Grrrrrrrrrrr.....Just grittin' my teeth....
My son's fiance's shower was suppose to have been today. But due to some health issues with the bride-to-be's mother, she decided to postpone it for a later date....probably a good idea. I have no idea how many people they had to make phone calls to. I don't get that involved with bridal showers. There was nobody I was inviting so I didn't have to make last minute phone calls.
And they also decided to postpone the wedding as well. I'm not too happy about the date, but then again I wasn't very happy with the original date either. See, there are three...3 main big weekends in Caseville where we spend most of our time basically from May to September. There's Memorial weekend because it's the first real big holiday summer weekend and Caseville always has a city-wide garage sale in town and through the township, basically all the way down M-25 to Port Austin. And I like to have a garage sale at that time at least every other year, and this was the year I was planning on having it. But they decided to have the wedding on Memorial weekend. Fine....I don't have to have the sale...I can wait until next year....I can miss Memorial weekend in big deal....WHATEVER.
So I adjusted to that fact. I bought a nice lavendar springy color dress with long sleeves to wear cause you just can't depend on the weather in May. We've had beautiful warm Memorial weekends and we've also been chilled to the bone. I joined a new gym on a 3-month membership so I can lose a few pounds so the dress will fit more comfortably. Trying to stay away from burgers, fries and beer for a couple months. So I'm thinking that it will be nice to have the wedding the end of May and then I can relax and enjoy the summer and party and drink beer and eat lots of grilled burgers! now they decide to postpone the wedding.
The other two big huge weekends in Caseville are during the mega-huge-biggest damn festival in Michigan called "CHEESEBURGER IN CASEVILLE"!!! It's a 10-day event covering two weekends....probably 100,000 people come into Caseville at one time or another for it. This year is the 13th year and I've never missed a year since the first one. The first few festivals were held for only 4 days but it got so big with so many people that they extended it to 10 days so it would cover two weekends.
And I like to get up there that week before it starts and get down all my Cheeseburger decorations and get my place, inside and out, all decorated with my palm trees and monkeys and flamingoes, etc. And I get out my silly hats and beads, and by the time the first concert starts that Friday night, I'm all excited for the upcoming 10 days of PARTYING!
Well, the wedding is now being planned for the first weekend of the CHEESEBURGER FESTIVAL!
Of course, there were other weekends, but she didn't want to mess up her girlfriend's vacation plans.....or her daughter's vacation plans.....or her parent's plans for the Downriver Cruise they always attend....
...and they didn't want to have it during Fourth of July weekend or Labor Day weekend. I had suggested Labor Day weekend cause the summer is basically over anyway and I'm thinking.."Memorial weekend, Monday off for everybody".."Labor Day weekend, Monday off for everybody"...what's the diff?? See, they want to have the wedding on a Sunday to get a cheaper rate. But for some reason the 4th and Labor Day weekends are not an option.
So basically the only other two weekends to choose from would be the Telegraph Car Cruise that WE and members of OUR family like to enjoy.....or OUR Cheeseburger vacation weekend in Caseville...
So now I'll have to diet allllllllllllllllllll fucking partying, no beer, no burgers and wine long island iced teas.........
I'll have to eat salads and eggs and cottage cheese. I wonder what cottage cheese taste like on the grill???? I'll have to eat rice cakes....and yogurt....(sniff-sniff).....
...and it'll probably be 95 degrees and I'll be dying in my long sleeve dress that I already bought....Maybe I'll wear my Cheeseburger hat....
Hell, they've both been married before....why don't they just go to VEGAS!? Send me a postcard.....I can read it while I'm sipping on my margarita sitting at the pool.
And they also decided to postpone the wedding as well. I'm not too happy about the date, but then again I wasn't very happy with the original date either. See, there are three...3 main big weekends in Caseville where we spend most of our time basically from May to September. There's Memorial weekend because it's the first real big holiday summer weekend and Caseville always has a city-wide garage sale in town and through the township, basically all the way down M-25 to Port Austin. And I like to have a garage sale at that time at least every other year, and this was the year I was planning on having it. But they decided to have the wedding on Memorial weekend. Fine....I don't have to have the sale...I can wait until next year....I can miss Memorial weekend in big deal....WHATEVER.
So I adjusted to that fact. I bought a nice lavendar springy color dress with long sleeves to wear cause you just can't depend on the weather in May. We've had beautiful warm Memorial weekends and we've also been chilled to the bone. I joined a new gym on a 3-month membership so I can lose a few pounds so the dress will fit more comfortably. Trying to stay away from burgers, fries and beer for a couple months. So I'm thinking that it will be nice to have the wedding the end of May and then I can relax and enjoy the summer and party and drink beer and eat lots of grilled burgers! now they decide to postpone the wedding.
The other two big huge weekends in Caseville are during the mega-huge-biggest damn festival in Michigan called "CHEESEBURGER IN CASEVILLE"!!! It's a 10-day event covering two weekends....probably 100,000 people come into Caseville at one time or another for it. This year is the 13th year and I've never missed a year since the first one. The first few festivals were held for only 4 days but it got so big with so many people that they extended it to 10 days so it would cover two weekends.
And I like to get up there that week before it starts and get down all my Cheeseburger decorations and get my place, inside and out, all decorated with my palm trees and monkeys and flamingoes, etc. And I get out my silly hats and beads, and by the time the first concert starts that Friday night, I'm all excited for the upcoming 10 days of PARTYING!
Well, the wedding is now being planned for the first weekend of the CHEESEBURGER FESTIVAL!
Of course, there were other weekends, but she didn't want to mess up her girlfriend's vacation plans.....or her daughter's vacation plans.....or her parent's plans for the Downriver Cruise they always attend....
...and they didn't want to have it during Fourth of July weekend or Labor Day weekend. I had suggested Labor Day weekend cause the summer is basically over anyway and I'm thinking.."Memorial weekend, Monday off for everybody".."Labor Day weekend, Monday off for everybody"...what's the diff?? See, they want to have the wedding on a Sunday to get a cheaper rate. But for some reason the 4th and Labor Day weekends are not an option.
So basically the only other two weekends to choose from would be the Telegraph Car Cruise that WE and members of OUR family like to enjoy.....or OUR Cheeseburger vacation weekend in Caseville...
So now I'll have to diet allllllllllllllllllll fucking partying, no beer, no burgers and wine long island iced teas.........
I'll have to eat salads and eggs and cottage cheese. I wonder what cottage cheese taste like on the grill???? I'll have to eat rice cakes....and yogurt....(sniff-sniff).....
...and it'll probably be 95 degrees and I'll be dying in my long sleeve dress that I already bought....Maybe I'll wear my Cheeseburger hat....
Hell, they've both been married before....why don't they just go to VEGAS!? Send me a postcard.....I can read it while I'm sipping on my margarita sitting at the pool.
At 4:55 PM,
Judy said…
Vegas sounds like a good idea to me.
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