Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ken's Blog....

I added someone's blog to my page.....HelpingHand4Cancer. His name is Ken and he has cancer. I would type "Ken's Blog", but everyone might think it is my son and it's not....he just happens to have the same name.

I have been reading his blog for some time now. He is a very courageous man. When I even THINK I am having a bad day, I read his blog....and thank God for my health and the health of my family.

He has a photo page with pictures of his cancer stages and pictures of himself and his wife, Patty.

He writes his thoughts on dying.

Anyway, I decided to share his blog with everyone and add it to my list.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Yesterday was a blast from the past! We got to my in-laws about 4 in the afternoon and everything was in full swing. She always has the yard decorated with 50's stuff, and this year she did the back room off the porch with tons of old pictures of the family. We sat out by the road and watched all the old classic cars drive by. My nephew drove the old '68 Mustang that my husband and I rode in when we were married. It's my brother-in-law's car and he takes good care of it after all these years.

So today my youngest son comes over with this car he just bought.....a 1963 Mercury's too bad he didn't have it last night for the cruise. He found it on Craigslist. I would like to drive it up north for Cheeseburger week when they have the car show on the last day. I think he's just going to resell it....for a profit as usual.

Anyway...I talked to my son and they are all moved in to their new place in Fort Bragg, NC. They got a duplex unit.....3 bedrooms, 2 baths. They should be driving back here in a couple weeks with a U-Haul to get their stuff out of the house. I hope it isn't until after Cheeseburger week in Caseville so we can see them again before they make the final move. (The army pays for the move.) They sent me a lot of pictures of their new place. It looks really nice, with big rooms and lots of yard for the kids. The school is only 5 blocks away. Also, there's a pool there! He was just getting ready to take the kids to the pool when he called me. There's a park/play area for the kids nearby and right next to a gym workout place. The army really has it set up nice for families....and it's all paid for!! freakin mortgage payments to worry about.

My son did say that he is scheduled to be deployed in June, 2008.....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I haven't heard anything from my son yet, so I hope they are getting settled okay. I think they were going to have to stay in a motel for awhile until they find housing. Of course, they have no money so not sure how they think they are going to do all this.

I forgot to mention that my son graduated from Airborne school. He said he made 5 parachute jumps. He's now with the 82d Airborne Division in Fort Bragg. Which means he will probably be going to Afghanistan.

Tomorrow I am going to Caseville for a few days. I'll be back by Friday. I need to cut the lawn, water my gardens and bring back some things for a garage sale that my youngest son's girlfriend is going to have at his house in a couple weeks. I have to be back by Friday cause Saturday is the TELEGRAPH CRUISE! My in-laws live behind Telegraph Rd....their back yard faces they have a 50's party and we all get together and watch all the classic cars drive by. The Telegraph Cruise is a smaller scale of the Woodward Cruise. It should be fun. I have a picture of me and Elvis somewhere I'll have to find and post it on my picture blog....or is is me and James Dean??...I don't know...I'll go find it.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Life of a Muggle....

The only main thing I did today was take Lucky to the vet to have his teeth cleaned. I already had Mini Sue done, so today was Lucky's lucky day...haha.

What a wuss! When Mini came home, she was fine....her regular whining, no crying. She was a big girl. Lucky comes home and he's all cuddled up to me in the chair whining, moaning and crying. Poor baby. They told me to start his pain meds in the morning cause he is full of morphine or whatever today...but I felt so bad for him, I gave him one of his pain meds in the evening. He did finally eat some food....with what, I have no idea, cause they extracted NINE TEETH!! least that's how many teeth I counted that they gave back to me (if the tooth fairy comes tonight, I can afford the new Harry Potter book tomorrow!) Anyway, that is nine MORE teeth that are gone, cause he had six teeth extracted 2 years ago.....15 all together now. Well, apparently, he can still eat.

Damn, dental surgery for dogs is expensive. I've spent over $600 on two dogs and they have LESS teeth. Actually, I was thinking that if they took 9 teeth out of his mouth, then wouldn't you think that I would have gotten a discount on the cleaning part since they didn't have to clean as many teeth???!!!!

So did I get my new Harry Potter book tonight???


I drove to Walmart shortly before midnight and they were closed!! I thought they were open 24 hours!!...Hell, they are open all night in freakin small-town Bad Axe, and in fuckin Livonia, they are closed!....and ya woulda thunk they could at least be open TONIGHT!....

So I drive to Borders at Laurel Park Mall and ya gotta have a book reserved, otherwise ya hafta wait til morning. Which was just as well, cause by that time I had to pee and couldn't have stood in the line anyway. So I drove home. No book.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pet Peeve #1

It's hard to believe that some people still live in the dark ages. I was in line at the grocery store today and got behind a freakin CHECK WRITER!!!! Reminds me of that commercial on TV where the line is running along smoothly where everyone uses their debit/credit cards and then some schmoe uses cash and the whole line comes to a complete stop. Actually, cash isn't all that bad....they really should have the schmoe write a check....would make more sense.

Anyways.....this is what peeves me the most. The cashier is ringing up everything and Miss checkwriter stands there. Then cashier gives the total, and only then does Miss checkwriter proceed with the steps needed to pay with a check. First she has to find her freaking checkbook in her purse, dig it out...then spends another minute trying to find a pen (eventually asking cashier if she could use her pen), then proceeds to fill out the check. THEN she has to locate her wallet to find her license...etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

My God, is it so difficult to at least be prepared in advance when knowing you are going to write a check??? Have the check filled out except for the amount while the cashier is ringing up the order at difficult can it be???


Monday, July 16, 2007

Barbeque Day.....

Today was a beautiful day weatherwise so we were able to have a really good barbeque. My son brought over more brats so we had plenty of food. My youngest son came over but his girlfriend had to work so she couldn't make it. I was so disappointed cause I really wanted them to meet her and her meet them.

My son and hubby exchanged army story experiences. Then we had them put their dogtags down on the patio next to each other and we took pictures. Hopefully, they will turn out.

As usual, I didn't take the pictures I wanted to. I always get drinking and talking and forget about the camera. I really wanted to get a picture of my son in his uniform and us, but didn't.

I don't know what's going to happen now. He and the family are driving down to North Carolina and get settled. Then he is hoping to get everyone in a house down there and then get a U-Haul and drive back to get the rest of their things in a couple weeks or so.

So apparently, they will all be living in NC and they will just let the house here go back to the bank. The house they live in now is in such disrepair and unsafe to even live in that it is a total waste of their money to even make the mortgage payments. There has been a basement leaking problem for years and the mold is getting everywhere....totally not good. Besides the fact that the housing market is bad here, they couldn't even get what they owe on it anyway.

The kids had fun. The ice cream guy came by and they got ice cream. I took a pic of Jayden close-up and I'm hoping it doesn't come out blurry...cause he was so cute!

I'm feeling depressed. Everybody is moving away. So maybe I'll see them again when they come back for their things, but then what??....GONE....It's not like I'm gonna be driving to NC once a month to see them. Hell, Pontiac was far enough.

I sure hope things work out for them.....

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I should be in bed....Oh well...

I'm going to type this post and then I'm getting my butt to son and his family are coming over tomorrow for a barbeque. Plus, I invited the other two sons of course and I'm hoping that they can be here, too. So I got lots of food planned to make. Barbequeing chicken and brats, and I made a potato salad and cole slaw and beans and a big fruit salad....and lots of beer and wine and pop for the kiddies.

So lets hope....NO RAIN!!

OHHHHHH, I got birthday cards! I got one from my brother who always remembers late...haha....and I got one from my friend who use to own the condo next to mine in Caseville. She is hoping to come up this summer and see me. I did get to see her at the funeral of another owner that died in April.

I really miss those old condo days. We'd sit out at the pool and talk. Or drive to Port Hope to see her friends. When her dad was alive, he'd sit in front of the condo and read and I'd go bug him...heehee. I have a picture of him in the pool somewhere. Those were happy days.

But she sold her place and I bought the new cottage....and now I spend my days doing yard work....and watching SoapNet at night with my Dish (cause I don't get SoapNet with my cable at home), instead of partying in the condo bar like I use to. It use to be fun.....I use to be fun....

...and life goes on....and eventually ends, so guess we better enjoy what we have when we have it.

Tomorrow we have big party going here....and my little Jayden will be here


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday, the 14th.....

Wow, is it Saturday already???

Today is my bro's birthday....July is a big month in our family:

6th.....(not a birthday, but the day my father-in-law died...age 52)

7th....My daughter-in-law's birthday...(07-07-07)!!!!

9th....My birthday...(777 yrs old...hahahahaha)

11th....My dog, Lucky's birthday (11 years old)

13th....My grandfather's birthday (would be 120 yrs old)

14th....My brother's birthday (??...heehee)

26th....My mother's birthday (would be 82 yrs old)

30th....(not a birthday, but the day my father died...age 52)

August is boring....

Happy Friday the 13th....BOO!.... it was actually YESTERDAY since it is now a ways past midnight, BUT it still feels like Friday the 13th. As usual, I come back from a nice relaxing time in Caseville just to be hit with more everyday SHIT!! Apparently there was another storm here and my neighbor's tree (yes, the same neighbor as before) fell down and crushed my back fence AGAIN!! Jesus holy mother fuckin Christ, how many trees and fences do I have to repair every storm-fuckin season here in crappy Michigan??? And I really doubt if I'm gonna get any compensation from my black-ass fuckin neighbor whose tree it belongs to same as before when his tree fell into our yard and damaged our fence....and he never paid us a fuckin dime ($1500 worth of damage out of our pockets). OH>>>>>HE IS RETIRED AND CAN'T AFFORD IT....BOO-FUCKIN-HOO!!! Listen up bastard!....when ya wanta live in the suburbs, then afford it....otherwise, stay in fuckin DETROIT!!

So anywho....

Hubby and I spent July 4th in Caseville and did fun things like going out to eat....eating ice cream.....drinking beer at the Eagles.....walking down the beach....laying out....doing crossword

Just having lazy summer days....

My son and his girlfriend came up for a few days but had to leave by July 3 and missed the 4th fireworks. My hubby had to leave by July 9 cause he had to resume his physical therapy by Tuesday. Incidentally, that also happened to be my birthday.....7-09. God, I can't believe I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!

So he leaves and goes home....and I was hoping that maybe my daughter-in-law and the grandkids could come up for the weekend cause I thought my army son's "leave" was cancelled. So my army son called to wish me a Happy Birthday and HE IS HOME!! So I'm all happy cause I'm thinking that they can ALL come up to Caseville with me. Well...nope....they are having a garage sale .....and they need to get rid of stuff and get some money cause he is going to be stationed in his home base in North Carolina and they want to move they need to get rid of stuff. Okay, I understand.

So late Wednesday night my other son and g'friend drive up to Caseville for the night and a day and surprise me. We spent all day Thursday together and they left about 10:00 at night to drive back home cause my son had to be at work by 7:00 in the morning.

So I left Friday (the 13th), and drove straight to army son's house to see him. They even had birthday presents for me!!!!!....the only gifts I got!!...(hubby basically got me shit....okay, he bought me an ice cream cone the night before....yoo-haa)

I got home and went through all the mail...lots of bills...but not even a fuck'n birthday card from ANYONE!!!!......(got one from army son, though, with the presents)

Oh, by the way (BTW), my grandfather's birthday is today....7-13....he died a long time again but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDPA!!

What the hell time is it anyway??.....I'm gonna finish my beer and go to bed.

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