Thursday I went to a Home Interiors party at a friend's house. We haven't seen each other in a long time so it was great getting together again. We've known each other since second grade! I told her that the order will be in while I'm in Caseville so we'll get together when I get back.
I'm finally able to get back up to Caseville. I always have to wait until tax season is over but I've been having a problem with my car for quite awhile and it was getting worse....idling weird, stalling at lights, RPM going up, etc. My son told us it was my idle air control valve. I went online and it sounded like that is what the problem was. I've been waiting for hubby to get the damn part. Finally Friday I went myself and bought it. Saturday he put it in. So I'm hoping that it fixes the problem. I'll know for sure once I start driving to Caseville. The only problem is that before my "check engine" light was on...hell, it's been on for 3 years now! Anyway, internet said that a bad idle air control valve will cause the check engine light to go on. After hubby fixed it, the light was off....great!...but today I was driving it and the light came back on....bummer! I also think I need a new gas cap, so I'll buy one and replace it and see if it makes that damn check engine light go off. Hubby's check engine light stays on on his car too. I don't know why they bother putting those lights in cars....I would think that if you really had a problem with your engine, YOUR F'NG CAR WOULDN'T EVEN GO!! Hubby says they only put those stupid lights in cars so it will freak people out and make you take it to the dealer and then they make money...haha
I went to a couple Estate Sales over the weekend. I've been thinking about getting a new mattress set for my bed cause the one I have now is almost 20 years old and is now too firm for my old tired body and I want a softer plush one like the one I have in Caseville. But they run around $400 and I'm too cheap to spend the money, so I pretty much decided to just keep what I got. So I went to this estate sale and they had one there for only $95 for the whole set including the frame! It is like new. It is a deep plush mattress and box springs. I think it was in their spare bedroom and was rarely used. They had a king size in the master bedroom for sale too. I called my son who has a truck and we went back over there and I offered them $80 and they took it!! I put it on my bed yesterday and it is so soft and comfortable. I couldn't believe my luck.
Then my hubby was talking about getting a small electric chain saw that can run as much as $100 and I went to this garage sale today and found one for $20! So I had a very productive weekend for buying stuff.
I miss Brinks. Everyday I'm crying about her. I'm so scared that she's dead. I keep imagining terrible things happening to her. If she's not dead, then she's starving somewhere....or hurt...or scared. I'm thinking that she wants to come home but doesn't know where to find us. Feral pigeons and homing pigeons are different. Also homing pigeons have to be trained to find their way home and they depend on each other. Little Brinks has nobody to help her find us. I keep thinking that I shouldn't have released her. I should have kept her and kept her safe. Screw Caseville. We can sell the damn place and Brinks can live here with us forever. I told hubby that if she comes back, I'm keeping her. I still keep the window open for her and her food and water out. I put her heartbeat machine on hoping she will hear it and guide her home.
I keep driving to this freeway intersection where there is an under pass and lots of pigeons and I look for her. I saw this one pigeon that looked like her and I rolled my window down and yelled her name, but too much traffic and noise. This pigeon was scratching and scratching and then stood on one foot. That's what Brinks did. She was always scratching herself and she stood on her good foot...the right one, and held her left foot up under her. It was her left foot that was injured and she still favored it. So I saw this pigeon doing the same thing. I went back again later but the pigeons were gone, but I left birdseed and pretzels in the parking lot across the street. I admit that this is not a very good area and hubby told me not to get out of my car if I go there. I can see the headlines now..."Woman Found Dead In Parking Lot Holding A Bag Of Birdseed....One-Legged Pigeon Hopping Nearby"!
I'm finally able to get back up to Caseville. I always have to wait until tax season is over but I've been having a problem with my car for quite awhile and it was getting worse....idling weird, stalling at lights, RPM going up, etc. My son told us it was my idle air control valve. I went online and it sounded like that is what the problem was. I've been waiting for hubby to get the damn part. Finally Friday I went myself and bought it. Saturday he put it in. So I'm hoping that it fixes the problem. I'll know for sure once I start driving to Caseville. The only problem is that before my "check engine" light was on...hell, it's been on for 3 years now! Anyway, internet said that a bad idle air control valve will cause the check engine light to go on. After hubby fixed it, the light was off....great!...but today I was driving it and the light came back on....bummer! I also think I need a new gas cap, so I'll buy one and replace it and see if it makes that damn check engine light go off. Hubby's check engine light stays on on his car too. I don't know why they bother putting those lights in cars....I would think that if you really had a problem with your engine, YOUR F'NG CAR WOULDN'T EVEN GO!! Hubby says they only put those stupid lights in cars so it will freak people out and make you take it to the dealer and then they make money...haha
I went to a couple Estate Sales over the weekend. I've been thinking about getting a new mattress set for my bed cause the one I have now is almost 20 years old and is now too firm for my old tired body and I want a softer plush one like the one I have in Caseville. But they run around $400 and I'm too cheap to spend the money, so I pretty much decided to just keep what I got. So I went to this estate sale and they had one there for only $95 for the whole set including the frame! It is like new. It is a deep plush mattress and box springs. I think it was in their spare bedroom and was rarely used. They had a king size in the master bedroom for sale too. I called my son who has a truck and we went back over there and I offered them $80 and they took it!! I put it on my bed yesterday and it is so soft and comfortable. I couldn't believe my luck.
Then my hubby was talking about getting a small electric chain saw that can run as much as $100 and I went to this garage sale today and found one for $20! So I had a very productive weekend for buying stuff.
I miss Brinks. Everyday I'm crying about her. I'm so scared that she's dead. I keep imagining terrible things happening to her. If she's not dead, then she's starving somewhere....or hurt...or scared. I'm thinking that she wants to come home but doesn't know where to find us. Feral pigeons and homing pigeons are different. Also homing pigeons have to be trained to find their way home and they depend on each other. Little Brinks has nobody to help her find us. I keep thinking that I shouldn't have released her. I should have kept her and kept her safe. Screw Caseville. We can sell the damn place and Brinks can live here with us forever. I told hubby that if she comes back, I'm keeping her. I still keep the window open for her and her food and water out. I put her heartbeat machine on hoping she will hear it and guide her home.
I keep driving to this freeway intersection where there is an under pass and lots of pigeons and I look for her. I saw this one pigeon that looked like her and I rolled my window down and yelled her name, but too much traffic and noise. This pigeon was scratching and scratching and then stood on one foot. That's what Brinks did. She was always scratching herself and she stood on her good foot...the right one, and held her left foot up under her. It was her left foot that was injured and she still favored it. So I saw this pigeon doing the same thing. I went back again later but the pigeons were gone, but I left birdseed and pretzels in the parking lot across the street. I admit that this is not a very good area and hubby told me not to get out of my car if I go there. I can see the headlines now..."Woman Found Dead In Parking Lot Holding A Bag Of Birdseed....One-Legged Pigeon Hopping Nearby"!
At 11:31 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
YOU my dear need to think happy thougths about Brinks... she is fine she is out there with a great boy bird havin the time of her life... she has for sure layed real baby eggs by now. Diane you go her through the toughist part of her life and she is well on her way to being a happy little birdy... think happy thoughts.
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