Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rotten Apples

Why are husbands such idiots?????

My refrigerator was starting to get a smelly odor the other day and I decided it was best time to clean it out. I always like to get it cleaned out good before Thanksgiving cause of all the leftovers I'll have...I need the room.

So I'm throwing out some stuff and in the fruit bin, I had some apples I had gotten from a produce stand in Caro. There were alot of apples and I went through them and found some of them in not so good-eating condition....basically getting bad or rotten in spots. So I took them out of the fridge. I figured they are still good to give to the squirrels, so I left them on the counter for my husband to do something with them. There were maybe 4-5 apples.

Today I'm putting some groceries away and I see this bag in there. I open it up and there are the rotten apples! What the hell are they doing back in my nice clean refrigerator?? Of course, I knew WHO obviously must have put them in there, so I confronted hubby and asked him why he put the bad apples back in the fridge. I told him he was suppose to give them to the squirrels. I admit I said as much in a somewhat wifey-snotty way and now he isn't talking to me cause he thinks I'm being a bitch. I take rotten food OUT of the refrigerator, and he puts it back in....and I'm the bitch cause I think that's stupid?? Who exactly is the stupid one here...the one taking rotten food out or the one putting it back in???

Anyway, his explanation as to why he put the rotten apples back into the refrigerator was that he doesn't want to give the squirrels all the apples at once, so what else is he suppose to do with them?

Now THAT is a loaded question. If I told him WhAT he could do with those apples, he would be picking apple seeds out of his butt right now!!!!


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