Nuts about Squirrels.....
Yesterday I did something a bit weird, but nice even though it's kinda gross. So what did I do? Well, at the end of my street there was a little young squirrel laying DEAD. Some idiot ran over this poor little squirrel who barely lived long enough to even enjoy nuts and peanut butter crackers. I felt so bad for it. So I told hubby I was going back to get it and we can give it a decent burial in our backyard. I asked hubby if I should use a spatula to scoop it up with....(of course, I would throw it away afterwards). He gave me a couple pieces of cardboard. So I drove back up the street, got out of my car, scooped the little squirrel onto the towel, wrapped him up, put him in my back seat and drove back home. I put him inside a paper bag to bury him in. I told Hubby to bury him today while I was at work. He's still laying in the bag.
Man....I gotta do everything around here...
We have this tree in our front yard that has a squirrel hole in it. Squirrels have been using this hole to bear their little younguns for years. One year this one little baby squirrel fell out of the hole and was hanging on for deal life on the limb. We saw him and I was frantic as to what to do to help him. I started to park the car under the limb so if he fell, at least he wouldn't fall as far onto the road....even though hubby said that the dirt ground would probably be softer than the top of the car. Anyway, didn't matter...cause he fell before I got the car under him. He was a little stunned but okay. We put him in a cat carrier and took care of him. We named him "Baby Squirrel"....very original...haha. We had him all summer. We even let him in the house. I had to teach him to climb trees. I would put him on a limb and he would shake cause he was scared but he got use to it eventually. We would leave the door of the carrier open during the day and he would play around the patio and in the shrubs. Then he would play in the tree that was next to the patio...then he started to go a little farther and play on the grape vines. He got bigger and braver as time went by. Every evening I would look inside the carrier and he would be snuggled under his blanket sleeping for the night. Sometimes I couldn't find him during the day, but he'd be under his blankie come evening time.
Then one night he didn't come home. I was awake all night going out there with the flashlight hoping to see him under his blanket, but he never came back. We're hoping that he found a nice squirrel hole somewhere and met up with another squirrel. He was ready to be on his own.
The following summer there was a squirrel that kept hanging around the patio and was very brave towards us. I always like to think that it was "Baby Squirrel" coming to say "HI...and Thanks for taking care of me".
Man....I gotta do everything around here...
We have this tree in our front yard that has a squirrel hole in it. Squirrels have been using this hole to bear their little younguns for years. One year this one little baby squirrel fell out of the hole and was hanging on for deal life on the limb. We saw him and I was frantic as to what to do to help him. I started to park the car under the limb so if he fell, at least he wouldn't fall as far onto the road....even though hubby said that the dirt ground would probably be softer than the top of the car. Anyway, didn't matter...cause he fell before I got the car under him. He was a little stunned but okay. We put him in a cat carrier and took care of him. We named him "Baby Squirrel"....very original...haha. We had him all summer. We even let him in the house. I had to teach him to climb trees. I would put him on a limb and he would shake cause he was scared but he got use to it eventually. We would leave the door of the carrier open during the day and he would play around the patio and in the shrubs. Then he would play in the tree that was next to the patio...then he started to go a little farther and play on the grape vines. He got bigger and braver as time went by. Every evening I would look inside the carrier and he would be snuggled under his blanket sleeping for the night. Sometimes I couldn't find him during the day, but he'd be under his blankie come evening time.
Then one night he didn't come home. I was awake all night going out there with the flashlight hoping to see him under his blanket, but he never came back. We're hoping that he found a nice squirrel hole somewhere and met up with another squirrel. He was ready to be on his own.
The following summer there was a squirrel that kept hanging around the patio and was very brave towards us. I always like to think that it was "Baby Squirrel" coming to say "HI...and Thanks for taking care of me".
At 4:38 PM,
Happy Housewife said…
You have such a kind heart!
At 12:57 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
oh those michigan critters are so fun I so remember them so well.. miss it.
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