I can't believe it's Tuesday already. Last Saturday night hubby and I went to the Timberwolf bar and met my brother and his friend there to see KT's Alibi, the band that we saw about a month ago. Katie is his friend's daughter and she is a great singer. Her mother also sings at another restaurant close by. We'll have to go there sometime and watch her sing. I've seen her sing before but it's been years. Her daughter is very talented and has this really good band. Anyway, we all got something to eat and then watched the band and danced our butts off. It was loads of fun! Great music....
Sunday I was a bit hungover and slept til noon! Then in the afternoon I went shopping at Sears and bought myself a purse and earrings.
Yesterday my daughter-in-law came over with the kids so we could see them. My son still isn't talking to us and they've been back from North Carolina since the end of March. I've tried a couple times to get together with my DIL but it didn't pan out, and I've been busy up in Caseville most of the summer. So she was finally able to drive over with them yesterday. We were thrilled to death to see them all. I made sloppy joes and I had some halloween things to give them. It was fun! We'll get together more often now I'm sure.
Don't understand what my son's problem is. He's an idiot.....For some reason he is telling his friends that I'm not proud of him or some such crap. What the hell is he talking about?? When he was in the army, I was always telling people how my son is in the army and showing them his picture and everything. And I even got a sign from the recruiters office that read "Home of a Soldier" and put it right in my front yard for all the neighbors to see. Yeah, I wasn't thrilled when he told us that he was going to....1. Quit his 10-year job....2. Give his house of 10 years back to the bank and let it go into foreclosure...and 3. Go into the army with his wife and kids and maybe go to Iraq!!! Yeah, maybe we are bad parents but we really got on his case about that decision. Then he starts skateboarding at the age of 42 and breaks his ankle while he is suppose to be 'a soldier', and then after months of healing he starts skateboarding again!...so yeah, I got on his case about that too....GROW UP!! So I'm the bitch from hell and he wants nothing to do with us now anymore. Whatever...
At least my daughter-in-law likes us and understands and she is going to let us see the kids once in awhile.
Tonight I went over to a friend's house that I haven't seen in almost 6 years and she lives super close to my house. Her parents and my parents were best friends from years and years ago. Her mother was there at her house so I got to visit with both of them. It was a great evening! We had lots of laughs like we always do.....I sure miss the old days. When we were both divorced we would go out partying together....those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.....da da da da...da da da da da da....We were a couple of really hot chicks back in those days!!!..LOL
Sunday I was a bit hungover and slept til noon! Then in the afternoon I went shopping at Sears and bought myself a purse and earrings.
Yesterday my daughter-in-law came over with the kids so we could see them. My son still isn't talking to us and they've been back from North Carolina since the end of March. I've tried a couple times to get together with my DIL but it didn't pan out, and I've been busy up in Caseville most of the summer. So she was finally able to drive over with them yesterday. We were thrilled to death to see them all. I made sloppy joes and I had some halloween things to give them. It was fun! We'll get together more often now I'm sure.
Don't understand what my son's problem is. He's an idiot.....For some reason he is telling his friends that I'm not proud of him or some such crap. What the hell is he talking about?? When he was in the army, I was always telling people how my son is in the army and showing them his picture and everything. And I even got a sign from the recruiters office that read "Home of a Soldier" and put it right in my front yard for all the neighbors to see. Yeah, I wasn't thrilled when he told us that he was going to....1. Quit his 10-year job....2. Give his house of 10 years back to the bank and let it go into foreclosure...and 3. Go into the army with his wife and kids and maybe go to Iraq!!! Yeah, maybe we are bad parents but we really got on his case about that decision. Then he starts skateboarding at the age of 42 and breaks his ankle while he is suppose to be 'a soldier', and then after months of healing he starts skateboarding again!...so yeah, I got on his case about that too....GROW UP!! So I'm the bitch from hell and he wants nothing to do with us now anymore. Whatever...
At least my daughter-in-law likes us and understands and she is going to let us see the kids once in awhile.
Tonight I went over to a friend's house that I haven't seen in almost 6 years and she lives super close to my house. Her parents and my parents were best friends from years and years ago. Her mother was there at her house so I got to visit with both of them. It was a great evening! We had lots of laughs like we always do.....I sure miss the old days. When we were both divorced we would go out partying together....those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.....da da da da...da da da da da da....We were a couple of really hot chicks back in those days!!!..LOL
At 11:12 AM,
michell said…
I had a great time. U can see the kids wheneverr u want. Kids r not gonna miss out on seeing their wondeRful Grandma!
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