Okay....so it was actually YESTERDAY since it is now a ways past midnight, BUT it still feels like Friday the 13th. As usual, I come back from a nice relaxing time in Caseville just to be hit with more everyday SHIT!! Apparently there was another storm here and my neighbor's tree (yes, the same neighbor as before) fell down and crushed my back fence AGAIN!! Jesus holy mother fuckin Christ, how many trees and fences do I have to repair every storm-fuckin season here in crappy Michigan??? And I really doubt if I'm gonna get any compensation from my black-ass fuckin neighbor whose tree it belongs to same as before when his tree fell into our yard and damaged our fence....and he never paid us a fuckin dime ($1500 worth of damage out of our pockets). OH>>>>>HE IS RETIRED AND CAN'T AFFORD IT....BOO-FUCKIN-HOO!!! Listen up bastard!....when ya wanta live in the suburbs, then afford it....otherwise, stay in fuckin DETROIT!!
So anywho....
Hubby and I spent July 4th in Caseville and did fun things like going out to eat....eating ice cream.....drinking beer at the Eagles.....walking down the beach....laying out....doing crossword puzzles....shopping.....
Just having lazy summer days....
My son and his girlfriend came up for a few days but had to leave by July 3 and missed the 4th fireworks. My hubby had to leave by July 9 cause he had to resume his physical therapy by Tuesday. Incidentally, that also happened to be my birthday.....7-09. God, I can't believe I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!
So he leaves and goes home....and I was hoping that maybe my daughter-in-law and the grandkids could come up for the weekend cause I thought my army son's "leave" was cancelled. So my army son called to wish me a Happy Birthday and HE IS HOME!! So I'm all happy cause I'm thinking that they can ALL come up to Caseville with me. Well...nope....they are having a garage sale .....and they need to get rid of stuff and get some money cause he is going to be stationed in his home base in North Carolina and they want to move there....so they need to get rid of stuff. Okay, I understand.
So late Wednesday night my other son and g'friend drive up to Caseville for the night and a day and surprise me. We spent all day Thursday together and they left about 10:00 at night to drive back home cause my son had to be at work by 7:00 in the morning.
So I left Friday (the 13th), and drove straight to army son's house to see him. They even had birthday presents for me!!!!!....the only gifts I got!!...(hubby basically got me shit....okay, he bought me an ice cream cone the night before....yoo-haa)
I got home and went through all the mail...lots of bills...but not even a fuck'n birthday card from ANYONE!!!!......(got one from army son, though, with the presents)
Oh, by the way (BTW), my grandfather's birthday is today....7-13....he died a long time again but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDPA!!
What the hell time is it anyway??.....I'm gonna finish my beer and go to bed.