Cherokee Rose

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tan healthy-looking body vs skin cancer.....hmmmm

Last week my husband went to the doctor for his 6 month check-up. Apparently, at his last check-up the doctor noticed something on his back that looked a bit suspicious and said that he would keep an eye on it. So this time he decided to freeze it and scrape it off and send it in for a biopsy.

Yesterday the office called and asked for my husband. I told them that he was away until Friday but I could get ahold of him and have him call them. She said that he needed to get back with them as soon as he can. That did not sound good. So then I get hysterical (after I hung up) and yelling curse words and talking to "whoever is in charge of crap like this"..."Don't even go there....don't even think about it!!"

So then I tried to call my husband and my mind went totally blank as to our caseville phone number! I had to look it up! I was very say the least.

Anyway, so I called and left him a message and he got back with me later. He said that the biopsy results had come back "positive" for cancer and he had made an appointment for Monday to have it totally removed surgically or however they do it.

I'm assuming that it's basil cell and that's not bad. It doesn't spread. It should be okay once they get it all out. We'll know more once he talks to the doctor on Monday.

I had the doctor look at my back at my last appointment cause I was worried about a few spots but he said they were nothing. With having a place on the lake, we spend way too much time in the sun, and I rarely use sunscreen. Actually we both use a tanning exhilerator with no sunscreen at all in it. When my son was just up there he got really burnt cause he said that he couldn't find any sunscreen anywhere...! That's cause we don't use it. I think I have a small tube of it in a beach bag somewhere that I use on my face occasionally. I admit that we are both really bad about that. It's a wonder if we both don't end up with severe skin cancer. Especially with my salon tanning as well.

So maybe I should start using some sunscreen....BUT I LOVE MY TAN!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My mini vacation....

My husband just left today for Caseville. He's going up there to cut the grass, and he won't be back until Friday.

I have the house to myself! First time I've had the house to myself since he retired a year and a half ago...

I feel like I'm on vacation!

What will I do? So far, I cleaned the refrigerator....

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cruise weekend...

Saturday was the Telegraph Cruise. We went to my in-laws for a Cruise Party and watched all the old classic cars drive up and down Telegraph Rd. Their backyard backs up to Telegraph so it's a perfect place to party and watch the cars. They always have a party every year and a lot of people show up. This year my husband's cousin and her husband came and we haven't seen them in a long time. Also the widow of a good friend of he and his brother's back in the old days came with pictures. It's always a good time to reminesce with old friends.

My youngest son came with his new girlfriend and her daughter so we got to meet her. My son came with his new car. He sold his Cobra Mustang and bought a black 1999 Corvette. He did this about a month ago and decided to surprise us at the Cruise party. He flew out to Washington DC to buy it. He's had Vettes in the past. I think his last one was black also. So I guess he decided to buy another one.

Sunday I crashed and didn't do much all day.

Today I had to send a package out that I sold off Ebay. I only charged $12 to ship and then some guy from Hawaii buys it! To send it Priority would cost me $25, so it's going to be going the slow-boat way and it should be there in about 2 weeks. God, I hate when people from California or Hawaii buy my's just too expensive to ship. Plus, the box I was going to package it in wasn't big enough, so I had to buy a box for another 4 bucks!

Nothing much to write about. My mindframe has been off. I got stuff to do but no energy to do anything. I have been going to this park near me and walking their walk/bike path, so after we eat I'll get a couple miles in. I went a couple times last week. They have ballgames going's softball and little tykes T-Ball. I got watching the T-ball game and talking with one of the mothers there last Thursday.

Also wanted to add that Saturday was also my mother's birthday. She would have been 83.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My father's advice....

Father's Day I typed a post about my father and how he gave me the best advice before I got married and how it has always stuck in my mind and basically it's why I'm still married after all these years. So what was the advice??, people have asked.

But first let me tell you something my husband thought was funny. When we went over to my parents house to tell them that we were getting married, my father and my soon-to-be-husband took a walk around the back of the property to talk. My husband was a bit nervous cause he figured my dad was going to be questioning him and trying to find out if he was good enough for his daughter, etc. My father looked at him and asked "Are you sure you know what you're doing?!"...."Do you realize how hard she is to live with??!!"...HAHAHA...My husband said he never forgot that conversation and since being married to me he now understands what my father was talking about...haha

Which gets me to the advice my father gave me.

My father was a man of few words. I remember standing by the washing machine/dryer apparently doing some laundry and he came up to me and gave me a hug and simply said one word...."Tolerance". I looked at him a bit puzzled and probably said something to him like "What's that suppose to mean?" and I only remember him saying something like "Just remember....tolerance".

I really had no clue what he was talking about at the time, but I sure figured it out through the many years I've been married. Cause when you think about it, it's really the LACK of tolerance that brings people to divorce. Nobody has any tolerance anymore when it comes to relationships. What you hear nowadays is "he does...blah, blah, blah....and I don't have to tolerate that!", or he/she does this or does that or doesn't do this or that and I DON'T HAVE TO TOLERATE THAT!" Well, guess what? YOU DO!...You do have to tolerate things in any relationship.

My husband will drive me up a wall sometimes, but I hear my father's voice and I simply tolerate it. And my poor husband has had to tolerate so much crap from me all these years. I'm surprised he hasn't divorced me, but he tolerates me I guess. When you look at couples who have been married 50/60 years it isn't because they are so much in love and have such a perfect happy, it's cause they have tolerated crap and gotten through shit and ended up in a somewhat contented marriage with respect and love for each other. Cause you can't help but love a person who can tolerate your shit!

The problem with people today is that nobody thinks they have to tolerate anything anymore. They simply walk away from a relationship/marriage when things get too untolerable and they look for somebody else to fill their fantasy of a perfect marriage...and when they have to tolerate shit from them, then they are just so u-n-h-a-p-p-y that they can hardly stand it and why should they have to TOLERATE THAT!!?? Boo-hoo...Whatever...

Sometimes it's little annoying things you have to tolerate. Sometimes it's big things you have to tolerate. Sometimes you might even have to tolerate almost unforgiveable things. But that's life. People need to take their wedding vows more seriously.....For better or for worse means that you embrace the 'better' and tolerate the 'worse'.

Tolerance has saved my marriage many times over and we're still tolerating each other's crap...haha....but we got it together and that's the main thing. We'll grow older together and even now we look back on stuff and laugh. Cause all it takes is a little tolerance to get through things.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I found the picture. I got to thinking last night about an album that I had made up of pictures for the last New York family reunion that I went to about 3 years ago. So I dug it out of a closet and there it was. I had put the picture in the album to show people what a good-looking couple my parents were!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Family Visits....

I had a great time visiting with my cousin yesterday. She was my dad's cousin and lives right here in Redford not too far from me. We found each other through our geneology researching several years ago. We looked through pictures and she gave me a great picture of my great-grandmother and her family when she was about 20 yrs old or so. That is the family that lived in the house in Niagara Falls where Bill lived and I would go visit.

My great-grandmother is sitting right down in front...Annie Lovell Rood

While I was going through my own pictures to take over with me, I discovered that I simply cannot find the picture of my dad and mom taken shortly after they were married, so it's like their wedding picture. The last time I saw it was with the group of pictures I had taken to the funeral home for the display. I have a picture of the display and it is there. It is an 8"x10" and I don't even remember getting it back. I remember getting a smaller manila envelope with the pictures inside of the smaller pictures and getting a framed one back. So where is my parent's wedding photo??? I have looked everywhere. It is simply gone, and I am so heartsick over this. All I can do is keep looking and hope it is somewhere.

I know that is has been over 4 years since my mother died, but all her pictures are still sitting in this box cause I haven't been able to really go through them yet. I need to make copies of some and get them distributed to various members of the family. I need to do this. But now I can't even find the most important picture! I'm not going to stress myself out over this. I'll deal with these pictures another time....

So anyway, my cousin's daughter has a cottage on a lake only about an hour's drive from me, so I am going to drive out there for the day in a couple weeks and visit and check the area out. I hope it's a nice day and not all Michigany rainy and crappy.

Today is Saturday and I have no clue what I want to do today. I really would like to go to the Detroit Zoo and just walk around and look at the animals, but I doubt if hubby would want to go. Maybe we can just walk around the back yard and look at the birds......


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I hate Storms!!

It's stormin' and rainin' and my computer's actin' weird, but I'm going to try again to type a post tonight. I gave up trying to list anything on Ebay cause it kept screwin' up on me. My computer has been really sloooooowwwww and starting to act like it did when I got so disgusted with it I finally just shut the damn thing down for almost a year. I know, I know...GET A NEW COMPUTER!!

Got back from Caseville yesterday and I'll be here for awhile now. I ain't plannin' on driving back up there until August for the Cheeseburger festival. My hubby is going to drive up and cut the grass in a week or so. I was up there for about 2 weeks. Hubby came home last Saturday and I stayed over the weekend and got everything looking nice, cause my son and his new girlfriend were going to be up there Tues-Thurs. I'm not up to the "meet-the-parents" huggy-kissy-sonicetameetcha" stuff, and I figured they could have a few relaxing days to themselves so I came home. Besides I have things to do here.

I had my birthday while I was in Caseville and we went up to the Eagles for a drink and then to the Fireside Inn for dinner. We also visited my husband's cousin who has a place in Port Austin. His place is right on the water...I am so jealous. Port Austin was having their fireworks that night, but we decided to get out of town while we could (it's a madhouse) and came back to Caseville. We caught the C'Ville fireworks the next night. We went to the Condo and sat on the deck.

At the condo, up above my back door in the corner there is a bird's nest. They build their nest every single year and have their babies. There are two birds that fly around and go nuts when you come out the door. We eventually could see 3 little heads and open mouths. Just before I left, they were all sitting up in the nest. They certainly look old enough to fly now. They are so damn cute! Makes me think of Brinks and cry. (God, I hope she is doing okay in this storm tonight)

Today I had an anxiety attack or whatever it was. Hubby is convinced it is the "new-cheaper-generic" blood pressure pills I am on now. I've been on them for about a week now. I thought maybe it was the coffee, but I checked and it was decaf. Anyway, I'm feeling weird and my ears feel like their plugged or ringing and I feel dizzy and my BP was high. I tried to lay down but I can't...all I can do is pace and take deep breaths and try to relax and keep busy to keep my mind off the fact that "I COULD BE HAVING A FREAKIN' HEART ATTACK"....So I decided to get in the car and go shopping...cause I knew shopping would make me feel better. So I went to Sears and bought stuff....and it worked...cause I felt way better when I got home!

OH!!....My neice had her baby...little Isaiah Jack Henry was born Saturday. You can see pics of him in Happy Housewife'sblog to the right. He is a real cutie, of course! He's got good genes...haha...He was a big baby and she ended up having a C-section.

Okay...I'm off to bed or maybe answer an email...Ciao

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I got Stuff to Sell.......make me an offer....

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Caseville...AGAIN! It seems like I was just up there...oh yeah, I was, and now I'm here and soon I'll be there again, and then I'll be back here again.......

This weekend should be a good weekend for garage sales up there because of the holiday. I should have one, but I think I'd rather GO to the sales than sit around all weekend having one. I do want to have a sale up there though...but on a regular weekend. So I'm taking a ton of stuff for a future garage sale. I got boxes and boxes of stuff and a suitcase full of clothes. I'm just going to store everything up there and one day I'll have a sale and sell all of it and makes tons and tons of money!!

So hubby can't figure out what the hell is in all those boxes. Hubby can't figure out where the hell it all came from. Hubby can't figure out how all the stuff at one point made it from my car to inside the house without him seeing any of it. Hubby can't figure out why the suitcase of clothes is so heavy. Hubby accused me of having something other than clothes in there.

Yesterday I took two large bags of clothes to one of those charity dumpster things, so hubby can't figure out what all can possibly by in the suitcase.

HUBBY: What stuff did you just get rid of yesterday?

ME: What stuff?

HUBBY: The two bags of stuff you took somewhere?

ME: Those were clothes.

HUBBY: And what's in the suitcase?

ME: More clothes...

HUBBY: (quizzical look on face)

ME: (frustrated look on face) The clothes I got rid of yesterday was the crappy stuff. These clothes are the better clothes I want to sell.

HUBBY: Well, if it's the better clothes, then why are you selling them??

ME: Cause it's clothes I either don't like, don't wear anymore, or it don't fit....DUH??

HUBBY: (Walks away with a confused look on face)

I told him that I have lots more stuff to sell but I have to get it boxed up and I'll take it up another time. Basically, I absolutely HATE almost everything in my house. I want to get rid of all of it!! Every single thing....just throw it all out. Cause the problem is that I have too much crap in my house and no reason to even buy anything new. So if I can get rid of it,,,,then I can buy new stuff....right???

Makes sense to me....

A Quote from the great Carlin....

I just read this and want to share. It's a quote from George Carlin from one of his comedy bits....

"God has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.
And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place,
full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish,
where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!!!

But he loves you....He loves you, and he needs money! He always needs money!"

Amen to that George....

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