Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkeys....Real and Frozen ones

So is everyone ready and prepared for Thanksgiving? It's that time of year when we all stop our daily routines and join our families and reflect on all the reasons we have to be thankful. Right now, I'm just real real thankful that I am NOT a turkey!

There's a turkey farm a few miles from me and everytime I drive past it I see all these hundreds of white turkeys strutting around and playing and feeling free like they don't have a care in the world. I thought about them today and didn't dare drive past cause I know that alot of them will already be missing out in the yard. After Thanksgiving when I drive by, it is barren and free of turkeys. By then they will be nothing more than old dried up carcasses being tossed into people's garbage cans.....


(poor little turkeys)

I don't buy my turkey from that turkey farm. I bought mine from Kroger's and everybody knows that frozen store turkeys aren't real.....they come that way from China or some place....already wrapped up and frozen. So I can cook up and eat my store-bought turkey guilt-free!!

We decided to spend Thanksgiving here at home instead of at the cottage cause I don't want to miss all the great deals that are to be had out there in shopping land on Black Friday and Saturday. I am looking forward to getting all the ads Thursday so I can scour them for the best buys in town. When we are in Caseville I miss all that unless I want to drive 35 minutes to go to Walmart...cause that's about the best you're gonna get there....or I could drive an hour and a half and go to the malls in Saginaw. Nawwwwww.....I'll stay home.

But by Sunday we are gonna hit the road and head to Caseville for awhile. I need to get my mums cut back and next Tuesday is the last yard waste pickup so I have no choice but to get up there. We won't stay long. We can't now anyway...not with these cats that keep hanging around that we now feel responsible for cause their mother just abandon them here with us last summer.


The Cats

These cats are mainly living in our garage right now and I bought a nicer enclosed bed for them but hubby said he can make one out of a cardboard box so I'm going to take the one I bought back. And we even have a heating pad for them in their bed. (No wonder they won't leave!) So when we go to Caseville we have to put out food in one of those big food thingys and hope it lasts them until we get back. So we can't stay that long.

So have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone and happy shopping!!


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