Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Just working....

I know it's been a little while since I last posted anything, but there hasn't been much to post about.

I've been working a couple days a week and getting use to my new surroundings. Actually, I like my smaller's all I need. I had complained to my boss about the radio/music blasting outside my office, so he must have said something...and now there is no music at all that I can hear. I'm sure that people there now think of me as the "bitch who hates music"....whatever. If I wanted to listen to music, I'd go to a bar.

Of course, down the hall from me is the kitchen/lounge area where there is a TV that sometimes gets a little loud. So I just turn the volume down and go back to my office. I'm now known as the "bitch who hates music AND TV".....

Sorry guys...I can't concentrate with distractions. I do more than just sit around talking on the phone and socializing. I actually do work. I am responsible for the tax returns of people. And there is no room for error when it comes to the IRS!

Maybe they'll find me a nice quiet office down in their basement...LOL


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