Cherokee Rose

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another Time...Another World

A long long time ago there was a young maiden girl who at the tender age of 14 met a young, yet older, man of 20. He looked at her and knew she was the girl for him. She was flattered and quite taken with this man and also fell in love with him. During their brief courtship, she found herself 'with child' as they say. Far, far too young to be in that situation.....but they loved each other immenselessly. Her parents, although quite devastated I'm sure, understood...but more importantly they understood that this young man better marry their daughter! They married and at the tender age of 15, she became a mother for the first time. They had a little girl who they named after her. Then she became pregnate again shortly after and had another little girl.

The man found himself now to be not only a husband but also a father. He knew and understood the responsibilities....and he accepted them. He worked hard providing for his family. Every day he went to work in a factory and worked an assembly line.....every day.

She stayed home, and while she cooked and cleaned and changed diapers, she watched her friends date and go to proms and graduate from high school. Although there were many times she felt she was missing out on so much, she loved her husband and her family so very much.

The years passed and they had four more children....four sons to carry on the name. Their family was complete....six children. They had an enriching life....beautiful home and children as the man had provided well for his family through the years.

The children grew up and went on with their own lives...marrying and having children of their own. A few of those children went on to have children of their own, creating yet another generation.

There were trials and hardships along the way of their life together, but their love stayed strong and they can look upon their very close-knit family and be proud. Every Christmas ALL the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren spent the day together. It was truly a house blessed with four generations of people....all existing because of the love of one 14 year old girl and a 20 year old man many many years ago.

But this year, there will be one less. The 'young girl of 14' lost her soulmate of 50 years. The man had to leave his precious family. He had been ill. And his time and purpose on this earth had ended. His family will grieve...but the memories they will cherish forever. They will be okay. They are a strong family....and the love is abounding.

This is a true story. People I know. This is how it happened 50 years ago. Unfortunately this is probably not how it would happen nowadays.

In todays world, the 14 year old girl would have an abortion. Her beautiful daughter would have been eliminated and tossed away as trash. The 20 year old man would be arrested and have it hanging over his head the rest of his life. The existence of three more generations of beautiful people would not be. They would simply not even exist.

Unlike today, 50 years ago, people stood up and took responsibility. They didn't look for an easy way out.

And in the end they have been blessed.

As this family gathers to mourn and say good-bye to their patriarch, God will smile down on them....and he will be proud.


  • At 10:28 AM, Blogger Judy said…

    A beautiful story. I am wondering if you are the oldest child of the 14 year old girl and the 20 year old man?

  • At 11:12 PM, Blogger Diane said…

    Oh no.....she is my friend who I've known since second grade and her husband just passed away. I sent her a copy of my little story and she said it touched her heart.

  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    it is a beautiful story,, if only life was that way for everyone... Prayers for her to be at peace and remember the blessed years.

    also I saw the story on teh news of the 7 year old boy driving his step dad's car 70 miles an hour to go see his bio father,, it was in Caseville,,,, did you hear about it?

  • At 12:09 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    Jaye...That all happened on Monday, the day I left for home. But I didn't drive through town til noon so I didn't see him myself, but my friend told me. His dad lives in Filion outside of Bad Axe. Not sure why he was driving through caseville. Weird!!


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