Cherokee Rose

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day DAD.......

It's been 29 years since I saw your face and touched your hand and heard your voice. I was always so proud of you. You were the best dad. Even people who knew you say that you were one of a kind. You had integrity. You gave me the best advice before I got married and it has always stuck in my mind and guess what???...I'm still married! You are my rock. You are the 'wind beneath my wings'....everytime I hear that song, I cry cause it makes me think of you. The song "The Way We Were" makes me cry. Cause I remember the way we were....all of, mom, Ron, Me together...the way we were. I miss you so much. I am not complete without you. I dreamt about you the other night. You were so real and I was so happy cause I was with you again. Then I woke up. I know you were reaching out to me cause you feel my pain. I love you so much. I wish we could have spent more time together when I had the chance...when you were here. Before the pain....before the cancer...before the so-called "good Lord" took you away from me. Happy Father's Day....2008


  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    very nice

  • At 2:11 PM, Blogger Happy Housewife said…

    He was so good.
    Even though I had such a short time with him, I have such vivid memories. I guess that's because he was such an important person for me.
    I sure wish he could see my kids...
    they sure would have had a lot of fun with him!
    That's such a great picture of him, just like I remember.

  • At 11:27 PM, Blogger Happy Housewife said…

    oh and what was the advise?

  • At 1:37 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    I'll explain in another blog....

  • At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    awww what a great picture of your father.I heard so much good things about him.I wish I could have met him.U must take after him because u r as wonderful as I heard he was:)


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