Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tigers and Lions and Bears.....OH MY!

I went to the Detroit Zoo yesterday and had a nice time looking at all the animals and letting them look at me. I must have walked 10 miles it seemed, but then when I got to the end I decided to buy me a big-ass ice cream cone....I know, not too smart....I put all the calories back in that I had just walked off. Oh well...

I was disappointed that there were a few animals I couldn't see cause they just weren't around. I didn't see any bears....I barely caught a glimpse of the gorilla as he was sauntering away out of sight....I didn't see any polar bears swimming....and of course, there are no more elephants to see cause they shipped them off to California where it is much better for them. I guess Winky passed away a couple years ago.

My favorite was the MEERCATS! I think they are just so damn cute!

I thought the cats were gone, but they ARE BAAAAACCCKK....Mama kitty and two of her kittens were around last night. The third little cute one is still missing. Haven't seen them yet today....maybe later. I have no idea where they go when they are not around here. Maybe Mama kitty has another home somewhere.

I've been listening to, watching and reading "The DaVinci Code". I have the audio book in my car CD player and I'm listening to the story....then I was anxious to see it played out so I watched the DVD on TV....and then I bought the book so I'm also reading parts of it. I should be an expert on this movie when I get done! It's an interesting story....although I don't understand what all the controversy was about...I mean, it's a FICTIONAL book. Dan Brown didn't write it as fact. God, some people are stupid. But it's a damn good fictional book. But I admit that there COULD be some truth to it....ya never know!! After all, Christ was human, wasn't he?


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