DTE mess solved, We Hope....
Finally got all that DTE mess straightened out....we hope. I've been working on getting everything together for that Affidavit we had to fill out and we had to go have my husband's signature notorized and then off to the Detroit office. After sitting for over a 1/2 hour we finally go to speak to someone who actually knew what he was doing. He understood the situation and he said that it was totally unnecessary for us to have to fill out an ID Theft Affidavit and he apologized for it. He called several people on his phone to make sure all the records were straightened out. Apparently, it was DTE who linked the two similar social security numbers together probably 4 years ago when this connection all started and it has been in their system that way ever since. The only difference between the two SS numbers was one number....all the other numbers were identical. You would think that our government would NOT issue SS numbers that similar. And then with the first names being the same, it was confusing. So he took this other guys social security number off our accounts and took my husband's off his.
This better be our last trip down there. Our next bills better be right or we may have to get an attorney.
These two kitties/cats are still around. The other night I heard meowing under the house and the next day there was growling. Some big orange cat came running out and I chased him away. The one kittie was around but I couldn't see the other one. I put out food and still only one. I thought maybe the big cat got him and he was dead under the house. Later in the day, my husband found him sitting up in a bushy tree thing by our garage. Guess he ran up the tree to get away from that big cat and was sitting there all day cause he was too scared to come down. But he came down eventually and now all two kitties are still hanging around. They are both males, so I'm hoping they will go away chasing females eventually. They are still wild and we can't pick them up. The one is a little friendlier and sometimes you can pet it when it's busy eating. But the other scaredy cat one won't let you anywhere near him. Everytime I drive into the driveway I see them run like hell under the house. That's where they were born, and that's where they think home is, I guess. Mama cat is long gone....
That's about all....
This better be our last trip down there. Our next bills better be right or we may have to get an attorney.
These two kitties/cats are still around. The other night I heard meowing under the house and the next day there was growling. Some big orange cat came running out and I chased him away. The one kittie was around but I couldn't see the other one. I put out food and still only one. I thought maybe the big cat got him and he was dead under the house. Later in the day, my husband found him sitting up in a bushy tree thing by our garage. Guess he ran up the tree to get away from that big cat and was sitting there all day cause he was too scared to come down. But he came down eventually and now all two kitties are still hanging around. They are both males, so I'm hoping they will go away chasing females eventually. They are still wild and we can't pick them up. The one is a little friendlier and sometimes you can pet it when it's busy eating. But the other scaredy cat one won't let you anywhere near him. Everytime I drive into the driveway I see them run like hell under the house. That's where they were born, and that's where they think home is, I guess. Mama cat is long gone....
That's about all....
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