Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April 2.....

If you want a good laugh, go into "It's Always Something"...Joan's blog and read her March 30 post, "I Smell Trouble". Her dog Penny got herself in some mischief and wrote this post on Joan's blog...haha. I laughed so hard I was gasping for air. Also, Penny needs your votes to get back into the house.

Purple Heart charity truck is picking up tomorrow and I spent the last two days going through my crap AGAIN. I just gave a bunch of stuff to that church rummage sale last week. But there is always more crap to get rid of...ALWAYS. Where the hell does it all come from anyway??? Last night I spent a depressing evening trying on shorts and jeans. I finally gave up on this drawer of "maybe if I lose 10 pounds it will fit" jeans and tossed them. Well, I still saved a few...cause I WILLLLL lose and wear them.

I always wash everything before I pack it away for the winter and I don't know what kind of detergent I used or how long they were in the dryer, but everything seems to have shrunk while in storage. Basically, if I could get them up over my ass and zip 'em up then I'm keeping them....I can always move the button over. But I really hate when they ride up my butt. Maybe if I get them wet and stretch them out good...maybe even wear them around the house wet until they dry, they will fit. Anyway, I think I got rid of at least 10 pairs of shorts (why are they called "pairs"?...I only got one butt), and 6 pairs of jeans. Luckily, a lot of my shorts/jeans are the stretch type and that really helps.

So I'm going through all the closets and Brinks is so damn curious she has to follow me around and see what I'm doing. And she sits on my head so she can get a better look. Anyway, at one point I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere in every room...up, down, around corners, on top of doors, and she was nowhere. So I started calling "BRINKS....BRINKS....BRIIIINNNNNNKKKKKSSSS!!!!", and I'm hearing nothing. I knew I had shut the closet doors so I start opening up the doors. When I opened up the big closet door in the hallway, out she comes walking! I don't know how long she was locked up in there....lord knows what's all over my coats now.

I put her in her cage outside again today and after about 15 minutes, she's going nutso...flapping her wings and trying to get out. She really HATES being in that cage. So we let her back in the house. I think she thinks she's a house bird now. I don't think she has any intentions of ever leaving. And she's still sitting on those damn eggs. Hubby says we need to take them away.

Time for bed.....nite...


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