Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Case of the Missing Yellow Trash Can

Hubby likes to keep things around....even when they are no longer of any use. I throw it out....he finds some place to put it (cause ya just never know when you might need it one day). I don't like old dirty things...I like to replace old dirty things with nice new clean things. I don't give a rat's ass if the old dirty thing still serves it's function. I don't want old dirty things in my house!...well inanimate object things anyway. I think I'll keep hubby around as long as he bathes once in awhile!

Good Lord, must have been a few years ago, I decided to get rid of the old plastic yellow trash can that sits under our sink. I mean, after awhile, it starts to get to the point where you just can't clean it anymore and yucky stuff sticks to the bottom....old brown dried up banana peels with pieces of old eggshells stuck to it, etc. You know what I mean....I'm sure some of you have something like that sitting under your sink right now. So I go buy a nice new plastic trash can and put it under the sink and threw the old yellow one out the door...into the trash....bye-bye stinky trashcan!

Well, imagine my surprise when one day I notice this pathetic looking trash can sitting on the side of my garage. How the hell did it get there?? Need I ask, I ask myself. Sure enough, hubby thinks there is nothing wrong with it and you can still put stuff in it, like sticks and yard waste or whatever. long as it's not in my house.

So about a year ago when hubby was in the hospital and I was in control of Garbage Day, I took that old stinky, and now it is really stinky with old wet leaves stuck in the bottom, and I put it out with the trash.....AH-HA BYE BYE STINKY YELLOW TRASH CAN! So after the garbage truck leaves in the morning, I go out to put the regular big trash bins back and lo and behold, what do my eyes see?? That damn yellow trash can sitting there (and do I detect a smirky look from it??) WHAT?? Those stupid garbage guys didn't pick it up....they left it there. There was absolutely nothing in it for them to think it was just another trash container and I had it laying down with the garbage. Why the hell did they think I wanted it BACK!!?? So back to the side of the garage it went.

And I forgot about it for awhile....

Then about a month ago I was cleaning the side of the garage and there it laid in the wet muddy grass looking worse than ever. I poured out the rainwater and wet leaves and brought it inside the house where I proceeded to try and clean the damn thing. Not really sure why I was trying to clean it...guess I thought I could at least donate it to charity if I can't get the garbage guys to take it. It was so bad, it had permanent streaks of black marks on it. It was badddddd!

So I did what I had to do. I dried it off and snuck it upstairs in my room and hid it.....hubby totally unaware. Then when I had a chance, I got a pair of strong scissors and slowly cut that stinky yellow trash can into a dozen or so pieces. That plastic is hard but rubbery....took awhile but I got it all nice and cut up. Then I put all the pieces into a bag and stored it in my closet. Then the next time I went to Caseville, I snuck the bag into my jeep and off to Caseville it went.

And guess what I did with it once I got it to Caseville? That's right, I PUT IT IN THE GARBAGE! And the Caseville Garbage collectors picked it up and it's GONE GONE GONE from my life!!!!!

I'm sure hubby is still scratching his head wondering where the hell did that 'nice still-funtional' plastic yellow trash can went to. Did someone steal it??...How can it just disappear??? He hasn't asked me....cause he doesn't want to know.

I admit, every once in awhile I sneak a peek at the side of the garage just to make sure it hasn't come back. I mean...stinky trash cans are like matter where you take them to get rid of them, they always find their way home.


  • At 6:35 PM, Blogger witlady said…

    I hear you, I threw out a old broom a week ago, and I see it back into the garage. Joe does it to me all the time. I have learned to make sure that everything is in a black trash bag, tied up triple knots. Or I take it to a friends house and she will throw it out with her trash for me. do you feel like cutting up a broom in small pieces. hahaha hehehehe, lol

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger Judy said…

    Good job!!!


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