Brinks and Little Green Bear....
Right now little Brinks is laying on top of the dresser cooing and snuggling up with one of the teddy bears. That's where she's been sleeping the last few nights. She discovered the little green bear and at first she did not like him. She was cooing in that "yelling cooing" way of hers and beating the hell out of him with her beak. I mean, she was being a real bitch. She was standing on top of this little bear pecking away at his little head and I swear there were little pigeon curse words coming out of her mouth. And she kept knocking him off the she didn't even want him up there with her and the other two bears. She seemed to like the other two, but she was being so mean to little green bear. Then I don't know what changed her mind. Lately, it's like she's in love with him. They've been sleeping together the last few nights. And she coos to him.

Tomorrow is Release Day....I wonder where little Brinks will be sleeping tomorrow night? I'm keeping the window open and his little heartbeat machine on and the light...maybe she'll come home for a sleepover with her new friend.
Tomorrow is Release Day....I wonder where little Brinks will be sleeping tomorrow night? I'm keeping the window open and his little heartbeat machine on and the light...maybe she'll come home for a sleepover with her new friend.
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