Cherokee Rose

Friday, March 11, 2011

You suck Mother Nature!

Dear Mother Nature...

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Hey, we're six days away from ST. PATRICK'S DAY, for God's sake! In only two more days they are having a St. Paddy's Day PARADE!! So why am I still looking at snow all over my car this morning?!!???


Why are you being such a BITCH this winter??


We don't want you here anymore in are not welcome anymore. The beautiful snowflakes falling at Christmas time is so DONE!!!! I don't want to even SEE another snowman in my life!!!!!!

Is Jack Frost with you?......Is he the one really responsible for this?? Well, you can tell him that if I find him, I'm cutting off his snowBALLS, and I have alot of help with me.

Cause I'm not the only one who feels this way.....

We want to see sunshine, and tulips...good lord, my poor tulips buds are struggling to even breathe under that blanket of snow crap you just dumped on them AGAIN....

Hell, I'll even take your crummy rain compared to this bullshit you're still dumping on us.

It's getting old....real old...been there, done that kinda thing. You know what I mean??

We are only NINE....count them, NINE!....days away from what you call Spring..

BRING IT ON....already



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