesterday. I have a busy weekend coming up here at home. I did a lot of yard work as usual, but I did find time to go to the beach one afternoon. It started out nice. I was the only one on the beach. I laid my blanket down and got settled with my book and then the maintenance man decided to comb the beach...what an idiot. You would think that they would comb the beach in the morning, not in the afternoon when people are trying to lay out on the beach. I had to move my blanket so he could rake around me. By the time he was done, I was I left.

Today I went to a couple of kitchen cabinet stores to look at handles and knobs. I need to decide on what I want before they install my new doors. I couldn't believe the prices of some of them. They have $50 cabinet handles! Since I need to buy about 20 of them, I don't think I'll be getting any of those. I think I'll stick with the under $5 range.

I rode my bike.....that's what I miss when I'm in C'Ville....I need my bike exercising. I'm thinking I should go buy another bike to keep up there.

I got my blood work results back from when I went to the doctor. My cholesterol is high so now I have to take meds for that. They called last year and said it was a bit high but I blew it off as a fluke and decided to see what it is this year. The LDL (bad chol) is 167 and it shouldn't be more than 130. My total is 238 and it shouldn't be more than 200.

Plus, Monday in Caseville they were having a blood drive so I went to give blood since I'm due and they keep calling me here at home anyway. But my iron was too low and I couldn't give. It was only 11.2 and it should be at least 12. What the hell is going on with my body?? Low iron...high cholesterol. I must be getting old....ugh!!!!

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. Friday is that annual high school get-together and reunion meeting; and Saturday I'm going to meet my son and his girlfriend downriver somewhere for the Downriver Cruise. Busy weekend...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Leaving for Caseville again...

I'm leaving tomorrow for Caseville and I'll be taking Mini Sue and Keno this time. I'll be gone for a week so I'm planning on being back home by next Tuesday. This trip the weather better cooperate....I'm taking shorts and I want to be able to wear them and not have them just sit in a drawer like last trip.

My youngest son called me last night and he and his girlfriend and her daughter were up at the condo this past weekend. I guess he bought a jet ski and wanted to take it up there and try it out. He got a good deal on ebay. It's a 3-seater so all three of them can ride at one time. It works great and the weather was great and they had a good time. One of the owners let him use his lift for the night so he didn't have to pull it out of the water. And another owner said he can park it next to his cottage for the summer. Otherwise my son was going to have to haul it down the road to our cottage. Our condo unit is an apartment....but some of them are 2-bedroom cottages. Looking back, I wish we would have bought a cottage instead of the apartment, but at the time our kids were young and we felt we couldn't afford a cottage and the higher monthly dues. Oh well!

He also said that they had a wedding on the beach Saturday and a tent set up on the grounds where the reception was held. It was really nice. I was there once when they had a wedding on the beach quite a few years ago. Gee, I wonder if that couple are still married??

I want to get my annuals planted and I already bought them from a nursery here cause the ones in Caseville are too expensive. I bought some petunias and marygolds. So I have alot of planting to do.

Not sure if hubby is coming up later or not. I know that Sunday if Father's Day and my middle son usually stops over. I bought him a new hose for Father's Day...haha. I was trying to use the one we have and it's all taped up in spots and it leaks bad at the connection. So I bought him a new one, put it in the garage and stuck a note on it saying "Happy Father's Day"! I'm sure he thinks it's a waste of money cause the old one is "good enough". Using the old one is a royal pain. I was cleaning the siding from where we tore out some bushes and I had to keep turning it off when I wasn't using it cause it was leaking all over the place...and then turn it back on when I needed it. It was a pain. So he got a new hose....

Mini Sue is doing her "luggage watch"...! Everytime I get out the luggage and start packing, she will not leave the bedroom and will sleep next to the luggage all night. It's like she's afraid I'm going to sneak out in the middle of the night and skip town without her. Even Keno was laying there with her tonight. It was was like she told him..."if you don't want to get left behind, you better stay here".

I took a picture of her.....

Okay...have a good week....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dog pictures...

Here we are on the beach in Caseville...

Keno looking at the camera...He loves to pose for the camera...He's such a ham!

Keno and Mini Sue playing on the bed....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Quite awhile ago I bought the book "Twilight" to read but wanted to see the movie first. I missed it at the theaters and figured I'd watch it on DVD when it came out. While I was in Caseville I thought it would be a good time to watch the movie since it really isn't a type of movie that hubby would get into. So Sunday night I finally watched the movie. It lives up to it's reputation. I thought it was really really good. A strong and powerful movie. When I went to sleep that night I even dreamed of vampires! I dreamt that I had to put out all these candles in certain places around me in order to protect myself....and then it snowed and I couldn't see where the candles were to go and it was scary cause if I didn't get the candles in the right places the vampires would come and get me!!! Of course, if a vampire looked like Edward, that would be okay...haha.

So yesterday I started reading the book and it's like seeing the movie all over again in my mind. It's one of those books that you can't put down. I've already read half of it just since yesterday and it's a big book....500 pages. I can't wait to get the other books and see the next sequel.

See the movie first, then read the book.....or read the book and then see the movie. Some people prefer to read the book first before they see the movie. I prefer seeing the movie first. It makes the book more easier to follow and more interesting and when you read parts that weren't in the movie, well then it's like watching the 'deleted scenes' or extra scenes.

I don't like reading a book first and then be disappointed when I watch the movie cause they sometimes change so much from the book and it infuriates me while I'm watching the movie. I'm always thinking..."That's not how it goes!"..."What happen to that other part??" I can't enjoy the movie when I'm not seeing what I just read or seeing it played out differently.

I see the movie first and enjoy it....then when I read the book and if some parts are different in the book, it's just an added bonus and adds more to the story. Rather than the movie taking away from the book.

Like when I saw "Marley and Me".....the way they bought Marley is different in the movie than what really happened in the book...and it made me mad. It's a true story so don't change the facts movie-script-writers!

Anyway LOVED the movie and LOVING the book!!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My 4 Day Holiday....

So I'm back from my short 4-day trip to Caseville. I was going to drive home Sunday but decided to stay an extra day and just got back yesterday. It's too bad the weather couldn't have been better. It feels more like March instead of June up there. I stayed at the condo where the Blues Festival was going to be going on Saturday night. Friday I went to the cottage and got the grass cut and packed up things I would need like toiletries, my bathrobe, slippers, and some food from the fridge.

It's the first time that I've stayed at the condo since I bought the cottage and it was nice. A few of the owners were up and I got a chance to talk to a couple of them. But it was so cold Saturday night. The Blues thing is held outdoors in front of the pool area. It's fenced in with tables and chairs and a stage for the 4 different bands that play. There's a charge but the owners can hear the music for free obviously. Normally, we can set out chairs outside and enjoy the music but this year it was too damn cold. I felt sorry for the people who paid and had to sit there cold. I just kept my door open and I could hear the music inside where I had my heater going. I wished I had brought a coat from the cottage, but the parking lot was jammed and I knew that if I moved my car I wouldn't find a parking spot when I got I was stuck.

Sunday I went to Bad Axe and did some shopping. Then Monday I came home. I missed my dogs SOOOOOO MUCH!! They were happy happy little pups when I walked in the door covering my face with their kisses. Next time they're going with me...

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Yesterday we dug out these two really huge overgrown bushes on the side of our house. It looks really bare now but we'll fill it in with something else. That's the side of the house where critters are getting in through the crawlspace. Maybe now that it's out in the open and hubby will be able to block it off better, they will go someplace else. Plus, I washed down the patio really better stay that way.

I am pissed at the Sears eye doctor I went to back in October. I had an eye exam and needed to get new computer glasses and newer driving glasses in case I needed them cause it's been well over 5 years since my last exam. She claims that my eyes didn't change that much but prescribed a different prescription from what my old glasses were. I needed to get newer more modern frames anyway so I got them made. I don't always wear glasses when I drive cause I can see fine without them, but sometimes at night or when I'm driving far I will...and especially since I had new frames I wanted to wear them. But everytime I put them on I didn't think I could see as well and I would get a headache after a short time. I thought maybe it was because I was looking through smaller lenses as my other frames were bigger. Also, since I usually see without glasses, I figured that my eyes just needed time to adjust to this new prescription. Well, the other day I found my old glasses and decided to compare them. I looked at the house number across the street one eye at a time...and I could easily read it with my old glasses and couldn't with the new glasses. WHAT?? No wonder I was getting headaches and having trouble with them. So I went back to Sears Optical and complained. Well, since it has been so long since I got them, they said that they can't do anything about it unless I have another eye exam and the doctor would have to prescribe it. I just wanted the old prescription put in my new glass frames. Well, guess since the old prescription is well over 2 years old, they can't do that without the doctor prescribing it and she won't do that without another exam which I would have to pay for. Screw it!! I guess I'll just wear the old glasses...big ole frames or not. All I know is that my driver's license is due next month and I better be able to pass the eye exam with one of my glasses.

The girl said that she wishes I would have compared the two glasses right away instead of waiting so long...I told her that I would have but I ASSUMED THAT PEOPLE KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING!!

So enough of my rant...

I decided to drive to Caseville tomorrow for just the weekend. The Bella Vista where the condo is at is having a Blues Festival. So I decided to leave the dogs home and drive up Friday and drive back Sunday or Monday at the latest. I am going to stay at the condo. I'll only go to the cottage to cut the grass as long as I'm there. Without the dogs I'll be able to stop places along the way which I haven't done since taking Keno. He gets sick in the car and I don't want to stop anywhere and just make the drive as short as possible. So I'm actually looking forward to going cause I can stop places and stay at the condo...with the pools and the Festival and visit with some of the owners there. It'll be a short trip.

I'll be back....ciao

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