Blues Festival...??
I just drove back today from Caseville. I am getting really pissed at all the damn road construction between there and's ridiculous. I take a different route to avoid construction and just run into more traffic jams and more construction. I'm afraid it's going to be like that all summer. Every freakin year there is road construction somewhere between here and Caseville....always along my road route.
So anyway....I had some work done in my bathroom at the condo. I had taken the wallpaper down and needed some wall patching and painting done....and a few other minor things. So everything is done now and it looks nice. It will take a bit of getting use to though because it's a darker color than what my walls were before with the lighter wallpaper. The color is called "RoseBisque" it's kinda like a brownish rose or a burnished rose. A very pretty color. I was able to put up my towel rack and this other shelf thing, but I need hubby to put the medicine cabinet back up and the shower curtain. I tried to put the shower curtain back up myself but it's one of those tension rods and when I was trying to turn the rod to tighten it against the wall, it was taking the paint off!!! I had to retouch the spots and just left it. Hubby needs to nail these caps on the wall to slip the rod into.
The Blues Festival was Saturday night so I spent most of the evening at the condo. I was hoping that more owners would have been there but there were only a couple. Usually there are 3-4 different bands. I remember one year the first band was more of a rock band but the rest were bluesy. I was disappointed in the bands this year. They were all more like country rock bands. I didn't hear any Blues, that's for sure. I mean, they were good and nice to listen to, but that's not what it was suppose to be. It's suppose to be a BLUES Festival. There was a tent set up and he was charging $15 a person to get in. Of course, those of us owners who have a place there and even renters who are renting a place don't have to pay. We can sit outside the tent and enjoy the music. But I'm sure that couples who were paying $30 must not have been too happy when they realized that there was no Blues being played. It was basically the same type of music you can hear in any local bar.
Well, I got my yard mowed anyway.....and paid the guy who painted my bathroom. So it wasn't a wasted weekend.
This week I have a dentist appointment.....and a high school annual gathering on Friday and the DownRiver Cruise on Saturday. Then I'll head back up to Caseville by Wednesday for the Fourth of July holiday. My son and his girlfriend and her daughter will be at the condo and he'll get the jetski out. Maybe this time I'll get on it. That thing scares the bejesus out of me.....I don't like fast things on water where I could fall off and sink like a stone to the bottom of the depths of hellish jacket or not....I know I'll sink and besides, I'll get my hair wet!!
The kitties are still around....they come out from under the house every once in awhile to see if the magical bowls of food are out. I was watching them tonight playing. Hubby said that they come out after the sun goes down and play for awhile. I saw the 'papa cat' too. We know he is the papa cause one of the kitties looks just like him. The other two look like 'mama cat'. It's nice that he stops by and checks on his we got the whole family now....mama cat, papa cat and the three little kittens. Damn, I don't know what we are going to do when we all have to be in Caseville for the holiday. Who is going to feed my cats??!!!
So anyway....I had some work done in my bathroom at the condo. I had taken the wallpaper down and needed some wall patching and painting done....and a few other minor things. So everything is done now and it looks nice. It will take a bit of getting use to though because it's a darker color than what my walls were before with the lighter wallpaper. The color is called "RoseBisque" it's kinda like a brownish rose or a burnished rose. A very pretty color. I was able to put up my towel rack and this other shelf thing, but I need hubby to put the medicine cabinet back up and the shower curtain. I tried to put the shower curtain back up myself but it's one of those tension rods and when I was trying to turn the rod to tighten it against the wall, it was taking the paint off!!! I had to retouch the spots and just left it. Hubby needs to nail these caps on the wall to slip the rod into.
The Blues Festival was Saturday night so I spent most of the evening at the condo. I was hoping that more owners would have been there but there were only a couple. Usually there are 3-4 different bands. I remember one year the first band was more of a rock band but the rest were bluesy. I was disappointed in the bands this year. They were all more like country rock bands. I didn't hear any Blues, that's for sure. I mean, they were good and nice to listen to, but that's not what it was suppose to be. It's suppose to be a BLUES Festival. There was a tent set up and he was charging $15 a person to get in. Of course, those of us owners who have a place there and even renters who are renting a place don't have to pay. We can sit outside the tent and enjoy the music. But I'm sure that couples who were paying $30 must not have been too happy when they realized that there was no Blues being played. It was basically the same type of music you can hear in any local bar.
Well, I got my yard mowed anyway.....and paid the guy who painted my bathroom. So it wasn't a wasted weekend.
This week I have a dentist appointment.....and a high school annual gathering on Friday and the DownRiver Cruise on Saturday. Then I'll head back up to Caseville by Wednesday for the Fourth of July holiday. My son and his girlfriend and her daughter will be at the condo and he'll get the jetski out. Maybe this time I'll get on it. That thing scares the bejesus out of me.....I don't like fast things on water where I could fall off and sink like a stone to the bottom of the depths of hellish jacket or not....I know I'll sink and besides, I'll get my hair wet!!
The kitties are still around....they come out from under the house every once in awhile to see if the magical bowls of food are out. I was watching them tonight playing. Hubby said that they come out after the sun goes down and play for awhile. I saw the 'papa cat' too. We know he is the papa cause one of the kitties looks just like him. The other two look like 'mama cat'. It's nice that he stops by and checks on his we got the whole family now....mama cat, papa cat and the three little kittens. Damn, I don't know what we are going to do when we all have to be in Caseville for the holiday. Who is going to feed my cats??!!!
At 3:22 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
yep YOUR cats!!! hope it is nice out there now we have hit our daily 100's so I already have had ENOUGH OF IT! hAVE A GOOD WEEKEND I AM WORKING IT.
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