Pie in my Boot
Something strange is going on. Something really weird. And I cannot for the life of me figure it out. It's just too~too~too WEIRD! Okay, I already said 'weird' but I am stumped for another word.
Let me explain....
I have a pair of black winter boots that are on the floor in the coat closet in my foyer. I brought them down from upstairs awhile ago. I haven't worn them yet this year though because the weather has been so mild. The other day we actually got a little snow. I decided to run up to the gym for awhile and get a workout in. I decided to wear my boots.
I proceeded to put on one of the boots and there was something inside. I reached in and took out a piece of FREAKING PIE CRUST! It was a good inch and a half long and still soft not all hard and crusty like it had been in there for awhile. So I shook out my boot and some crumbs fell out. I proceeded to put the boot on again and still felt something. I was afraid to even put my hand inside at this point so I just shook it harder and ANOTHER PIECE OF PIE CRUST FELL OUT...about an inch long.
(I opted to wear shoes)
Yes...I had a cherry pie in the refrigerator. There were some slices gone because hubby had been eating it. I have not eaten any of it, due to the fact that I am on my winter diet.
I wanted to ask hubby if he had put the pie crust inside my boot....but how absurd would that be??? He was in the family room when the pie crust kept falling out of my boot and he just had a puzzled look on his face. I asked him how on earth did pie crust get in my boot....and he just shrugged and basically said he had no clue.
Had he been eating any of the pie?.....Yes
What did he do with the crust?......(Shrug)
Okay-------I'm going out on a limb here. I'm going to 'assume' that he didn't eat the crust and instead of putting it down the garbage disposal, he put it in the trash that is under the sink.
So...If I didn't put the pie crust in my boot (Which I didn't!!!)
And if he didn't put the pie crust in my boot...
And there are only two of us living in the house...
Well, there are the dogs, of course, but trust me, if they had gotten ahold of any pie crust it would have been devoured within minutes.
Okay....so it may or must have been a mouse!
But I'm trying to picture this....
Here's a little mouse climbing into the trash bin under the sink and grabs an inch and a half piece of soft crust and miraculously without it breaking off, he carried it out of the trash bin, jumped down to the floor, and then carried it in his little bitty mouth to wherever he goes to get out from under the sink and then scurried over to the closet and slipped under the door and deposited it inside my boot!!
THEN...he runs back under the sink, climbs into the trash bin again and grabs another piece and proceeded to carry it all the way to the closet to deposit it inside my boot.
Or maybe there were two mice....and they each carried a piece.
I don't know....
There is no other explanation. Cause it's either the mouse theory, or my husband put it there and either: 1.He's nuts and doesn't remember doing it; or 2.He's trying to make me think I'm nuts; or 3.I'm the one that put the pie crust inside my own boot and I AM nuts.
And if the answer isn't any of the above and if a mouse didn't do it, then I have no idea what goes on in this house when we are both away in Caseville. Just really weird!
Let me explain....
I have a pair of black winter boots that are on the floor in the coat closet in my foyer. I brought them down from upstairs awhile ago. I haven't worn them yet this year though because the weather has been so mild. The other day we actually got a little snow. I decided to run up to the gym for awhile and get a workout in. I decided to wear my boots.
I proceeded to put on one of the boots and there was something inside. I reached in and took out a piece of FREAKING PIE CRUST! It was a good inch and a half long and still soft not all hard and crusty like it had been in there for awhile. So I shook out my boot and some crumbs fell out. I proceeded to put the boot on again and still felt something. I was afraid to even put my hand inside at this point so I just shook it harder and ANOTHER PIECE OF PIE CRUST FELL OUT...about an inch long.
(I opted to wear shoes)
Yes...I had a cherry pie in the refrigerator. There were some slices gone because hubby had been eating it. I have not eaten any of it, due to the fact that I am on my winter diet.
I wanted to ask hubby if he had put the pie crust inside my boot....but how absurd would that be??? He was in the family room when the pie crust kept falling out of my boot and he just had a puzzled look on his face. I asked him how on earth did pie crust get in my boot....and he just shrugged and basically said he had no clue.
Had he been eating any of the pie?.....Yes
What did he do with the crust?......(Shrug)
Okay-------I'm going out on a limb here. I'm going to 'assume' that he didn't eat the crust and instead of putting it down the garbage disposal, he put it in the trash that is under the sink.
So...If I didn't put the pie crust in my boot (Which I didn't!!!)
And if he didn't put the pie crust in my boot...
And there are only two of us living in the house...
Well, there are the dogs, of course, but trust me, if they had gotten ahold of any pie crust it would have been devoured within minutes.
Okay....so it may or must have been a mouse!
But I'm trying to picture this....
Here's a little mouse climbing into the trash bin under the sink and grabs an inch and a half piece of soft crust and miraculously without it breaking off, he carried it out of the trash bin, jumped down to the floor, and then carried it in his little bitty mouth to wherever he goes to get out from under the sink and then scurried over to the closet and slipped under the door and deposited it inside my boot!!
THEN...he runs back under the sink, climbs into the trash bin again and grabs another piece and proceeded to carry it all the way to the closet to deposit it inside my boot.
Or maybe there were two mice....and they each carried a piece.
I don't know....
There is no other explanation. Cause it's either the mouse theory, or my husband put it there and either: 1.He's nuts and doesn't remember doing it; or 2.He's trying to make me think I'm nuts; or 3.I'm the one that put the pie crust inside my own boot and I AM nuts.
And if the answer isn't any of the above and if a mouse didn't do it, then I have no idea what goes on in this house when we are both away in Caseville. Just really weird!
At 2:56 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
OR maybe it is your stinking weirdo bird? sorry I am late... been a bit busy these days!
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